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The OS Daily Ten - Jason Collins Attempts to Pave the Way Stuck
Posted on April 30, 2013 at 04:09 AM.

Top Sports News for Tuesday, April 30, 2013

1. NBA Veteran Jason Collins attempts to pave the way for other gay male professional athletes.
Jason Collins revealed to Sports Illustrated that he is gay. By doing so Collins has become somebody who many will consider paving the way for future gay males who participate in professional sports.

2. The NBA's relocation committee votes unanimously to recommend that owners reject the application for the Sacramento Kings to relocate to Seattle.
At one point it looked like the Sacramento Kings were a lock to relocate to Seattle and take over the "SuperSonics" name and colors. Now it appears the odds are once again stacked against Seattle from having a NBA team, at least for now.

3. San Diego Chargers reportedly asked LaDainian Tomlinson to come back for the 2013 season.
The Chargers reportedly tried to reach way back into their bag of tricks and bring LT back into the fold during a conversation this past February. Tomlinson, a class act, rejected the organizations overtures.

4. Dodgers get Hanley Ramirez back, but lose Clayton Kershaw for a few days.
5. Stephen Strasburg reportedly dealing with forearm tightness.
6. UFC 159 medical suspensions - Jones out indefinitely.
7. Anderson Silva called Dana White after UFC 159 asking to fight Jon Jones.
8. NHL announces Round 1 schedule.
9. Colorado Avalanche win 2013 NHL Draft Lottery.
10. Stanford QB Nunes retires after 'freak accident'.

QOTD: The NHL Playoffs start tonight. How did the shortened season compare with your expectations? Did it change your mind about reducing the amount of regular season games in the NHL and other leagues on a permanent basis?
# 16 Gramps91 @ Apr 30
@NoTiCe. Sorry If I seemed a bit hostile earlier. I don't agree with it as I'm a Christian too. I just think a lot of times we criticize and really need to be working on our own faults. However, I agree with you that it shouldn't be celebrated like he just saved 89 people from a burning building.
# 17 BloodBCrimson @ Apr 30
Jesus never married a prostitute. I'm not sure where you got that information from. We are to be a light unto this world just like Jesus was. The problem with America and Christians today is exactly what you just said. We accept these people and say "Let them do what they want it doesn't effect me". That's wrong. Our goal on this earth is to win souls to Christ. If people think being gay is OK then then they will never be saved because we must admit that we are sinners and confess our sins before we can ever be saved. I sin just like the rest of mankind but I know when I do that I am wrong for it. If we allow people to believe that being gay is OK then they have no hope.
# 18 BloodBCrimson @ Apr 30
And to prove that being gay is wrong,sex has only one purpose now: to replenish the earth. When God created Adam and Eve (notice it wasn't Steve) He said that man was to leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife and become as one flesh. After the flood and sin had taken over the world for the first time he told Noah and his family to replenish the earth and the only way to do that is for a man and women to be together. The reason sex is pleasurable is because when God first created man there was no sin yet and God wanted Adam and Eve to enjoy it because they were following the rules. After sin entered the world sex has only one purpose and that's to replenish the earth. Gay couples cannot replenish the earth and it is only for pleasure. That is why being gay is wrong. God destroyed 2 cities for homosexuality because the people got to a point where they thought it was right. America is in a very dangerous place right now.
# 19 prowler @ Apr 30
"God destroyed 2 cities for homosexuality because the people got to a point where they thought it was right. America is in a very dangerous place right now."

Yea and Thor fought Loki on the Rainbow Bridge to save us from the Ice Giants. Just because you believe it doesn't mean the rest of us do.
# 20 Jadakiss88 @ Apr 30
That's my fault Mary Magdalene wasn't a prostitute. But nevertheless Jesus treated everyone as equal. You are pigeonholing your entire argument to make it fit. You judge someone but you are far from perfect (as am I ). You chose to look down and condemn someone but who has given you that right?
# 21 Gramps91 @ Apr 30
@blood I never said it was right or okay it should be known that it's wrong. But you can't tell me you don't have faults of your own, so work on those. I'll work on mine. Once again, the fact is being promoted is wrong but to continually criticize him when you have faults of your own is being hypocritical. It should be made known it's wrong but if one continues after they know it's wrong the only thing you can really do is pray for them and then work on your own faults. To continually criticize as if you're perfect is hypocritical because we're all human and error. I error quite often in one way right now that I'm really trying to work on.
# 22 BloodBCrimson @ Apr 30
I totally agree with you guys I know that I have faults as well and I work on them too. What y'all are missing is that I'm not condemning Jason Collins. I'm saying that we have allowed people like Jason Collins to believe that being gay is right. I will pray for him and I hope he sees the light but if we don't show him that he is wrong he will never see the light. We as a nation have gotten too comfortable with sin. Yes God will accept anyone that is absolutely correct but he won't accept them until they understand that they are wrong for what they are doing. Whether or not they keep doing it or not is their decision but they must understand it is wrong. We as a nation have celebrated these wrong doings and because of that they are not sorry for it and can never be accepted by God.
# 23 Bunselpower32 @ Apr 30
Not sure where the Jesus getting married thing came from...

And it was Hosea that married the prostitute, on God's orders.

