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Sunday, January 20, 2013
Posted on January 20, 2013 at 01:11 PM.

Jason Carter: “Hello, I’ll be taking questions regarding the team, my position, and tonight’s game. Yes?”
Reporter 1: “After your last game you made some statements concerning the team shooting. Did you get the results you were looking for tonight?”
Jason Carter: “I still feel as though we could have done better in some categories, but we came away with the win and the team is beginning to come together. Yes?”
Reporter 2: “Big win tonight. Do you feel that this is the beginning of a good streak?”
Jason Carter: “Well it is definitely a start. I can’t say too much about a streak because the league is pretty much evenly spread as far as talent is concerned, but of course I hope it is. Yes?”
Reporter 3: “To touch on your statements about Stephen Curry last game, did you talk to him to fuel tonight’s out burst?”
Jason Carter: “I almost have to laugh, but yes we definitely talked. Not soo much about how bad he shot from the floor but more so about what I wanted or should I say what I expect of him. To put it simple he played the kind of basketball we need him to play in order to win games. Any other questions? Yes?”
Reporter 4: “Word around the league is that your team is on the rise? Any comment?”
Jason Carter: “Well I’m sure that there are a lot of rumors going around, but I doubt if anybody is giving us that much credit. Let’s just say that nobody would expect us to be winning games but this is the NBA and winning is what this organization has always been about. Next question?”
Reporter 5: “How did it feel seeing your hand picked team dominate on the court?”
Jason Carter: “Now I wouldn’t say that we dominated but we did a very good job of playing team basketball. Nobody on this team is concerned with individual stats or awards. As a team our goal and focus is to win championships. Yes I said championships with a “S” because one and done is not our motto. Next question. Yes?”
Reporter 6: “Having such a late pick and still building such a competitive team much feel good”
Jason Carter: “Was there a question hidden in that statement? I wouldn’t care if I had the last pick in the draft I would have still assembled a team that could compete for a championship. And actually I have not been completely happy with every aspect of this team so far. Next question please?”
Reporter 7: “What did you mean by not happy? Whats aspects need to be addressed and how do you plan on addressing them?”
Jason Carter: “Like I said after the last game, we need to rebound, rebound, rebound and as of now we haven’t been able to do that effectively. I don’t want to show favoritism or even a double standard but I feel like certain players are definitely more liable then others in this regard. If things don’t get better then I may be forced to change the rotation if that is what it will take to get the results I’m looking for. And if that doesn’t work maybe a transaction will be in order. Last question. Yes?”
Reporter 8: “Two players on the opposing team tallied up 24 rebounds by themselves, clearly this is what you were referring to. What needs to be done to adjust this?”
Jason Carter: “Well without giving up too much information; we are undersized at certain positions and big at others. This is a concept I implemented purposely but the only way it will be effective is if our bigs can deliver. As I stated I’ll try adjusting rotations for results and if that’s not enough I may just have to find a bigman who will complement my team and play style. Thank you.”
Posted on January 20, 2013 at 01:10 PM.

Philadelphia 76ers at New York Knicks
Nov 4, 20121ST2ND3RD4THSCORE
Philadelphia (1-1)26242832110
New York (1-2)2520212591
Philadelphia 76ers
Stephen Curry389-155-83-341210326
Iman Shumpert342-110-311-123332415
Steve Novak343-63-60-0501009
Thaddeus Young3211-170-13-37300225
Joakim Noah233-60-01-1712007
DeAndre Jordan214-70-00-1811118
Terrence Ross152-60-24-4430018
Tristan Thompson130-10-00-0200000
Chase Budinger124-61-20-0001029
Sebastian Telfair110-30-10-0240010
Charlie Villanueva61-21-10-0200003
Andris Beidrins50-10-00-0200010
TEAM TOTALS39-8112-2422-2446279315110
New York Knicks
Nate Robinson419-213-84-52850725
Dwayne Wade397-130-08-96511622
Ray Allen396-110-40-06220012
Luis Scola345-80-10-112100110
Greg Monroe331-90-10-11231102
Michael Beasley132-71-11-1230106
Luc Richard Mbah A Moute101-40-00-0100002
Alonzo Gee91-40-20-0021002
Haseem Thabeet91-10-00-0110022
Marcus Morris71-30-10-0011002
Jeff Taylor71-10-00-0301002
Norris Cole51-10-00-0000002
TEAM TOTALS36-834-1815-1945261231791
Posted on January 20, 2013 at 01:08 PM.

