JDrew8's Blog
First things first, Yukes should NOT be in charge. Its time for Visual Concepts to take over. Yukes can be there to give a little bit of help but it should be the time 2k switches spots as the main gamemakers. And don't give me that bs about how 2k would do crap in making a wrestling game. Do you know what made Wwe 2k14 great? It darn well wasn't no catapult finishers or a handful of more omg moves. It was the fluidity, presentation, and roster. Besides roster, I am pretty sure that the 2k influence in smooth gameplay and presentation is what made wwe 2k14 such a big jump. Ironically enough, the little bit of 2k influence was accomplished in such a limited amount of time due to the move.
1. Since it has already been confirmed that the next gen version is already being developed, I am hoping that this game runs on 2ks new engine used in next gen nba 2k14 called ecomotion. It is actually perfect for wrestling games as the engine emphasizes on tangibility, emotions, getting rid of all the snapping or sliding stupidity, contextual movement(no more canned animations), smoothness, and even the all around atmosphere.
2. Move Attribute Recquirements = Every single move should recquire certain attributes. For instance, the 619 should recquire 90 speed and 90 flexability so that way, slow and fat people shouldn't be able to do it.
3. New Stamina System= WWE 2k15 should have a new stamina system that is similar to most sports game stamina system. If you look at NBA 2k14 and Fight Night Champion, they have the system where the peak of your stamina gradually decreases the more you abuse it while whenever you do a move your stamina spikes down momentarily but fills back up to its peak. Another significant thing is that certain moves on those games recquire different amounts of stamina. That is another thing I want to see in this game. For example, finishers should cost significantly more stamina than any grapple while strong grapples should cost more than weak grapples.
4. Harder and More Damaging Grapples= Doing grapples should drain out the stamina faster and be more damaging to the point that players need to be conservative to do grapples
5. Super-Heavyweight Mechanics= Going against superheavyweights should have to be like going against giants. Carrying super-heavyweights during carrying maneuvers should recquire a 90+ strength rating. Knocking them down with running strikes should recquire doing it 3 straight times uninterrupted. Doing a normal bodyslam-like maneuver to them should need a long build up but give out a lot of damage as a reward. While playing as a super-heavyweight, their strikes and grapples should be more damaging but easier to reverse as well.
6. New Running Mechanics= There should now be 2 variations of running. One way should be by not bouncing of the ropes which results slower running, short lunges, and running grapples/strikes that aren't strong enough to knock the opponent down. The 2nd option should be from bouncing off the ropes which results faster running, longer strides, and running grapples strikes that actually knock the opponent down. So this way, cheesing with the running grapples/strikes are more limited while it still simulates a real wwe match.
7. Revamped Striking/Better Hit detection= This one is quite obvious. I believe striking should basically just look more fluid without clipping while countering strikes should automatically result a strike counter. Another addition should be able to have signature strikes to opponents when they are on their knees and knocked down. I would also suggest that striking should be controlled using the right stick now with the controls.....
Up-head strike
Left-back strike from the front/chest strike from the back/arm strike
Right-Abdomen strike
Down-Leg Strike
Hold+any direction=Heavy Strike
These controls should also be applied to strikes on the ground and when the opponent is on their knees.
8. More Signature Movements= It would a great feat if we could choose our own fighting stances, the way we walk, the way we run, and the way we climb up the turnbuckle. There doesn't need to be much options for these. I would just largely appreciate it if they did.
9. Fatigued and Damaged Movements= Whenever the player gets drained out too often or is too hurt, they should start falling down after a move due to how winded or in pain they are. Also, the lower the peak of someone's stamina, the less stable their fighting stance and the harder it is to counter. To add to this, carrying other wrestlers should start getting slower the more tired or damaged the wrestler. It is also worth mentioning that wrestlers should be able to sell their arm, neck, arm, shoulder, knee, and ankle when they are severely damaged.
10. Environmental Awareness= Whenever a wrestler gets near the ropes, turnbuckle, barrier, or etc. while getting striked down by his opponent, he should somehow gradually get down to his knees or a sitting position while leaning on those areas. Another example is being groggy near an object. For instance, whenever the player gets groggy from a strike while near the ringpost outside, the player's wrestler should go into a position where he looks like he is trying to keep his balance using the post.
