Kenny Halt's Blog

- jersey physics:the jerseys are attached to the players like it is skin and stretches and don't look realistic at all and in hockey they are always moving.
- player faces: not every player has to look great but at least attempt to give players close to accurate faces, some faces are copied and pasted, and some players' hair isn't the right color like Arron Asham who has long black hair and is an Inuit has bleach blond hair and has a face that looks like Brooks Orpik (whos face looks nothing like him). Hair needs to be adressed, yes i know it is hard to seperate hair from skin with eyes and such but it has to look better. More create-a-player faces, if there is going to be a bap mode you might as well give them more options.
- coaches: all coaches on the bench, make them look like they do in real life, they aren't even modeled.
- arenas: make them look like they do in real life, the only difference in NHL rinks in NHL 11 is the center ice and colors on the boards.
It should be like in Madden where you run the roster and team but are also the owner
- trading: more accurate values and smarter trading AI it is completely inferior right now it makes no sense.
- prospects: after all the real CHL players and prospects are drafted there aren't many elite prospects after. More leagues for prospects to come from, like some players that were drafted last year aren't in the organization because their league isn't in the game and some of these players are top prospects.
- potential: it needs to be deeper and can be kind of confusing, it should be able change not just because of age, like it can change based on trainers and other things. also it shouldn't start to decrease at such a young age, players as young as 25 start to decrease.
- player salary: the players should make smarter and more realistic decisions on what money they want to make, players like Sidney Crosby most likely would be willing to take less money in order to free up space to acquire better players.
- free agency: the negotiation should be more realistic you should be able to see what other offers the players have received and no more players sitting in free agency for ever because of their ridiculous wants.
- There has to an overall budget(how much you have to spend on the rink ect)
- ability to spend money to upgrade the arena and control sponsors, ticket pricing,promotions,stores, venues, and vendors and consestion stands
- the ability to relocate your team but it has to be approved. you should be able to keep the team name, jerseys, colors, and logos or change them if they want, or if they are being moved back to where they where before to use the jerseys they wore before. create your arena
- hire and fire staff.
- Jersey physics(SEE VISUALS)
- alternate jersey spot for real teams and create-a-team teams
- edit real jerseys(gm/franchise mode)
- more jersey types and logos for create-a-team
- create a logo mode and share online
- Better goalie AI it is ridiculous
- better passing, it is very hard and is easily intercepted by CPU but hard to intercept for user
- regular contact physics: when ever you skate in the back of a player or make contact with him while going around him the players should react accurately rather then getting stuck behind them or bumping off each other like nothing happened
- Winter Classic: (if possible) past classics included or as DLC, 2011 Winter Classic as DLC
- more equipment
- real masks
# 1
Gravyb0y @ May 2
Agree with all of that. Another thing thats been going through my mind is a sort of 'Momentum meter' or Hot/Cold players. It worked in NHL 2K7. Another great idea from that game was the rivalry system. I went 5 full seasons on that game as the Bruins, and by the 4th year, had a very tasty rivalry going with Tampa Bay. Loved it.
# 2
Kenny Halt @ May 2
yeah having a momentum variable would make a lot sense and fatigue would too, and i really liked gaining and establishing rivalries.
# 4
PhillsPhan26 @ May 3
Oh! yeah and playoff beards. Either have the ability to add them or come up with a system as to where when the playoffs start, all players beards grow. That would be phat....
# 5
dannyheck @ May 4
dang dude, would you like real fans in the stands too? You asked for way too much to be implemented in one game. Lets start with the rinks, and go from there.
# 7
Skuidel @ May 4
- Goalie contact
- Teammates contact
- Protect your goalie from the away team could be a nice thing
- Better AI (defense and offense) in offline and online modes
- more puck physic
- Teammates contact
- Protect your goalie from the away team could be a nice thing
- Better AI (defense and offense) in offline and online modes
- more puck physic
# 8
Obliteraider @ May 5
An Online Franchise mode and better aim when shooting would be a great start.The passing accuracy also needs improving.
# 9
Kenny Halt @ May 5
danny, I know it is alot of **** and I know no where near that much could be implicated into the next or game after or the game after ect... these are just things i think would be nice or are necessary
# 10
tabulaRasa @ May 6
Make poke check less effective, and make the reach not exeed the length of the physical stick.
Arenas- Make them real, boardborders have correct color etc. I know most EA fans are oblivious to details like that, but as a former 2K guy and hockey fan, I notice. Make areanas accurate visually.
Dekeing to be less effective in traffic.
Remove the lame the puck from body chk invinciblity. A chk will plow you even if you hold the stick away from a chk.
The collapse, 1-2-2 High, Meat wall at the goal in insanely effective. Make pucks bounce more into the net if people use that ****ty effective move.
NHL 11 is pretty awesome, but still it can be better.
Search database options, Able to search by name, all positions, size, weight, handedness etc
Smartphone ability to change lines , trade etc.
Chemistry should also be able to build if a line is intact in a long time and achieve good +/-.
Be able to save more than one lineup/Team on the same HUT account.
Arenas- Make them real, boardborders have correct color etc. I know most EA fans are oblivious to details like that, but as a former 2K guy and hockey fan, I notice. Make areanas accurate visually.
Dekeing to be less effective in traffic.
Remove the lame the puck from body chk invinciblity. A chk will plow you even if you hold the stick away from a chk.
The collapse, 1-2-2 High, Meat wall at the goal in insanely effective. Make pucks bounce more into the net if people use that ****ty effective move.
NHL 11 is pretty awesome, but still it can be better.
Search database options, Able to search by name, all positions, size, weight, handedness etc
Smartphone ability to change lines , trade etc.
Chemistry should also be able to build if a line is intact in a long time and achieve good +/-.
Be able to save more than one lineup/Team on the same HUT account.
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