Jason Carter: “Hey Siri did you catch that press conference from the other day?”
Siri: “Of course I did sir, they’ve been running it on NBA TV,, ESPN, and even on the news.”
Jason Carter: “Well damn, I guess we’ve become the Osborn’s of the NBA. Well what did you think?”
Siri: “I think you were soo sexy.”
Jason Carter: “Siri don’t make me let your battery die.”
Siri: “Sorry sir just trying to get you to laugh. I think you handled yourself very professionally and you were very articulate with all of your answers.”
Jason Carter: “Did you really have to use big words? You couldn’t have just said that I did good?”
Siri: “I did.”
Jason Carter shakes his head as he leaves heading for the training facility.
Jason Carter: “Thank you Siri. I’ll see you later.”

Jason Carter: “Steph!”
Stephen Curry: “Yes sir?”
Jason Carter: “I just wanted to talk to you before the game. By the way you’re the star of this team feel free to call me Jason, I mean we are about the same age after all.”
Stephen Curry: “Oh, my fault. Well what did you want to talk to me about?”
Jason Carter: “I wanted to know if anything was bothering you. You didn’t exactly play like yourself out there against Denver.”
Stephen Curry: “I was basically still getting used to playing in Philadelphia instead of Golden State. Nothing major I think I worked out the kinks anyway. Mr. Bullock had me do some shooting drills with Iman so I’m feeling a little bit more comfortable with my shot.”
Jason Carter: “Oh ok, that’s good. I have a request if you don’t mind.”
Stephen Curry: “Yea sure what’s up?”
Jason Carter: “I want you to not only focus on hitting your shots but also on setting up your teammates. I know you had 9 assists last game, but I mean average a double double.”
Stephen Curry: “You want me to focus on my stats?”
Jason Carter: “No that’s not what I meant. I want you to have a Rajon Rondo mentality. This is your team no doubt but that doesn’t mean that you have to shoot 10 threes just to get us in the game. If you set up the other guys on the court we can spread the floor and you will get good looks.”
Stephen Curry: “Oh iight I see what you mean. Plus I love Thadd’s game (referring to Thaddeus Young). He's a versatile player; he can score in the post or shoot the mid range and he can run the break as well. Maybe he can continue to lead us with his scoring and I’ll feed off of that.”
Jason Carter: “Sounds like something a leader would say. Don’t worry though you will definitely get yours but I want us to stay focused and work together. If you ever need anything feel free to communicate it with me.”
Stephen Curry: “Alright, anytime.”
Jason Carter: “And tell Dell I said you got him beat next time you see him.”

They both laugh, shake hands, and then gets back to work
Posted on January 20, 2013 at 01:08 PM.

Matchup Preview | November 4, 2012
Philadelphia 76ers
(0-1, 0-0 Away)
New York Knicks
(1-1, 1-0 Home)
Stats Comparison
85.0Points Per Game90.0
96.0PPG Allowed97.0
.398Field Goal %.438
.1923-Point %.367
.933Free Throw %.897
Projected Starters
Stephen CurryPoint GuardNate Robinson
Iman ShumpertShooting GuardDwayne Wade
Steve NovakSmall ForwardRay Allen
Thaddeus YoungPower ForwardLuis Scola
Joakim NoahCenterGreg Monroe
Game Notes
Philadelphia -- Tonight we have a classic rivalry with our 76ers venturing to New York to take on the Knicks. One main focus we can all be sure of is what will Dwayne Wade do on his home court? And to further touch on that subject will our defensive wizard, Iman Shumpert, be able to stop him or at least slow him down enough to change the game? One another note is Steve Novak going to be able to chase Ray Allen around the floor well enough to at least contest his shots? Also coming off of a bad game 1, can Stephen Curry stand up as this teams star player and carry his team to victory? If he doesn't shoot better then he did in that first game we can almost expect another loss that is for sure. However, Curry isn't the only one who needs to improve his shooting for this game. The 76ers as a team shot below 40% last game so we need them to step that up if they want to come out with a W in this one. And tonight's spotlight is on the bench players. While the 76ers have great depth at all positions the Knicks only standout bench player is 6th man Michael Beasley who will have to lead that 2nd unit or the 76ers may just win this game with their second team. We'll just have to stay tuned and see how it unfolds ...
Posted on January 20, 2013 at 01:07 PM.

