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JohnDoe8865's Blog
One Month Check-In on 2009 New Year's Resolutions 
Posted on February 27, 2009 at 12:45 AM.
Then at the end of 2009 I'll re-visit this and see how many of the things that I set out to accomplish, actually got done. So let's get started ...

1) Change my job/Start a career for myself. - I'm 27 years old and treading water. I am at a job, not working on a career. Furthermore I hate my job 99% of the time. I can't make enough money to move my life forward in my current situation which leads into my next resolution ...

2) Save more money. - I can be a frivolous spender at times. I buy entirely too much "stuff" just so I can say that I have it. I am more of a collector at this point when it comes to buying stuff than I am anything else. This also ties into my next goal ...

3) Spend less money of gaming. - I buy too many video games at full price and don't end up getting nearly my monies worth. Hell, I still have several games in my backlog that are still unplayed or even unopened.

4. Spend more time with those that are most important to me - family and friends. - Just what it says, spend more time and appreciate that time, with my family and my good friends. I've started this one already, but I need to commit to following through from here on out.
So these were my thoughts coming into the year 2009. So I planned to re-visit this space to see how well I've done in keeping these "resolutions", but also to re-focus and re-prioritize these for myself by checking in every month to see how I'm doing.

So I'm going to grade myself every month on how well I've stuck to these 4 primary goals that I set for this year. Then at the end of the year (god willing) I'll come back and do a cumulative review of my year and assign a final grade.

1. Change my job/Start a career for myself. - Well I've taken the first step in putting myself in position to be a manager, which would quadruple my salary and make me a fully insured, full-time employee. I'm waiting in the "que" so to speak to be trained and then hopefully assigned a store somewhat locally. January Grade = A+

2.Save more money. - This one is a bit hit or miss. I have been holding back more of my check to keep in a savings account, but I've also not been able to completely eliminate "impulse buys" and wasteful spending. I'm definitely on the right track with this one, and I've been keeping this in mind moreso than ever before. January Grade = B-

3.Spend less money of gaming. - Well so far I've not bought anything gaming related in January as of the 27th, although I have been tempted. That's going to change when I likely pick up MLB Front Office Manager in the next few days. This however, is a better buy for me than in the past, as I usually get a lot of mileage out of my sports games. January Grade = B+

4. Spend more time with those that are most important to me - family and friends. - This one I've really done well with I think so far in 2009. I've spent a lot of time with family in January, I've been more socially involved with my friends as well, and this coming weekend I'll be in Boone, NC with my closest friends @ App State, at a Super Bowl party. There is still some room for improvement though. January Grade = A-
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