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Kolbe's Chalkboard
kennyacid is offline
# 47
kennyacid @ Jul 24, 2012
So you leave Sony/MLB which is great game to go to EA/Madden which is looking better then ever this year. Seams like greatness follows you lol
pay26 is offline
# 46
pay26 @ Jan 25, 2011
hi Koibe

I just wanted to comment on mets helmet is blue with black and the rockies is black and purple to make it look more realistic the game otherwise excellent work

one more thing when the game is to umpire should wear rain jacket and fans all hope is also March 8 to buy the game greetings from mexico
42 is offline
# 45
42 @ Dec 6, 2009
Happy Birthday Kolbe!
Artful Dodger is offline
# 44
Artful Dodger @ Jul 2, 2009
I'd been in a deep funk ever since my beloved All-Star Baseball disappeared when Acclaim did and had resigned myself to never having that kind of wonderful baseball game again. But you guys have filled the void and then some. One last thought -- ASBB had the option of the camera resorting to the fielder's POV (ALL fielders) when the ball was hit. You'd even look up to see the flyball coming down. It was a pretty great feature. There's a bit of that, obviously, in the RTTS version. Any chance of adding something like that to the regular game? Anyway, thanks again for producing this wonderful, wonderful game. I am forever indebted.
Artful Dodger is offline
# 43
Artful Dodger @ Jul 2, 2009
The frustration for me, I think, is that I expect good results to be rewarded and could not accept the notion that an MVP caliber season would be greeted with an offer to play at AAA. I've been playing at the All-Star level and am about to play at the next level after I accumulate as many points as I can in Spring Training. I'm curious -- do you get more points for achievements at the higher levels or is it the same? Anyway, thanks again for bringing so much enjoyment and pleasure to my life with this game. MORE
Artful Dodger is offline
# 42
Artful Dodger @ Jul 2, 2009
Kolbe, for some reason my thread on the RTTS promotion was closed. I don't know how that works. In any case, I really appreciated you responding to my post and explaining the difficulties of programming AI. In truth, I'm embarrassed to admit the complexity of that never even occurred to me. I think you guys have made just such a gut-wrenchingly beautiful and playable game that my thought process was, "Of course, this must be easy to fix." But you're right. I can't even fathom all the complexities that must go in to making all those programming decisions. Bottom line, I'm so giddy with being able to play my way from the minors to the majors with a strikingly realistic avatar of myself, that I'm past the point of addiction to this game. MORE
Kolbe is offline
# 41
Kolbe @ Mar 13, 2009
I have how idea wsu - I know nothing about animations and am not at work for the next couple weeks.
Scooter3 is offline
# 40
Scooter3 @ Mar 6, 2009
This is a wonderful Baseball game. I wouldn't trade this game for any game ever made thanks for all your hard work.

I have to tell you I'm having problems with the players numbers. When ever I edit a player theres a 50% chance I won't get the number I pick.

I do have a request for 2010 can you add Denny and Dutch to your name database?
One more request can you free up all the players editable numbers including all the retired numbers and make them stable?

ClarkWGrizwold is offline
# 39
ClarkWGrizwold @ Mar 6, 2009
Great Game but the only problem is that when pitching from the pitcher/outfield view the pitchers are way smaller than the hitters/catch/ump. Try pitching with John Maine from either view he looks like a high school freshman against the pros
Kolbe is offline
# 38
Kolbe @ Feb 12, 2009
No, the PS2 will never have in game saves.
DJ is offline
# 37
DJ @ Feb 12, 2009
First, thanks for yours and everyone at SCEA's hard work on this amazing game. Second, I have a quick question that I'm struggling to find an aswer for:

I don't have a PS3, but do have a PS2; will the PS2 version have in-game saves for season/franchise?
Steve_OS is offline
 # 36
Steve_OS commenting on Dodger Stadium at dusk. picture @ Feb 7, 2009
Very nice.
Cubfan is offline
# 35
Cubfan @ Feb 4, 2009
Great looking pic of Dodger Stadium. I love the shadows going across first base.
Kolbe is offline
# 34
Kolbe @ Feb 4, 2009
Thew up a new image just for us Dodger fans! Enjoy.
Kolbe is offline
# 33
Kolbe @ Feb 3, 2009
Glad you guys are enjoying it!
ty5oke is offline
# 32
ty5oke @ Feb 3, 2009
Amazing work by you and the SCEA team.
bcruise is offline
# 31
bcruise @ Jan 30, 2009
Kolbe, have you made any LBP levels?
NAFBUC is offline
 # 30
NAFBUC commenting on FE001 picture @ Jan 27, 2009
Just noticed this screenshot now. Thanks
Kolbe is offline
# 29
Kolbe @ Jan 26, 2009
I play WoW casually, Resistance 2, LittleBigPlanet - I play a lot of PC shooters very casually as well.
countryboy is offline
# 28
countryboy @ Dec 30, 2008
ok, you're always asked about the Show so I thought that I'd mix it up, but keep it on the topic of games.

