MHammer113's Blog
In my opinion sports games are in need of next generation graphics and not other innovations mentioned in the article. In order for sports games to make that next leap they are in need of new collision systems and realistic movements. No more skating football players and poor AI. New engines for these games are unlikely to come out until the new systems so until then its likely all our favorite sports games will remain almost identical to how they are now with minor improvements. Just wondering what everyone else is thinking on the subject?
# 1
wat3 @ Jan 5
Backbreaker came out with a physics engine. Why cant EA who has a trillion times more money than probably any other gaming company come out with some kind of physics engine for Madden? I think it's laziness and the lack of devolopers to do it. I really doubt they're all waiting around saying "Alright guys. PS4 and XBOX720 is out. Time to get to work." We wont see a change in sports games till we as the consumer decide when to draw the line on forking out the cash to buy these games. Till then we will all have to settle for recycled sports games year after year. As long as these companys make enough cash to not have to make any drastic changes than why would they even consider doing overhuals on any game? It's not like we dont pay enough money for games as it it.
# 2
MHammer113 @ Jan 5
Wat you're unfortunately correct on everything. Competition may be the only way for improvement.
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