11. Standing Back Up Mechanics= From my observation, basically every wrestler uses their environment as an advantage to pull themselves back up whether it is ropes or the barricade. I would suggest that wrestlers should be able to use the ropes, apron, turnbuckle, firm foreign objects, and barricade as stepping stones(hold the left stick towards the spot). Using the environment for this reason should obviously make you stand up at a quicker rate. Another thing that bugs me is how quickly you get up after laying knocked out in the ground for a while. They should have 4 stages to go through to stand up which are (in order) knocked out, knocked down, on your knees, and groggy. Obviously, you can't get knocked out all the time and the closer you are to standing up, the less you have to button mash. It should also be worth mentioning that resting animations at a certain spot should VARY nearly everytime whether it is leaning back on the ropes when you are in "groggy" stage or sitting on your a$$ when you are the "on your knees" stage.
example in real life: every single wrestlers uses the ropes to pull themselves up each match
12. Crawling/Stumbling Mechanics= Another thing that is apparent in wrestling is how wrestlers sell their struggle to balance or get up fast enough. That explains hot tags and when guys crawl their way to pins. I strongly recommend that crawling(when in knocked down stage), walking on your knees(when in the on your knees stage), and stumbling(when in groggy stage) are choices of movement whenever the player doesn't choose to fully stand. These stages should be used to go near and grab the ropes(to gain more leverage) or to go towards a pin whenever they don't have enough leverage to stand up.
example in real life: crawling is apparent in hot tags. Plus, I can recall several times where Kurt Angle crawls to his opponent to do that one arm pin like how he won that Taker vs Rikishi vs Rock vs SCSA vs Angle vs HHH Hell in a Cell match.
13. Stamina-Damage Connection= The more damaged you are, the slower your stamina should be getting back to its peak. The shorter the peak of your stamina is, the more damage you'll take.
14. Resting Mechanics= If the player is getting irritated by how slow his stamina is to getting back up to its peak, they should be given the choice to use the environment to rest on. Resting on areas like the ropes, turnbuckle, barriers, and etc should result your stamina going up at a higher rate. In addition, the players should also be able to rest whenever they are on their knees, knocked down, and in the middle of pulling themselves using the environment. As for the controls, it should be by jamming the left and right bumper repeatedly.
15. More Turnbuckle Options= First of all, cllimbing up the turnbuckle NEEDS to be slowed down even for the Super-Heavyweights. IMO, It seems far too easy and quick. To get to the point, I would like to have the option to choose whether I go up to the 2nd ropes(press the left bumper once)and the top rope(press the left bumper twice) while in order to get up the turnbuckle while running, you should have to time clicking lb instead of mindlessly running around the ring until you get there. Also, you should have to click the Lb again to go into the diving position like how you already do on top of a ladder to dive. Another plus in realism I would like is climbing up while facing the turnbuckle(hold left stick and right stick towards the turnbuckle) in order to do moonsaults or Corner Body splashes(2nd Rope moves). I would also suggest revamping the top rope grappling system. If your opponent is sitting on top waiting for a superplex(or any top rope grapple), you should now have the choice to throw your opponent to the ground for a dive(press b or circle), and have the choice to go to either the 2nd(press lb once) or Top(Press lb twice quickly). Therefore, you now have 3 different grapple stages for top rope grapples(while standing, on 2nd rope, on top rope). In addition, spring drives from the turnbuckle(double tap x or square) should return but can only be accessed when near the opponent so moves like the Rey Mysterio springturn hurricarana can be used in the game.
16. Explorable Arena= The ability to walk around an entire arena would be a big plus to nostalgia fanboys and casual fans. Im not saying it should be WWE Gta edition but almost an miniature open world game with a map that can fit in easter eggs. It would be mind-numbingly awesome if these following areas are free to go to.....
Backstage- You should be able to walk right through the entrance to the backstage area. This area should be like an open world portion of the game with a pretty large scale that contains, enterable locker rooms for each wrester, a cafeteria, wrestlers chilling around, tech guys walking around, offices, and even writers walking around.
Crowd- What more can I say but to have crowds going noticeably nuts, security guards trying to block the crowd out, and a skybox somewgere up the stairs.
Arena Exit- This should sound new to people so imagine going through an exit door in the crowd area or backstage that leads to another large area where people go to for intermission. I would put in vendors, security guards, escalators or stairs for lower grounds, and the arena entrance doors(which doesn't necessarily need to be exited.... for now)
Parking Lot- This should speak for itself. All I suggest is to be able to go on top of cars and the ability to run someone over with the car as a finisher.
Down the Stage- Being down the stage was accessible a couple years back, they should be able to bring it back.
On Top of the Tron- It was accessible in a game from 10 years ago and it is way overdue already.
17. Technical Wrestling= Now that 2k is in charge, they should go into the core of wrestling and input in deep technical wrestling. First of all, damage should be inflicted during holds while the wrestler giving the hold's stamina rises to its peak. Next, holds should be accessed with certain controls that maximizes the amount of holds we can do. Another thing is that some holds should recquire a particular technical rating while certain wrestlers have more than the other. Here are the controls I suggest...
