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Why people hate pro sports 
Posted on June 22, 2012 at 10:02 AM.
Let me start this off by saying I am a huge sports fan, especially basketball. However, after talking with my dad (who hasn't cared for the NBA since Jordan retired in '98) and a couple others, I can understand why they wouldn't care for it. I have also noticed a decline in interest in the NFL (I am one of those who are starting to not care for pro football). Here are a few reasons why they feel the way they do about professional basketball and football.


Superstars are not treated fairly. It's one thing to give the better players the benefit of the doubt, but NBA officiating has gone over the top. Those players got to their elite status by playing by the same rules as everyone else, and if they are so great, why is the game suddenly made easier for them?

It's soft. Hard fouls are now called flagrant or intentional instead of just a normal foul. These guys weight lift and get in peak physical shape so they can handle contact. They are GROWN MEN, stop babying them. It's a contact sport, get back to the physicality that ruled the 80's & 90's (IMO the best decades of the NBA).

Player's attitudes. Players are starting to come off as narcissistic, spoiled, overpaid brats. They feel the need to whine at an official every time a call doesn't go their way. They look more like a 5 year old at the store that couldn't get the toy they wanted. Players are supposed to play, coaches handle talking to the refs. It's so annoying to see every instance of contact and a player throwing his hands up and yelling at the ref, instead of continuing to play.

It looks rigged. It's as if every game the officials are on the phone with the league office determining who to officiate in favor for. If you barely touch LeBron it's a foul, however, he is one of the most aggressive defenders and averages like 2 fouls a game? Are you kidding? Do I really need to say anything else? I like LeBron alright, but the league is going overboard. They have overreacted ever since the Malice at the Palace.
And the Hornets winning the draft lottery, honestly, who thinks that wasn't rigged? They are making up for CP3 leaving, and it was probably the only way to get a new owner.

There is little to no diversity. The NFL and MLB both have a lot of diversity. There are many Hispanics, Asians, Blacks, and Whites (especially in baseball), but for some reason the NBA is about 95% black. I'm not saying draft other races just for the sake of it, but why does everyone think that black guys are SO much better at basketball than everyone else? Don't accuse me of racism, I have more black friends than white and they all feel the same way about this.
I think that each team should have 2-3 D-League teams and utilize them like how baseball does with their farm systems. At least give more guys a chance, which is all they really want. Also using the MLB draft rules would be great. Coming out of high school is fine, but if you go to college, you have to go 3 years. That would be perfect for basketball.


It is nothing like the way it used to be. It's very soft, almost to the point of looking like soccer, there are way too many rules, and the commissioner is a douche.

You can't hit QBs or WRs too hard, which is ridiculous. They get paid MILLIONS and MILLIONS of dollars, and last I checked, no one is holding a gun to their head making them play. They know the risks of playing a collision sport.

I know superstars run the league, but people also like the excitement of a backup coming out of nowhere like Matt Cassell or Matt Flynn.

What do you think? Are you losing interest in pro sports or can you understand why some people are?
# 1 N51_rob @ Jun 22
I am not losing interest in the sports I follow at all. Redskins have RGIII, and the Orioles for the first times since 1997 are truly competitive. You titled this "Why people hate pro sports" but you ask if people are losing interest in the pro sports. The title and the actual blog are not inline.

I can't think of anyone in my circle of friends and associates that are less interested in sports. They my not devote as much time anymore because of the challenges of life, but for big events and NFL Sundays we always find time. Most still watch SportsCenter at least once a day.

The NFL is and has been for sometime the No Fun League and the rules IMO continue that trend, but I am not going to stop watching becuase of it. Never cared for the NBA so I can't comment on that, but I did watch more of the NBA finals this year that I have the past 10.
# 2 Jakeness23 @ Jun 22
Well I was saying why some people I know are losing interest or altogether hate pro sports and was wondering if anyone else is starting to feel the same way. As a Panther fan I am not losing interest in the NFL, I am actually gaining some and losing some at the same time because I love Cam Newton but I hate Roger Goodell...
# 3 N51_rob @ Jun 22
Yeah, I'm not really a fan of Goodell either.
# 4 Gusto1 @ Jun 22
Teams draft to win that's the bottom line the guy could be green if he can score, pass, rebound he gets the contract.
# 5 Jakeness23 @ Jun 22
Yeah I'm not saying draft other races just for the sake of it, but if there were more teams (such as a more 'minor league' teams) to give more guys an opportunity. Especially upperclassmen in college, why should they be punished for staying in college longer? People automatically think they aren't good enough if they didn't come out early.
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