Jason Carter: “Hello, I’ll be taking questions regarding the team, my position, and tonight’s game. Yes?”
Reporter 1: “After tonight’s loss what are your feelings about the team you have assembled?”
Jason Carter: “I still feel as though we have a good team. I’m not going to just throw them under the bus after one loss. There are still 81 games to go. Yes?”
Reporter 2: “Tough loss tonight, what do you think was key to this loss?”
Jason Carter: “Well for starters we could have definitely shot the ball better. I saw that our players were getting frustrated and started to become hesitant and in some cases over aggressive. But overall I think if we shot the ball a little better from the floor we could have won this game. Yes?”
Reporter 3: “To touch on your last statement Stephen Curry had a pretty bad shooting night, do you care to comment?”
Jason Carter: “As much as I’d like to avoid this I’m not going to just brush off questions like they scare me, but yes Steph could have definitely shot more efficiently. However, I do think he had some very good looks but they just did not fall. He is our star player and I am not afraid to say it that at all, so with that being said I expect a nice turnaround next game and for the rest of the season. Any other questions? Yes?”
Reporter 4: “Word around the league is that a few players are not happy with their roles on the team? Any comment?”
Jason Carter: “Well I’m sure that this is a different environment for a lot of players around the league, but that is the affect of having a fantasy draft. Some players who may have been starters or sixth men will now be bench warmers and even vice versa, but this is an issue they will either have to adapt to or simply move on. As far as players on this team, no cases have been brought to my attention and everybody is content or at least satisfied as of now. Next question?”
Reporter 5: “How did it feel knowing that you would have the chance to draft your entire team in a fantasy draft?”
Jason Carter: “Well to put it simply it was bitter-sweet. Getting to hand pick players was a very good thing seeing as how I could build the team however I wanted to and get the pieces to fit within our system. But with that being said there is now the issue of team chemistry and player roles. With such a young team who doesn’t really know how to play with each other there is a bit of a learning curve and as I said earlier not everybody will be satisfied with their role and minutes distribution. Yes?”
Reporter 6: “Having the 25th pick going in did you feel like you were going to be aiming for the #1 pick this off-season?”
Jason Carter: “What kind of a question is that? Of course not; going into the draft with such a late pick I pretty much decided early on that we would go young and athletic with the future in mind but still have a competitive team as well. I knew that the chances of getting a superstar caliber player was pretty much out the window but I actually prefer to have a team of team players and not a prima-donna and some role players. But to answer your question what kind of a GM would I be if I chose to start tanking before a single game was played? Or even before I knew who would be on the roster for that matter? Next question please?”
Reporter 7: “What are your thoughts on this year’s draft class?”
Jason Carter: “Well the draft is definitely not something that will be getting much attention until much later on in the season. I still haven’t secured a scouting team that I am comfortable with as of yet, but when I do I will go as far as to say we will be scouting extensively. However, I hear that Fox kid is tearing it up and Sweetney as well. There are definitely a lot of people who interest me, but as of now I have mch more pressing issues to worry about. Last question. Yes?”
Reporter 8: “What are your plans for going into the next game?”
Jason Carter: “Well without giving up too much information; we need to have a stronger shooting performance, stop the stars at all costs, and rebound, rebound, rebound. Thank you.”
Posted on January 20, 2013 at 01:06 PM.
Denver Nuggets at Philadelphia 76ers
Oct 31, 20121ST2ND3RD4THSCORE
Denver (1-0)2328212496
Philadelphia (0-1)1920222485
Denver Nuggets
Jarret Jack415-150-24-43640314
Jason Kidd255-130-40-05210410
Harrison Barnes419-131-32-212200221
Derrick Williams402-90-00-21001004
Al Jefferson345-140-00-23110012
Chauncey Billups196-121-21-14200314
Channing Frye112-61-20-0711105
Chuck Hayes92-20-02-2500126
Kyle Singler81-10-00-0000002
Baron Davis83-40-00-0430016
Keith Bogans51-10-00-0001002
Royce White40-10-00-0200000
TEAM TOTALS41-913-1311-135517921796
Philadelphia 76ers
Stephen Curry343-191-102-2590029
Iman Shumpert344-102-32-22520312
Steve Novak312-61-50-0500015
Thaddeus Young3412-160-01-16010325
Joakim Noah252-40-02-2700016
DeAndre Jordan213-60-00-0320016
Tristan Thompson153-50-13-4411019
Terrence Ross152-71-42-2301027
Sebastian Telfair150-40-12-2121012
Chase Budinger130-40-20-0211000
Charlie Villaneuva52-20-00-00-010004
Andris Beidrins40-00-00-0000010
TEAM TOTALS33-835-2614-153920701585
Posted on January 20, 2013 at 01:06 PM.

