MHammer113's Blog

Does competition breed innovation? We’re about to find out
Posted on January 24, 2023 at 10:53 PM.
Almost two decades later, it is arguable that this decline in competition has led to mediocre products we now see on the market. Technology has rapidly increased, but have the products? What incentive do they have anyway? Maybe now as we enter 2023, we are about to find out.
Across the major sports in America specifically, here’s we stand in 2023 compared to 2004. (Sim Only)
2004 -
Madden (NFL)
NFL Gameday (NFL)
Tiger Woods (PGA TOUR)
NBA Live (NBA)
NCAA Basketball (NCAAB)
ESPN College Hoops (NCAAB)
NCAA Football (NCAAF)
MVP Baseball (MLB)
All-Star Baseball (MLB)
2023 -
Madden (NFL)
MLB The Show (MLB)
As you can see, the difference in AAA titles is staggering and if other sports or arcade style games had been included, we’d be talking about a larger disparity between 04 and 23. With these titles fighting for supremacy within the space, we constantly saw the envelope being pushed. This however changed over time which has led to recent boiling points of many gamers.
My opinion is that their frustration is unquestionably warranted. From Maddens inability to innovate franchise mode (or even get it to work) to MLB The Shows lack of next gen feel to NBA 2Ks focus on micro transactions, all three titles know their is zero competition in their space, thus allowing them to coast to mediocre products. This however is about to change.
As swing into 2023, no pun intended, our first glimpse at competition will come with Golf. It’s hard to imagine that Golf, which ironically had no competition in 2004, will be the first tested in 2023. EA’s most recent trailer for Road to the Masters PGA TOUR 23 looks to be graphically surperior to 2Ks rendition to the PGA TOUR. Not only that, but it features all the Majors and a robust career mode that 2K lacks. Within hours of EAs trailer, 2Ks official PGA TOUR account took to Twitter and responded to dozens of questions. Many of their answers seemingly meant to help keep their base engaged and new potential buyers interested with the promise to continue making their current game better. This wasn’t a coincidence. 2K is undoubtably threatened by EAs game, especially considering they have been on a two year release cycle which would mean EA could release two new games before 2Ks next installment, something that surely must make them feel uneasy. These two games will have features that the other does not, EA has Augusta/2K a course designer, and this will push both games to put their best foot forward in the future to help drive sales.
Moving away from golf, we are about to finally see another football product besides Madden. First starting with the NFL, it is likely that 2K will release a non-sim football game in 2023 and despite it not being direct competition to Maddens “simulation”, this will pressure Madden to innovate, especially since the NFLs exclusive license is set to end in 2026-27. Football will also see the inclusion of NCAA Football in 2024, and even though it will be another EA product, I do suspect two teams working on football products within EA should lead to better products. I also could see internal competition within EA as a source of innovation.
These examples above are very specific and beyond these titles there is much speculation of what is to come within sports gaming. Will EA dip their toes in the MLB? Will EA ever produce another version of NBA Live? Will anyone take on other college sports games? There are plenty of questions to be answered in the coming years, but one we will soon know the answer to, is whether or not competition will help breed innovation. As an avid golf fan, I am excited to see this begin in March with EAs new golf title and very hopeful these games help drive exclusive licensing back out the door and the days of 20 years ago.
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