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EA vs. 2kSports is it really even a question? 
Posted on January 19, 2011 at 01:23 AM.
For years I have been playing sports games and for the past few I have found my self entangled in this web of trying to figure out whether or not 2k or EA were putting out their best efforts and which company actually has actually done the best job. Everyone has their opinions and this is why this website is so great because we all tell these companies how we really feel. In my opinion the argument of which of these two companies has done a more admorable job is simple just consider these thoughts.

1. The football game of the decade probably belongs to NFL 2k5. Six years ago this title came out yet people still talk about this game. Sure Madden has had some good years, but do any of their titles really stick out? EA could have kept 2k from ever coming back by blowing us away but instead chose to sit on their hands and release mediocre titles and now 2k could be back on the prowl. EA you better hope they just do the NFL because if they embark on NCAA Football your throne in that category could be taken VERY quickly.

2. College Hoops 2k8 and NBA 2k11 respectively take the crown when talking about basketball. EA lost all my respect when they release NCAA Basketball 10 last year knowing it had bugs and refused to fix it. If I knew a way to sue them for this I would do it. It is just shameful what they did. Plus the game sucked. Another game that seems to never die in College Hoops 2k8. This game has probably consumed thousands of hours of my life and continues to do so. I just dont understand how EA cant release something even comparable. And apparently they have thrown in the towel on this one because NBA 2k11 blew all NBA Lives out of the water and never gave it a chance. NBA 2k11 was so good it could have been the real reason EA mysteriously dropped Elite.

3. Tiger Woods PGA Tour Golf...really? This game should be cancelled. I am an avid golfer always been my best sport I play in college and I am obsessed with golf. And to this day I still play Links 2003 every single day. This is not a 2k product, but with TW PGA ruling the consoles why could they have not made this a respectable game that could beat a game that came out for the computer in 2002. Just go check the graphics and customizing in Links 2003 if you dont believe me but it blows away any of the TW games and oh by the way its realistic which took TW until last year to figure out. Yeah this year they have Augusta. Whoopty freakin doo go on and see what Mike Jones a designer for Links did with Augusta five years ago and has continued to update. You could take pictures from his course put them up against Augusta and see no difference.

Come back to me in a few months if EA produces anything looking like this. And by the way this game was made in 2002. Oh wait I already said that. AMAZING.

4. I think one of the things I respect about EA is there ability to create games other wont dare to do. College Baseball in the past, FIFA, Nascar, and Fighting games although I dont play them, and Arena Football, but sometimes I wonder why they dont just narrow themselves and make the big games even better. Out of all those titles only a few have survived and only two I recall getting solid scores in ratings. One would be FIFA which is a phenomenal game and should obviously continue and NASCAR which is supposingly making a comeback but lets face it will most likely die again because of its popularity at least in my opinion. 2k on the other hand has maybe shrunk their production too much and in the wrong spots. Bring back College Hoops and dump hockey. EA has got you in hockey lets face it but College Hoops could soar next year after what they did with NBA 2k11.

In conclusion I hope both companies improve in the future because it will be great to play great games. Maybe both companies will expand their resources and reduce their poor products.
# 1 Gramps91 @ Jan 19
In other words 2k FTW! I wish they would make another college hoops
# 2 Tsuki @ Jan 19
EA seems lost in translation...year after year they seem to be leaning away from gameplay and simulation and more towards quick fan fixes at least with madden
# 3 gilla @ Jan 19
EA seems to hype up new things added to games, but they never mention the stuff that worked fine before that is screwed up because of the new `sparkly`features. NCAA Football and FIFA are the only things I bother looking to EA for anymore. NHL 2k10 was perhaps the most under rated game of the past 10 years because nhl 10 had so much hype, but the dynasty mode was spectacular and right up there with MLB the show, NCAA football and NBA 2k11 dynasty
# 4 videlsports @ Jan 20
I agree with all points especially pt 1. I have been saying this for years and now that The Ncaa contract is over with ea as of the last bowl game 2010, @k needs to get with the CLC and make a deal... this needs to happen. 2k sports hands down. Don't forget EA tried to even nudge in on their Tennis but failed..
# 5 druez @ Jan 20
Very well written. EA Sports FIFA is a real nice game, but they still could learn alot on how to do the "my player" mode better. NBA2k11 just has the best single player (superstar, myplayer mode etc... in any game every made) I will say EA has done a great job with the 11 v 11 soccer experience and the 6 on 6 hockey experiences.

Overall, I wish the two would just combine their ideas and make the ultimate game. I know this will never happen, but nothing wrong with wishing.
# 6 DaReapa @ Jan 20
Nice read. If there's anything I can give EA Sports props for this gen, outside of NHL, is their Fight Night series.
# 7 Eski33 @ Jan 20
I think not acknowledging NCAA 11 as a stellar football title is criminal. NCAA 11 is a great football game. As far as 2K5 goes, the only reason people still talk about it has little to do with gameplay. 2K5 is best remembered for its stellar presentation and additions to help replay value (notably, The Crib).

