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M16 Auto Subs 
Posted on October 12, 2015 at 05:42 PM.
M16: Auto Subs

QB Sub Out: 35
QB Sub In: 40
RB Sub Out: 90
RB Sub In: 95
WR Sub Out: 30
WR Sub In: 35
FB/TE Sub Out: 35
FB/TE Sub In: 40
OL Sub Out: 35
OL Sub In: 40

DT Sub Out: 80
DT Sub In: 85
DE Sub Out: 80
DE Sub In: 85
LB Sub Out: 45
LB Sub In: 50
CB Sub Out: 30
CB Sub In: 35
S Sub Out: 30
S Sub In: 35

Auto Subs "kind of" work with Fatigue at 75 to get players to rotate in and out. Make sure your Main Menu / Profile settings are as above, along with the settings in CFM. If you back out of the CFM menu into the Main Menu, they will reset to default and won't work AT ALL. I just shut the game off from within CFM.

Unfortunately, you'll get some OL subbing as a trade off against getting some rotation at the other positions, but since that position group never gets injured, it's a way to get some snaps for the backups. In a full season, that happened less than a dozen times, overall.

Fatigue also affects injuries and penalties, so gradually raising it to 70 from my original setting of 55 will help get some more of those things to occur.
# 1 Hilman11 @ Dec 22
Hi King - noticed the QB "in/out" inceased. Would you mind explaining the reasoning for this?
# 2 KingV2k3 @ Dec 23
There's been a theory floating around that higher QB Auto Sub values may make the performances "degrade" a bit over the course of a game, due to fatigue...

I started at 20 /25 and worked my way up to 30 / 30 over the course of a few games...

Still not seeing anything concrete, but at 30 / 35 I have seen some CPU QBs APPEAR to get a little less consistent after a few consecutive hits / sacks/ negative plays...

Might be coincidence...

At any rate, the don't sub out, so it's worth the shot...IMHO...

# 3 JoshC1977 @ Dec 23
King....I'm going 60/80 for autosubs across the is creating some fairly interesting gameplay.
# 4 KingV2k3 @ Dec 24

I will take a look at your thread, to get a look at what fatigue / quarter length / runoff are you using...

Are you seeing crazy OL subs?

How would you describe the effect?

Thanks Josh!
# 5 Josiphos @ Mar 25
Just played an epic game of Madden

So I've been heading for a collision with the Packers for about three seasons now. Just missed them in the playoffs last year, as somehow someone beat them (Seahawks?). Aaron Rodgers set the passing season record last year and is set to beat his own record this year. Packers are a juggernaut. I was thinking it was just passing, but Lacy is averaging over 100 yards a game and they are just DEMOLISHING people. So with that in mind, me my Raiders and the NFLs #1 defense head into Lambeu...

The first 30 minutes, I had to wonder if I set the game to rookie. Packers are fumbling and I'm playing great. Rodgers is playing well, but I manage to stop them in the red zone a few times. They get one field goal and miss another long one. I'm up 17-3 when I kick off and blow up their returner for a scoop fumble score. 24-3 on the road in Lambeau! It's a laugher ! I actually knock Rodgers out of the game for 2 quarters on a viscous hit.

Then I get greedy.

I force them to punt with 56 seconds left. I try and pass to get into field goal range, but their defense comes alive and gets some bad sacks. I have to punt into the wind and they end up with great field take advantage of a completely cheap roughing the passer and defensive PI to move down to my red zone. The backup QB is suddenly playing like Joe Montana and they score on a contested jump ball with no time remaining. 24-10 at the half....and I start to think it's going to be a battle after all.

I get the ball after half and wow, I can do nothing. Their defense seems to have 15 guys on the field. Over the course of about one quarter I lose the following people for multiple week injuries: my stud QB, my #1 CB, my #2 CB, my #1 FS, my #1 WR (I'm not done yet), my #1 HB for 2 quarters, and my #1 TE!!!!! They have also lost Rodgers, a few WRs and some safeties. This game was BRUTAL.

My backup QB is mediocre and starts throwing horribly inaccurate picks. Like the target is wide open, and he sails it 10 yards over to the waiting CB. Misses wide open guys on 3rd down and WRs drop passes that hit them in the hands. All of this and some horrible penalties combine to allow the Packers to storm back and tie the game at 24-24. About 1 quarter left.

The game kind of grinds to a punt fest and time ticks away. I get good field position and manage to grind out a tough tough drive to get a TD, 31-24. But then....Rodgers comes back. Holy unstoppable batman. He goes through me in about 45 seconds for a 80 yd TD drive. I might as well have had no one on the field.

I get the ball and try and grind out the clock and get a field goal to win it, but I can only manage to run off all but 38 seconds before I'm forced to kick a field goal.

38 seconds, no timeouts and Aaron Rodgers....yeah....

He throws and amazing jump ball bomb that his guy somehow catches while on the ground....spikes it, gets a 20 yards sideline route that was impossible to stop and calls a perfect screen pass that I barely manage a tackle at the last minute. They get out of bounds though and kick a field goal with no time left.34-34 overtime....

So I lose the toss and then screw up which way to defend as the stupid wind direction thing is impossible to figure out. Wouldn't matter anyway and Rodgers throws a 40 yards screen pass (damn things are impossible to stop) and then throws a perfect back shoulder throw to a double covered guy in the end zone....unreal.

Let's just say I was exhausted....but it was an epic game. I might have lost both the war and the battle on this one as the after game butchers bill was : one Corner out 6 weeks, the other 5, my stud QB out 4 weeks and my TE out 5.

# 6 Josiphos @ Mar 25
Let's just say I'm hoping The packers make it to the Super Bowl.

I'm itching for a rematch on a neutral field, with all my best players. I feel pretty good losing in overtime at Lambeau missing most of my first team offense and defense. I still think I win that game if I don't get greedy in the first half and I just run out the clock....lesson learned....

Yeah, itching for revenge.
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