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Madden Next Gen... is terrible 
Posted on December 10, 2013 at 07:08 PM.
Psychic defenders. They know what route you are running and even if they are 20 yards downfield with their head turned the other way, they know you caught the ball and they will find you.... and they will hit stick the **** out of you.

Your O-line, your left guard for example, will see a blitz coming straight at him, but instead will move outside of your left tackle to block that little corner and let your QB get blasted.

The super human defense is back in all of its glory, DBs hit sticking big backs and tight ends on almost every down. Linebackers that can jump as high as superman. And your quarterback has no touch, and God forbid you try to throw while rolling out to the left, your better off spiking the ball.

Your running back won't cut when he is supposed to into a wide open lane, he will run straight into the DT because he wants a two yard loss instead of a 7 or 8 yard gain.

This game needs a complete overhaul and what I think would light a fire under EA is if they lost their NFL exclusive license. I doubt the NFL cares about their video game product, but I hope they do; it's just too terrible and it's a let down every year.

True Step? No, that's just some fancy term for, YOU can't start running until your 3rd or 4th step, but the CPU will be at full speed on their first. 60 calculations a second for O-linemen? That's rich, unless they are calculating the dumbest possible thing they could do.

Graphics are horrible... I mean c'mon this is next gen guys.

I don't care if it's 2K that's their competition, but they need somebody pushing them or else all we'll see are minor "improvement" every year from now to eternity...

Maybe the guys at MLB: The Show should make a run for it. I wouldn't mind seeing what they could do with basketball either.

I just needed to vent all my frustration, because we as consumers who pay $60 per game, deserve better than this.
# 1 jaynral @ Dec 10
Man, its EA.....I dont expect much from innovation, false advertising(ignite engine my A$$), etc....thats who they are....I actually play next gen more than I have played madden for years...with some slider adjustments and using the zoom view, its decent......the reality is , they need competition and until they do, there is no reason to change.....BUT the real test will be next years next gen madden...NO excuses, they have the disc space now, the technology, the ideas, etc...Lets see!!
# 2 Jakeness23 @ Dec 11
I'm just hoping that the NFL doesn't renew so that we can get a fresh experience and kick EA in the *** so they can start being creative and innovative for a change.
# 3 kackle85 @ Dec 11
I definately dont agree. Is it the best football game ever? No it isnt. But this isnt your grandpas madden. You cant do the things you used to do in this game and get away with it. I dont see psychic defenders at all. THe only time i throw pics is when the receiver is covered and I throw it anyway. This game punishes you for being stupid and I think thats how it should be.
# 4 DruMoMo @ Dec 11
Completely disagree. This is hands down the best Madden that EA has put out. Is it perfect? Not by any stretch but I do believe this is most sim football game that has been releases since 2k5. If you play CG Madden, then it takes some getting used to it because guess what? DEFENDERS ACTUALLY DEFEND. DBs aren't lost in zone coverage looking into space anymore. DB's actually use some instints in man coverage as well. Because current gen Madden doesn't do these things, offense rules the land. Next gen on the other hand curbs a lot of that and I really appreciate it. Also, True Step is something that takes getting used to. I know we all loved to slide around on Current Gen Madden and run for 200 yards every game but thats not sim. Next Gen Madden's running game is based off momentum and timing your steps, which guess what again? Is what happens in real life when you run! I am not chastizing or anything because you are not the only one who complained about the new Madden. I just want to remind everyone that current gen Madden was never a sim football game. We tricked ourselves into thinking that it was, so now that we actually have a more sim football game in Next Gen Madden, its hard for us to adjust. Madden is definitely moving in the right direction IMO.
# 5 DruMoMo @ Dec 11
@TheRealHST Yeah the player models are definitely dated. Honestly though, I went into this next generation not focused on graphics but more on gameplay. I guess I am still scarred from Madden's first offering on the 360 and how horrible that jump was in terms of gameplay and features. At least this time around, they improved gameplay and kept ALL the features, which was most important to me. Even though the player models are dated, the stadium, grass and animations are pretty smooth on next gen already. Also, I love how the runner points out his blocks when carrying upfield. Not that big of a deal, but I loved it! lol.
# 6 bwright25 @ Dec 11
Sounds like someone whos "cheese plays" don't work any more. I feel the gameplay and Ai is top notch and heading in the right direction. Of course there are some faults but Madden next gen tends to reward smart football. People who understand the nuances of the game of football will thrive. Those who relied on go to plays and go for it on 4th every time. Will hate this game.
# 7 cookieusa66 @ Dec 12
I completely disagree with you on this. The game is really quite good. I haven't had this much fun playing madden since 02-06 on ps2. There is lots that needs to improve or it will all just get stale again, but the potential is there for greatness. The fact that I haven't put down Madden for any of the other games I bought at release says something. Hope you try and fine some enjoyment in this game,
# 8 Jimbo614 @ Dec 12
I don't have the new Madden so I don't have an opinion.. However, I was intrigued by the idea of San Diego SECA developing a Football game on the same quality as MLB the Show.
Wow, that would be a Game Maker!!
# 9 TNBassMan10 @ Dec 12
Couldn't agree more with this article. However, people on the sliders board are killing saying I'm just venting/trolling. I knew I wasn't the only one. I took my copy back finally. It was either break my new Xbox One controller or take back Madden. I think I made the right choice. Back to NCAA Football 14 on last gen!
# 10 poloelite @ Dec 13
I popped in next gen Madden and it felt and looked like the same exact game. After reading this and hearing both sides, I will give it another try this weekend and look for the nuances. Thanks fellas
# 11 DKHardee @ Dec 13
The biggest problem graphically for me is the fact that during a play, the graphics seem like smooth current gen (no jaggies). Then during the cut scenes between each play, the players look like I expected next gen to look. Most notably is the helmets. During the play, helmets don't have the helmet number stickers, warning stickers and all that(QB's do have the green radio dot but that's it). And I'll admit, I didn't really notice it until I played the panthers. The Panthers had nice looking metallic silver helmets during cut scenes, then they look matte white/grey during the play. Same goes for the Cowboys, Raiders, and Patriots. Drives me nuts.
# 12 Eski33 @ Dec 14
I am enjoying Madden. I find it challenging and fun. The visuals are improved but not a huge leap. Best Maddenn I've played in years.
# 13 Jakeness23 @ Dec 17
People accusing me of being upset that my "cheese" moves not working, umm.... I ran for over 350 yards in a game with DeAngelo Williams and still threw for over 250 with Cam Newton and won 61-10. I slightly change the sliders and suddenly my teammates have no idea how to block or cover and I get blown out by the Bucs, so I believe my complaints are valid. I'll probably trade it in and just wait on MLB: The Show.
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