KingOfGamesNYC's Blog

Madden Franchise & Online Franchise Improvements -
Posted on May 28, 2012 at 12:03 PM.
By far probably the two most important features that gives madden replay value would be franchise mode and online franchise. The fact that in Madden 12 franchise mode and online franchise were so different was absolutely ridiculous. Both of these modes should show no difference in features and should be treated equal. Features that were in Madden 2005 but haven’t seen the light of day since the old consoles were dominant would have to be the weekly articles. I really feel that the articles that were shown in madden 2005 were one of the many factors that had me play multiple seasons. The fact that you could see who broke a record or on a record breaking win streak, or were on a outrageous win streak really gave it the feel like a news outlet like the daily news or ESPN were following my franchise. Another great feature that was removed was the radio show, now don’t get me wrong it did get a bit repetitive but the fact that the feature was in the game was simply amazing. I remember hearing Ray Lewis and a few other NFL stars getting interviewed.
There are some new features that definitely need to be in the future games of madden and especially since with new hardware and new technology, I would like to see the developer take advantage of the new consoles tech and take madden to a whole new level. Imagine you’re in an online franchise and your best friend is in the super bowl, it would be amazing to have the ability to send a invite to someone as a spectator to watch your games. I would also like to see better use of replays as a whole in franchise mode. Imagine going into your franchise and the first thing you see is a highlight with commentary of a game that took place earlier in the week or even promos advertising games of the week and rivalry games. The ability to have scheduled practices and either give users the ability to integrate their ncaa rookies or give the user the ability to edit the names and ratings of rookies.
Furthermore madden as a whole has done a great job improving on game play and adding new features like madden ultimate team. But I am a franchise junkie. And I really just hope for the day that franchise is what it should be. What do you guys feel should be in the Next generation of madden games.
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I love all of your ideas especially the idea about others watching you play in the Super Bowl. Some might think this was boring, but I would enjoy it. I am a frequent reader of some OD forums and there is some trash talking before User games. I would be fun to be involved in that and have the opportunity to give the play by play or even just to have the opportunity to chat and have the Users see the chat at the bottom of the screen or something. I know this is far out, but I think some people would like this!