Kolbe, what other games are you playing right now(when you have time of course) and what are some of your favorite franchises/games?
Kolbe is offline
# 27
Kolbe @ Dec 29, 2008
I know I've not been around much or answering questions lately... Sorry. My reasons are sound tho! Holidays + working are taking up far too much time!
rudyjuly2 is offline
# 26
rudyjuly2 @ Dec 27, 2008
I REALLY hope the sliders are more exagerated this year and especially the pitch speed slider. I'd like to slow it down some more and it's especially needed to slow down for younger kids that want to play the game. I want to be able to tune the game to pull the ball more, get more walks but still keep my hits down without using guess pitch which I consider unrealistic since it's 100% successful. Guess pitch should never be 100% successful if it's supposed to emulate sitting on a pitch - particularly since the batter and pitch ratings are irrelevant in this process.
Marino is offline
# 25
Marino @ Dec 26, 2008
Kolbe, do you know if the long sleeves at night glitch in franchise is fixed? Last year in every night game all the players(except for a few like Sexson and Dunn) wore long sleeves every night game even in July and August so I am just wondering.
K_GUN is offline
# 24
K_GUN @ Dec 23, 2008

what about sunglasses on the boys this year?
HustlinOwl is offline
# 23
HustlinOwl @ Dec 22, 2008
Are we going to see some brothers behind the plate this year? Minor I know, but would like to see more variety amongst the umpire crew
K_GUN is offline
# 22
K_GUN @ Dec 21, 2008
it is a breathe of fresh air......pure & simple
Marino is offline
# 21
Marino @ Dec 17, 2008
I love you.
green94 is offline
# 20
green94 @ Dec 8, 2008
When do we starting getting info, screens, ANYTHING!

The suspense is killing me!
aukevin is offline
# 19
aukevin @ Dec 6, 2008
Happy birthday! Don't work too hard today!
RAZRr1275 is offline
# 18
RAZRr1275 @ Dec 5, 2008
I heard today's your birthday. Happy B-Day Kolbe!! Thanks for a great 08 the show and hopefully 09 will be even better!
Marino is offline
# 17
Marino @ Dec 5, 2008
You were always my favorite player to use in the Dodgers farm system!
EnigmaNemesis is offline
# 16
EnigmaNemesis @ Dec 1, 2008
It is going to stink so good!
Pared is offline
# 15
Pared @ Nov 25, 2008
Man, this game is going to stink. I know it.
DubTrey1 is offline
# 14
DubTrey1 @ Nov 25, 2008
Props guys. Cannot wait on this years game.!!
RAZRr1275 is offline
# 13
RAZRr1275 @ Nov 24, 2008
Can't wait for some 09 info. I'm still playing 08. You guys make some awesome games
EnigmaNemesis is offline
# 12
EnigmaNemesis @ Nov 22, 2008
Really excited for 09 news! Hope everything is progressing smoothly.
countryboy is offline
 # 11
countryboy commenting on FE001 picture @ Nov 19, 2008
I'm guessing the launch paper brings up either more stories or boxscores or something. The story thats on the screen now has more to it than whats shown. It ends with "his 1st quality start of the" and then there is nothing.
aukevin is offline
# 10
aukevin @ Nov 19, 2008
Really looking forward to The Show 09! Go Braves!
jczar78 is offline
# 9
jczar78 @ Nov 19, 2008
Can't wait to see what you guys have in store for us this year.
green94 is offline
# 8
green94 @ Nov 18, 2008
The only MUST-buy game for me every year.... can't wait for some info to start rolling in! A screen a day up to launch? We can only hope!
bcruise is offline
# 7
bcruise @ Nov 18, 2008
Answer: A little less than a day.
Kolbe is offline
# 6
Kolbe @ Nov 18, 2008
I was sorta wondering the same thing, bcruise...
AlexBrady is offline
# 5
AlexBrady @ Nov 18, 2008
Interesting screen Kolbe.
nemesis04 is offline
# 4
nemesis04 @ Nov 17, 2008
The only reason I was thinking this was because of the launch button. I was thinking of along the lines of a dynasty type set-up.
bcruise is offline
 # 3
bcruise commenting on FE001 picture @ Nov 17, 2008
It looks like the same paper feature as last year, except for one thing - the "Launch Paper" button. I'm guessing that opens up more stories to read, but it's just that - only a guess.

I don't see where you're getting the idea of being able to write our own stories from...
nemesis04 is offline
 # 2
nemesis04 commenting on FE001 picture @ Nov 17, 2008
Pretty interesting screen Kolbe. You can do your own paper write-ups?
bcruise is offline
# 1
bcruise @ Nov 17, 2008
Ah, so I'm NOT the only one watching this little development...

If we didn't say anything, I wonder how long it would take for people to notice.
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