Siri: “Good morning sir, you don’t look so good.”
Jason Carter: “Good morning Siri. I’ve definitely been better, but I should be ok just a little nervous about opening day.”
Siri: “You’re nervous about opening day? You better hope you don’t make the playoffs then, ha ha ha.”
Jason Carter: “Why thank you, I definitely feel better now.”
Siri: “Anything for you sir. Oh yea and Mr. Harris called this morning.”
Jason Carter: “What did he say?”
Siri: “He said he wishes you good luck and he is very happy with the team that you have assembled.”
Jason Carter: “Well that’s good. We should win this game though we only have to worry about Jefferson. Nobody else is really a threat. Shumpert should have a good game against the aging Jason Kidd.”
Siri: “Whatever you say sir. Just get out there and stop worrying.”
Jason Carter: “Thank you for your words of inspiration Siri. You definitely know how to make me feel better.”

Jason Carter shakes his head as he walks toward the door.

Siri: “Anything for you sir.”
Posted on January 20, 2013 at 01:05 PM.

Matchup Preview | October 31, 2012
Denver Nuggets
(0-0, 0-0 Away)
Philadelphia 76ers
(0-0, 0-0 Home)
Stats Comparison
0.0Points Per Game0.0
0.0Field Goal %0.0
0.0Free Throw %0.0
0.03-Point %0.0
Projected Starters
Jarret JackPoint GuardStephen Curry
Jason KiddShooting GuardIman Shumpert
Harrison BarnesSmall ForwardSteve Novak
Derrick WilliamsPower ForwardThaddeus Young
Al JeffersonCenterJoakim Noah
Game Notes
Opening day the NBA, on Hallows eve. The Nuggets will have to guard the shooters if they even want a chance to win this match-up. While the 76ers need a good game from Noah in the post to attempt to at least slow down Jefferson. Both teams starting from scratch so there's oe way to find our victor. Stay tuned for the game.
Posted on January 20, 2013 at 01:04 PM.

Jason Carter: “Well that wasn’t so bad. I feel like we could have definitely done worst.”
Vincent Bullock: “True indeed. I think we did pretty good to be stuck with such a late pick.”
Jason Carter: “We couldn’t let that get us down. We have put together a very athletic and talented team of young talent.”
Vincent Bullock: “Almost like we assembled a dynasty.”
Jason Carter: “I wouldn’t say that. Not only do most dynasties fall but these guys have never played together for the most part. Hopefully they’ll be able to accept their roles on this new team.”

Philadelphia 76ers 2012-13 Roster
# 30Stephen CurryPG246'3185 lbs$3.96 M
# 4Sebastian TelfairPG376'0170 lbs$1.50 M
# 21Iman ShumpertSG226'5220 lbs$1.65 M
# 25Terrence RossSG216'6195 lbs$2.56 M
# 16Steve NovakSF296'10240 lbs$4.05 M
# 10Chase BudingerSF246'7218 lbs$942 k
# 14Thaddeus YoungPF246'8220 lbs$8.06 M
# 31Tristan ThompsonPF216'8227 lbs$3.89 M
# 15Charlie VillanuevaPF286'11232 lbs$8.06 M
# 13Joakim NoahC276'11232 lbs$11.30 M
# 6DeAndre JordanC 266'11265 lbs$10.45 M
# 17Andris BeidrinsC267'0242 lbs$9.00 M

Philadelphia 76ers Depth Chart - 2012-13
PGStephen CurrySebastian Telfair
SGIman ShumpertTerrence Ross
SFSteve NovakChase Budinger
PFThaddeus YoungTristan ThompsonCharlie Villenueva
CJoakim NoahDeAndre JordanAndris Beidrins
Posted on January 20, 2013 at 01:03 PM.

One week later…

Jason Carter: “Good morning Siri, did I miss any calls?”
Siri: “Mr. Bullock called four times already.”
Jason Carter: “Four times? I hope I didn’t get fired for changing back to the old look.”
Siri: “Have you ever heard of the saying out with the old and in with the new?”
Jason Carter: “Of course I did, but I’m the GM and I had one free wish granted. So I figured why not considering that was the peak of the franchise for me. Watching Iverson put up numbers like that was amazing.”
Siri: “Who’s Iverson?”
Jason Carter: “Who’s Iverson? Aww poor Siri your manufacturer didn’t program you properly. I guess it’s time to upgrade.”
Siri: “Of course I know who Allen "The Answer" Iverson is, I was just busting your balls. But were you seriously going to get an upgrade?”
Jason Carter: “No, I like you just the way you are. Let me get going I got some business to handle. Hopefully nothing bad has happened already.”

Jason Carter runs off to call Vince.

