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I can't tell you how many message boards on other sites reference the OSFM Rosters and the work that MK Knight does every year, BTW, for no pay! Just so that slubs like me can have accurate Minor League Rosters in our silly little video game universe.
To think that on OTHER sites, members are as anxiously awaiting MK Knights work as much as on OS. I think that's just absolutely phenomenal!
In all the Video Game world, is there another case of an entire brand of games depending so much on the work of such a few individuals? And again, for NO PAY! I think not!
Thank You Michael Knight.. SCEA ought to put you on the payroll!
But.. And you knew there was one coming...I have an issue with the OSFM Rosters.
I finally decided to go with the OSFM's this year after four years of settling for the SCEA standard rosters.
Yes, I love seeing the Top Prospects in my AA and AAA. There's a certain thrill there.
So this morning, I restarted my Franchise once again. THIS time I'm in for the long haul etc. Everything good with the world.
I discovered two things that makes me hesitate going OSFM. One I think can be solved by re-setting my sliders. However, that probably means another month lost testing and experimenting, which quite frankly, after wasting away the month of March, I'm not in the mood to go through again. And that one thing was that the new OSFM batters made contact on every swing. Wasnt happening before, now it does. That tells me that somewhere, the ratings have been tinkered with.
My question on that is; By whom? And by what qualifications?
So do I go with the ratings determined by SCEA or do I go with whatever ratings the OSFM guys came up with?
I'm sorry, but in my way of thinking, whatever SCEA determined originally ought to be the standard, even if there are points of disagreement.
I'm sorry, but this bothers me.
My second issue is that I noticed that whenever a new prospect from the OSFM Roster was involved in a play, the announcer couldnt speak his name. Why? Because there are only so many names in the SCEA Database. I get this.. It's nobody's fault.
But, once again, this is something that bothers me. I become obsessed with listening for names that the announcer is never going to speak.
My assumption is that generated players use re-hashed names just so that the announcers CAN Speak rather than referring to number 7 at bat.
So I'm at a real dilema here. I WANT to use the OSFM Rosters.
But somehow I feel like they're illegitte, counterfeit.
On the other hand, while not as complete, the SCEA roster seems designed for the system. The things I'm bothered by, supposedly have already been addressed.
I dunno, maybe this is quibbling. But I see what I see. And for all the good of having full minors, I'm not certain it outweighs going with the traditional SCEA roster.
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