I also find it somewhat bias to pick some of EA's worst offerings. NBA Live 10 was a solid game where NBA 2K10 was awful. What about baseball? EA cannot create baseball games but 2K has done nothing but destroy the MLB brand. Although NCAA COllege Basketball 10 was terrible (greatly disappointed), it is hard to ignore the fact that EA added two different broadcast teams, which is a first. Yes, I will say that has zero to do with gameplay but EA demonstrated that it can be done.

You also failed to mention the Fight Night series which has been nothing less than solid compared to Don King's Garbage Boxing....What about the NHL series? Another sport where 2K has failed miserably (however, the zamboni mini-game is awesome).

Not trying to bash 2K because I love 2K. They have done so much in regards to innovation and bring great presentation to sports games.

Instead of creating a "vs" scenario, gamers should want both to offer us the best that they have. Competition is good for us regardless of which "side" we like best....
# 8 MHammer113 @ Jan 20
Eski33 - I think you have brought up some very legitimate points. NBA Live 10 was a decent game, but unlike many people I actually like MLB 2k10 and because I do not have a PS3 I never get to play The Show.

I think in the end everything on this topic is very opinionated and it makes a never ending debate. What would be nice is these companies putting their best effort forward.
# 9 videlsports @ Jan 20
I like the NHL Hockey from 2k.. I love the shot stick, it makes perfect sense, and i love the Directional passing& Shooting.
# 10 Eski33 @ Jan 20
@MHammer...I agree...In my personal opinion, I think the demise of some of the best sports franchises was initiated with the exclusive licenses.

I know many people blame EA when it comes to the NFL exclusivity but all they did was outbid the other publishers. The NFL was the entity that wanted to control its license by having it exclusive.

All sports games are better served with competition. And what is real sad is that we gamers are left with no college hoops game.

Let's hope that the exclusive licenses go by the wayside and we can see the best of both worlds once again....
# 11 coke hogan @ Jan 21
it was not only the presentation of 2k5 but the gameplay as well.

tapping A to break tackles- which madden adopted later.
the control scheme staying the same on off/def- which madden adopted later.
running back moves on the right analog- which madden adopted later.
2 player gang tackle- which madden adopted later.
qb evade- which madden adopted later.
click stick- which madden adopted or stole later(hit stick)
footplanting- which madden adopted later.

seems to me 2k5 had alot of on the field depth as well as presentation.

hell even weekly prep which allowed u to pick how u want to rehab a player, or gain or lose weight.

being able 2 persuade someone not to retire(which has 2 b paid for in madden).

not to sound rude but i get tired of people saying that 2k5 was all presentation.

i still play it and trust me it's not because of presentation but because of it's gameplay.
# 12 bigsmallwood @ Jan 21
2Ksports just puts in a ton more effort and it shows in the quality of their games. Whether its NFL 2K5 which is great in gameplay AND presentational aspects or NBA 2K11 which is just the greatest all around basketball game to date.

EA needs to step it up in an effort to compete other than buying licenses...and I know they have the talent to do it, it just needs to be done.
# 13 sithlord06 @ Jan 21
Just imagine if 2K sports could make a College B Ball game and football game on the same level that they made NBA 2K11? This would be a HUGE dent in EA's mantle in sports...they have two titles saving their butts, thats Madden (license) and FIFA, thats it. Its gonna be scary when 2K jumps into the mix and get a college license to do games, they have a better grasp of real gaming and physics. If they had a license to do NFL gaming, it would be a wrap. I couldnt agree more with the comments about the control scheme of NFL2k5, it was light years ahead of Madden.
# 14 MHammer113 @ Jan 21
Ya know I was thinking today about a lot of the things being posted here and I relaized both companies have had some misfortunes and have used their own success to screw themseleves. Think about these following examples as hangovers for these companies or a lag in their next great title.

MVP Baseball 05 was one of the best baseball games ever and has not been able to be made again : MISFORTUNE

NFL 2k5 being one of the best games ever made period and then never made again : MISFORTUNE

College Hoops 2k8 the deepest sports game to date besides maybe NBA 2k11 but has not been made again : MISFORTUNE

Madden 2010 one of the better football games produced especially on next gen consoles, followed up by a mediocre upgraded rosters version in 2011 : LAG

NHL 2008 kicked off the big boom in their hockey games, but since then what big has really changed or made this game that much more appealing : LAG

MLB 2k series has been basically a bust since its existence except I did enjoy this years game : LAG

Tiger Woods series had a big boom i believe with its 05 release and since then has done minor things to improve : LAG

NCAA Football 10 and NBA 2k11 are very good and well see if things continue.

I guess my point is it seems like some of the best sports games we have seen in the past MVP, College Hoops, and NFL 2k5 never got a chance to continue and thats a shame, while others who have had the oppurtunity to follow up with a big time effort seem to use the success of their last title to sell their new one. Hopefully EA and 2k will not do that will NCAA Football and NBA 2k11 next year.
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