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Replays, replays, replays! 
Posted on August 22, 2012 at 12:28 AM.
I did a similiar blog entry last year and it seems like most people agree with me; replays in basketball games should evolve to broadcast standards.

I still don't understand why we get replays right after a cool dunk when 2K, and EA, strive towards making the game look like an actual broadcast.

EA had a cool thing in Live 10 where they showed a replay before a free throw even if the ball didn't go in. That's something I'd like to see more of.

This is a list of replay enhancements I'd like to see, hopefully as soon as 2K13 or Live 13:

1. Replays should be shown between free throws and dead balls, not directly after a dunk. Having the commentators saying "Let's go back to Lebron's slam that happened a minute ago" after several possessions in between a free throw or a dead ball would really make you want to see the replay of it instead of just gratifying you immediately.

2. Replays of fouls even if it wasn't an and one. That would just be cool to see, especially when playing with friends so you can debate the call.

3. REPLAYS OF BLOCKS! Why not! You make a great block that goes into the third row and you get a replay of it with the commentators commentating on the block.

4. Replays of a nice move culminating in a layup: we don't need to see just dunks. Breaking someone's ankles and going in for a layup can be just as pretty!

I think we've evolved past the point where we instantly need to see a replay of a dunk right after it's been made. Give us a true broadcast feel and show us the replays on dead ball situations!
# 1 Toaster @ Aug 22

# 2 chris63 @ Aug 22
great stuff dude! 2K you gotta see this!
# 3 chris63 @ Aug 22
ALSO replays after the time-outs finish would be great as well.
# 4 JerzeyReign @ Aug 22
Agree and shared with Twitter!
# 5 aloncho11 @ Aug 22
Agree. I would add replays of passes, rebounds and hustle plays too!
# 6 jersez @ Aug 22
Great post, I agree. I think they should do a little montage of the big stars, when you watch tv, and It's Lebron vs Kevin Durant or Kobe. They usually make a small montage of both players, and give a summary of how the match up has played out.
# 7 eko718 @ Aug 22
Good suggestions, you should point that out to the devs. That would add a realistic element to the game.
# 8 AllStarDaDon @ Sep 24
Good suggestions man. I agree with everything you said.
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