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NBA 2K12: It's a wrap Part 1 
Posted on January 14, 2012 at 10:01 PM.
Let me start off by saying the now cliché saying, " I've been a fan of 2K and have played NBA 2K since the Dreamcast days." You know, the days when you were blue to go to the game store and pick up NBA 2K along with NFL 2K, the days when Allen Iverson graced the 2K covers for the first couple of game releases, and the days when another gaming company (who shall remain nameless) still had a stronghold on the NBA video game marketplace.

Now that I've gotten that out of my system, let me just say I've tried and tried to be patient with 2K not just on 2K12 (broken) *but also 2K11 ( before the patch), the atrocities that were 2K10 & 2K9 and 2K8's dunk fest. Somewhere along the road ( not really considering 2K7 was a pretty good game) 2K has lost its "umph". That "OMG" feeling that made you want to wait outside a store for a midnight release or get off of work/out of school so that you could preorder the game. Somewhere between 2K7 and 2K12 the wheels have fallen off of 2K's bandwagon.

Let's be honest 2K12 is a broken game. From the all the freezing issues, to frame rate problems, speed issues, TERRIBLE trade logic in modes, to some of the game modes being UNPLAYABLE because of glitches (*clears throat* "My Player"),and I'm not even going to get started on online because I don't feel like writing a 3 page blog.*I've sworn off of 2K's online because of their INABILITY to get it right, so this blog will be about 2K12's" My Player.

P.S. I didn't appreciate the rookies and Rick Adelman having the black arms ( fixed after patch)

Let's start off by saying, 2K has acknowledged that MP is their most popular mode, and yet it appears to be the most troubled. Now, I know 2k gives you the option of playing default or simulation, but that option won't fix this modes terrible gameplay. Who ever decided that sliders should be disabled in this mode should be reprimanded; seriously, how many times have you seen an NBA game where only 14 fouls were called, and 10 were on one team. All of the shots taken in this mode are "predetermined," meaning as soon as you rise up for a jump shot the game has already determined whether or not the shot will go in, most of the shots don't even look "natural" when they leave a player's hand. So many times I've played lockdown defense on a a smaller PG only to have the ball warp through my CAP's hand and go in. I don't care if my CAP has a low "block" rating, if I get a team down to 3 on the shot clock and they have to throw up a contested shot with a 6'0 PG I expect my 6'7 SG to be able to at least get a deflection, NOT a shot clock beating 3 pointer. Also, what's with the "physic" defense, I've played with a CAP PG and while holding turbo to get from one side of the court to the other, I've had CPU players BACKPEDAL and play GREAT defense, instead of switching defenders or my CAP being wide open smh.*

STEALS, STEALS, and more STEALS. If Elton Brand rips my PG on the perimeter who has 90 ball security, 95 dribble, and 90 hands ratings, I think it's safe to say this mode is broken.*

BLOCKS, BLOCKS, and more BLOCKS. Steve Nash blocking a Dwight Howard DUNK,**YEAH THIS MODE IS BROKEN!!*

Freezes did get better after the patch(not saying much) playing a hard fought 7 game series against Miami only to have the game freeze after winning the championship is a deal breaker. Or how about having the game of your CAP 's life only to have the game freeze to where you have to play that game again and your have a terrible showing. *

Corruption in this mode is a guarantee and not because of anything you'll do personally. For instance, before the patch was released I played MP with the horrible trade logic, once I downloaded the patch my CAP's names started showing as *******'s and the only thing to do once that happens is to delete the file and start over.*

Trade logic, Miami isn't going to trade Bosh and Haslem for Garnett, ENOUGH SAID!!

Finally, the all star glitch where your player will NEVER START AN ALL STAR game, but if you play the game and come off the bench then *go back to play your team's next Reg. Season game, your CAP is back on the bench averaging about 10-15 min a game. The All star glitch has been in MP since 2K10 and that's UNACCEPTABLE.*

Save the best for last right. What's the point of being a league leader, if your CAP gets no love from the commentators. My PG was leading the league in assist and my team played the Celtics and Rondo was 3rd in the league, the commentators mentioned Rondo and acted as if my PG didn't even exist. (problem since 2k10)

I like to refer to this mode as STEALS, SPEED, 3's and F DEFENSE lol.