Jason Carter: “Hey Vince, what’s going on? Is everything ok?”
Vincent Bullock: “Yea everything’s fine, but –“

Jason cuts vince off

Jason Carter: “Oh what a relief cause I was going crazy. We have a good young team and I didn’t want to lose it before I even got a game in as GM.”
Vincent Bullock: “Jason I wasn’t done talking just yet.”
Jason Carter: “Oh my fault. But if I didn’t get fired then what’s wrong?”
Vincent Bullock: “It’s worst then that.”
Jason Carter: “WHAT?!?! Worst then getting fired?”
Vincent Bullock: “The Commissioner has announced that as a new leaf in being turned over with him coming in as commissioner he wanted to do something special like that for the NBA.”
Jason Carter: “Just get to the point.”
Vincent Bullock: “Adam Silver has announced that there will be a fantasy draft. Every team starts from scratch and every player even the rookies who were just drafted are now available. Even worse the pick your team gets is the pick you’ll have in every round.”
Jason Carter: “That’s not too bad. Maybe we’ll get lucky and get a star like Rose or Carmelo.”
Vincent Bullock: “He’s already announced the order. We pick 25th.”
Jason Carter: “#&$%!! This can't be true!”
Posted on January 20, 2013 at 01:01 PM.

Jason Carter: “Hey Siri, goodmorning.”
Siri: “Goodmorning sir. You’re looking very lively today, what is the special occasion?”
Jason Carter: “Well my agent told me he should have landed me a deal with a NBA Team by the end of last night. So I’m looking forward to see what kind of a position he could have possibly got me.”
Siri: “Oh yeah, Mr. Bullock called you about a hour ago.”
Jason Carter: “Well damn when were you going to say something. What did he say?”
Siri: “He said to have you call him back.”
Jason Carter: “Well how nice of you to actually let me know.”
Siri: “Anything for you sir.”

Jason Carter shakes his head and runs to his office to make the call.

Vincent Bullock: “Good Morning?”
Jason Carter: “Good morning Vince, how’s the weather?”
Vincent Bullock: “How’s the weather? We live in Philly not in Miami. It’s ok I guess but we all know what you really wanted to ask so why not just get to the point?”
Jason Carter: “Ok then, fine, did you close a deal?”
Vincent Bullock: “I sure did.”
Jason Carter: “Ok so? Did I get a job as a janitor or something? A player maybe?”

Vincent Bullock laughs outloud.

Vincent Bullock: “Calm down Jason, let me make a conference call so you can here it for yourself.”

Vince makes a conference call.

???: “Hello, Josh here, what can I do for you?”
Vincent Bullock: “Goodmorning Mr. Harris, I have Jason Carter on the line and I just wanted him to hear it from you first.”
Joshua Harris: “Oh alright, Mr. Carter?”
Jason Carter: “Yes sir?”
Joshua Harris: “I’d like to inform you that here with the Philadelphia 76ers we have a young core as well as a thriving system, but everybody on the board would like to just sit back and count their money. So with that being said I am offering you the General manager position.”
Jason Carter: “I humbly accept. Thank you so much I will not let you down at all.”
Joshua Harris: “I’m sure you won’t because if you do you’ll be fired and I’ll delete Vince from my memory. Just kidding I’m sure you’ll do great I have heard great things. So effective immediately you are the new GM of the Philadelphia 76ers, and as a gift I’ll extend you the opportunity to make an immediate change. Make one wish and I’ll see to it that you get it.”
Jason Carter: “Let’s take the uniforms and the stadium back to the golden ages, 2001 style.”
Joshua Harris: “I like that idea actually, I’ll see to it that it gets done. Talk to you guys later.”
Posted on January 20, 2013 at 01:00 PM.

Association Set-Up
Start Date: Beginning of Season
Number of Players: 1
Season Length: 82 Games
Team Chemistry: On
Player Roles: On
Progressive Fatigue: Off
Trade Deadline: On
Trade Override: Off
Allow CPU Trades: On
Preseason Games: On
Injuries: On
Fantasy Draft: Fixed
Fantasy Draft Set Order: Off
Customize League: On (Replaced Current 76ers with 01 76ers but with current roster and coach settings)
Substitution Method: Rotation
Conference Quarter Finals: Best of 7
Conference Semi Finals: Best of 7
Conference Finals: Best of 7
NBA Finals: Best of 7
Quarter Length: 12 Minutes
Sim Quarter Length: 12 Minutes
Roster: Bedwardsroy19 2K13 Roster Project
Sliders: Bedwardsroy19's 2k13 Sliders
Draft Class: SwaggerCoach Fictional Classes

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