Anyway, let me preface what is not intended to be so but will most likely turn out to be a long comment by saying that I am a fundamentalist Christian, so stop reading now if you're closed minded.

I hear a lot of Christians shouting judgement at Collins. Things like burning in hell, abomination, etc. While, yes, I do believe that if he lives this way unrepentantly, he will go to hell, and that homosexuality is an abomination of God's character, I also know that God doesn't place weights on some sins above others. I had a hateful thought about another driver today, and according to Jesus, I broke number 4. Not only that, I have broken them all by breaking one. Just remember John 8:7. Christians need to be able to seperate sins from sinners. Hate the sin, love the sinner, otherwise you should hate yourself.

And to the other side. I have heard the words bigot, closed-minded, and hateful thrown at Christians. I have seen them painted as inhumane, ignorant, out of date, and just the worst kind of people for thinking differently. Let me remind anyone that wants to use the phrase, "shoving religion down your throat" what the definition of a bigot is. "Obstinately convinced of the superiority or correctness of one's own opinions and prejudiced against those who hold different opinions." Anyone that stopped reading this or formed any sort of negative opinion about me when they started reading this comment when I announced that I was a Christian is a bigot. The media that calls Christians horrible people are also bigots, because at this stage, someone believing that being gay is right is just as much (maybe more) faith than Christianity. Christians are so touchy about the subject of gay marriage because they know that its legalization is an attempt to undermine and destroy an institution created by them (God) that 1) the government isn't legally allowed to define anyway, and 2) gay people shouldn't want to be involved with if equality was truly the case.

Wow, that was really long. I should run for some sort of political office, as a filibuster specialist.
# 24 Gramps91 @ Apr 30
@blood, did I not just say that. I totally agree, the fact they are treating it as being right is wrong. I totally agree.

I guess I see where you're coming from because most have forgotten it's wrong. I just get discouraged myself when someone is criticized. This is why church really downs me sometimes as a lot of preachers only point out faults of others and threaten Hell if they don't change. I think we should be more loving than that and treat it just as any other sin that we may have. I myself struggle with lust. (though I'm straight) Lust and a bad temper have always been my downfalls.
# 25 BloodBCrimson @ Apr 30
Thank you @bunselpower32. I hope more Christians like you have their own "coming out" party. We need to stop hiding and let the world know what is right. And like we all have said we sin just like Jason Collins had. God does consider all sins to be equal. The difference is we know we are wrong for it and we confess to God that are wrong for it. America was built on these very principles and we became the worlds greatest power because of it. Look at us now. The world has lost its fear of the United States because the United States has lost its fear of God.
# 26 Lukin4 @ Apr 30
I find it amazing that with all the knowledge available to us today about our planet and the rest of the universe, that supposedly intelligent people still live their lives according to a 2000 year old fairytale...
# 27 BloodBCrimson @ Apr 30
Every country has a story about a world wide flood. The Chinese language as well as many others have symbols that match up with the Bible. America was founded on the Bible and God blessed our nation because of it. Evolution has 0 evidences. Charles Darwin admitted before he died that his teachings were theories and could not be proved. It amazes me that people will chose that over a creator.
# 28 BloodBCrimson @ Apr 30
@eaterofworlds888 This is why many people are discouraged to go to church you are absolutely correct. I have friends that won't go because of this. People in power have to be very careful ho they discipline. Mans biggest downfall is pride. We do not want to admit we are wrong and thus we huddle up together in sin and use other peoples sins as a crutch. I've been there done that. I used to spit in Gods face and deliberately do wrong when I knew it was wrong. But I still have faith that God can bring this nation back to what it once was. I never experienced the good old days but I would like to.
# 29 Gramps91 @ Apr 30
Personally, I still try to look at the good in people rather than faults. Before I started getting serious about living for Christ I used to think that generally good people went to Heaven and to be honest I was a lot happier with that belief so in a way I want to go back to that although I don't agree with it now. I get discouraged when I read the Bible and I read all the sorts of people going to Hell. I believe in Christ and love him and try but I fail so much sometimes and end up hating myself. Then everywhere I turn is nothing but guilt and even the Bible seems to say more about condemnation than forgiveness. I'm not trying to fault the Bible at all but I am so discouraged in life right now and criticism of others just makes it worse.

Once again, sorry if I offend you in some way I don't mean too and I agree that it should be known that homosexuality is wrong.
# 30 BloodBCrimson @ Apr 30
You did not offend me in any way. I'm used to confrontation. You helped me really. I like to know how people feel so that I can learn to better approach others. I hope I can help you and anyone else that feels the same way. We are still humans and there for we will always sin (Speaking to those who follow Christ). The difference is we know we are wrong for what we do and we can take those sins to Christ and he will do away with them and we can be with him in Heaven one day. Don't let the fact that you keep doing wrong discourage you. This was also my biggest problem. Last year I almost gave up on God. I cursed all the time and chose terrible friends. When you follow Christ you should sin less and work on your sins but you will continue to sin. It's mans curse because of Adam and Eve's sin. I agree Christians could do a much better job of showing Christ love instead of pounding them. We do have to be careful though that we don't accept sin of other people just because we sin too. Sin is bad and always will be. Man sins and always will. It isn't okay though and we need to fight it as much as possible and when we do sin we need to tell God that we are sorry.

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