(If I've missed anything that you think I should have discussed, feel free to leave a comment.)
# 1 AlwaysBased @ Jan 15
Ha... Thats why i dont play 2k12 anymore its SUPER BORING!
# 2 H.S 215allday @ Jan 15
You forgot about how when the shot clock is running down the cpu hits 8 out of 10 shots and 1 more thing i cant understand is why myplayer mid range is a 95 and i miss 12 out of 17...dont get me wrong i know im not gonna hit ever shot but when ima sf and i got a guy like meeks on a mismatch and i run off a pick and i shoot a perfect release and i miss come on now 2k......and 1 more thing lol why does EVER team i play hit 99 3's a game...i been playing 2k since dreamcast 2 and by now i would think 2k would be a beast. I love u 2k but by all the stuff yall promised us the game should be the best game EVER and it should be fixed by now but ima get back 2 playing myplayer LOL
# 3 Jakeness23 @ Jan 15
Totally agree. I mean I NEED my basketball fix so I keep playing. But yeah, it is most definitely a broken game.
# 4 KeepinKwiet @ Jan 15
@alwaysbased lol I'm actually selling mine as I type this
# 5 KeepinKwiet @ Jan 15
@h.s215allday I understand the frustration, I'm more of a finesse type player in 2K12 so when my 99 3pt rating 93 mid range and 97 consistency, keeps hitting the front of the rim and bouncing off I'm done. This mode would have been perfect had they allowed people to customize sliders. I hardly ever bash 2K, I usually just take all the games as taps on the chin, but this one is unbearable.
# 6 KeepinKwiet @ Jan 15
@Jakeness23 I haven't been in the mood to play a basketball game lately, watching NBA and NCAA have taken that urge away. If there aren't any good games on I MIGHT play 2K11, but I'm completely through with 2K12
# 7 inkpimp007 @ Jan 15
Agreed! I find it amusing that people just cant call a spade a spade no matter how much you love the product. NBA2K12 IS BROKEN. I recall the excitement people had with these companies being able to make ongoing update to these games. But even when all this first started to become the craze I saw a huge problem brewing. Are these companies simply selling us unfinished product and patching them up. I think so to an extent. A game should NEVER play worse after an update.....NEVER! Then what do they do when they just get tired of trying to tinker? They stop, they vanish into the ether, well until next year. Thats when they sell you on the same recycled mess they've managed to destroy the year before. How is it they've managed to introduce frame rate or lag into an offline game mode. To make it worse just ignore it! I'd go as far as to say this version has been a bigger failure than success. The door is open and the other guys aint makin basketball in Canada anymore.
# 8 Timbo42k10 @ Jan 16
Aw man, I can go for days about My Player, but just a few that really grind my gears. I don't know if it is just me, but trying to run your route off ball for a play is rediculous when your defender holds/grabs you in place. There are several of instances in a single play where my defender actually runs in front of me and shoves me back...even with the Larry Bird training camp techniques to move off ball.
My "My Player" plays for Pheonix, so of course Steve is gonna run the point during my rookie year. I hate when he gets past his defender playing full court pressure, but doesn't attack the basket and create an open shot for somebody else like he normally does.. He'll get past the defender, then get to his icon on the floor to get in the set play..which leads to me having to run some route under the basket and try to set a screen while my defender is shoving me all over the that time, the shot clock almost runs out and Steve jacks up some garbage from the court logos.
Last thing ima touch on are the substitutions. I'm so tired of playing SG (created as a PG) even when Steve goes to rest on the bench and Sebastian Telfair gets called to run the point ALONG with Shannon Brown playing the SF pos., Dudley at PF and Hill at C...Take out Telfair, move everyone on the court up a pos. and put an actually C on the court COACH!
...Oh yeah and I find the defense in the game unrealistic. In the NBA, most guards and get past their first's TEAM defense and HELP defense that makes teams great at defense. 2K12, however, suggests everyone has that Ron Artest (Metta World-Peace) defense..and that is an understatement.
# 9 tril @ Jan 16
Glad I dont invest my time in using the myplayer mode.
Other than that Its NBA 2k all day.
2k knows basketball, they listen to their customer base. sometimes they listen too much.
Last year folks complained about the game being to difficult to shoot 3s, the Ai defense too difficult, I clearly remember folks complaining about the bumping, the double teams all forcing folks to pick up their dribble. they removed that this year, and there's even more backlash.

anyways good job 2k, I know theyll make the proper gameplay adjustments,based on customer feedback.

and all you folks in this thread complaining. saying youre done with 2k will most likely be back next year complaining about something else.
# 10 KeepinKwiet @ Jan 16
@inkpimp007 true, I was reluctant to download the patch at first because, the patch notes didn't convince me that those changes would fix this game.Finally downloaded the patch and yes some things like freezing have gotten better but gameplay is terrible. Oh and just for the record I've only purchased the "other" game in 04 (Vince) and bought 05 because Melo was on the cover, other than that I've had a STRICT no "other" NBA game rule. I know 2K has announced that they used new code for this game but... DAMN!
# 11 KeepinKwiet @ Jan 16
@timbo42K10 I surprisingly haven't have had the headaches about substitutions. After 2K10 and 2K11 I've learned to make my CAP a few inches taller because of substitution logic. Oh, and I decided that I'd rather play Myplayer WITHOUT help defense because if your assignment gets into the lane more than likely a foul is going to be called and we all know how bogus foul frequency is. Only the CPU has that World Peace defense my team always has that "Earl Boykins" lol.
# 12 KeepinKwiet @ Jan 16
@tril the mode would be beast with sliders, it's not like we can take CAPs online this year so if someone to cheat and boost stats let them. People have fun in different ways. I personally don't care about the bumping because I rarely go in the paint only thing that gets me shaking my head are picks, I always hold turbo when going through a pick and that causes me to get a personal foul, but hey my assignment would've been wide open sometimes you have to sacrifice.

But hey even you said you don't play MY so this blog isn't for you. I'm not saying I'm done with 2K basketball, BUT I am done with 2K12. I made the mistake this year of rushing to GameStop and buying this game for $65. I NEVER do that and you can believe it won't happen again.
# 13 truintellectplaya @ Jan 16
2k greater than any basketball series in history, that's the true wrap.
# 14 H.S 215allday @ Jan 16
@timbo i play for Pheonix 2 but yea i use 2 run plays but all the bumping tryna run plays just made me switch it off now all i do is set picks, shoot jump shot and go 2 the rack lol but im not bashing the game because ima good myplayer player...ima SF ppg 27.9 im shooting 53 percent and i average a block and a steal and a half a game and my team is 27-12 its just a lil more work and the mode would be amazing.....and @timbo do shannon brown just jack up 10 threes a game on yours 2 lol
# 15 strips @ Jan 16
anyone noticed the "glitch/bug" where you always get called for a blocking foul when you force the ball handler down the half-court line?

i also got that glitch where the game gets f'd up after looking at headlines that tell you you broke this and that team's record (steals, blocks, etc.). this has been happening since nba 2k10 (or as far back as 2k9 i think , can't remember...). that's what caused me to delete and re-start everything.

it's a good game overall, but it is far from perfect. it sucks that "a little competition" might be needed to make 2k address these issues...

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