Hold RT+move right stick up- facelock
Hold RT+move right stick left-headlock
Hold RT+move right stick right-armlock
Hold RT+move right stick down-waistlock
Extra hold controls
Hold RT+move left stick(up, left, right, down)+press a or x(ps)
Hold RT+tap the right stick(up, left, right, down) twice
Ground Technical Wrestling~ In addition to this extra holds idea, you should also be able to do the ground variation of each hold too. Ground holds should inflict slightly more damage than standing holds.To access the variation, you should have to click the right stick while holding the right bumper. I should also note that ground holds should also be done when the opponent is not standing. Doing this should recquire the same controls of doing the normal hold.
Options during holds~ Of course technical wrestling also has certain options during holds. Some are pushes off the ropes, tightening up the hold, grappling, striking, and transitioning.
double tap b(circle)- pin
b(circle)-push of the ropes
Hold RT+move the right stick(up, left, right, down)-transitions
Hold RT+tap the right stick(up, left, right, down) twice-transitions
Hold RT+hold left stick(up, left, right, down)+a or x-transitions
Press the right stick "without holding RT"-tighten the grip
Countering Holds~ If you are on the receiving end of the hold, hold RT and wait for the reversal pop up. A reversal icon should pop up whenever the opponent tries to do a transition, push you off the ropes, grapple, do a finisher, strike, or tighten his grip. They should also momentarilly pop up after a period of time so you won't have to stay there for too long. Once you see it, keep holding RT but this time, you move the right stick(up, left, right, down) or tap the right stick twice(up, left, right, down) or hold the left stick(up, left, right, down)+press a or x to do a transition counter to your signature hold. On more general counters, you should have to hold RT and wait for the reversal icon again. When it pops up, either click a or x(grapple counter), tap b twice(to go for a pin), click b or circle(to push him off the ropes), or click x(to counter with a barrage of strikes). One last way should be just plain clicking RT like always.
18. Improved Reversal System= I know reversals are a big hole in our current game and I honestly can't think of an easier way. The best I can think of is signature counters and being able to choose how we counter. The controls should be the same as countering holds without the transitions which is by tapping RT when the reversal icon pops up and
holding RT while.....
-clicking b or circle(counter by pushing to the ropes) when the reversal icon pops up
-clicking a or x(counter by grapple) when the reversal icon pops up
-counter x or square(counter by strike) when the reversal icon pops up
It should also be key to note that grapple counters to big men should never involve carrying. As for signature counters, they all should be quick and simple. Counters with carrying should recquire a certain strength attribute.
19. New Finisher System= Each finisher slot should be a finisher package instead of a finisher animation. In a typical finisher package, there should be a couple animations that vary each time. We should also get the option to do specific finishers in different spots whether it is standing or on the ground. One example is the Yes Lock where sometimes, D Bry drags his opponents arm to the ground when standing and when he goes straight into the submission when his opponent is lying on the ground. In some special finisher packages there should be either a tired variation, top-rope variation, or ladder related variation. To add to this, when your finisher bar fills up, you should get the choice to do a surprise finisher or prepared finisher.
Surprise Finisher-A wrestler giving out a sudden finisher out of no where. Surprise finishers should take 75% of the stamina bar and cause more damage than prepared finishers but are a it easier to counter.
To access: Press LT+y or triangle
Prepared Finisher- A wrestler is ready to give out a finisher and gets in aggressive footing. Doing a prepared finisher should take no stamina and is completely built off the momentum bar.
To access: Do a stand up taunt. When both wrestlers are standing ,
Tap up on the D-Pad twice.
Finisher counters into finishers should also be available for certain moves as a choice. To do this hold RT+click y or triangle when a yellow reversal icon pops up. Countering finishers into finishers should recquire a signature skill and only particular finishers can have them so only the good ones get this choice.
20. Submission Mechanics= Every wrestler who is holding the submission should be able to pull their opppponents back to the middle of the ring when they are near the ropes. To do this you have to use your resiliency spot. To add to this, submission counters to 2k should put in a lot of work in making unique counters into submission finishers. Some examples are when Chris Jericho counters a hurricarana from the top ropes into a Walls of Jericho. Another example is when Jericho counters a Senton into a Walls of Jericho. To do these, you should have to hold RT+click y or triangle when a yellow reversal icon pops up on the right spot. Certain Submission finisher counters should recquire signature skills and be limited to paricular wrestlers.
21. Botches= Doing finishers, high risk-high maneuver moves, diving moves, anything involving tables, and hold transitioning should recquire timing. Whenever timed too early or late, it shouldn't always be a botch but a risk of getting one. Botches should also be more possible the more damaged and winded the wrestler is. As for the animations, I would suggest the opponent slipping off during carrying animations, tables not breaking when intended to, slipping off the top ropes, slipping off a hold transition, the opponent landing on his neck during grapples intended for the opponent to land on his back, the opponent landing on the top of his head during grapples intended for the opponent to land face-first, and tables breaking in the middle of a move. The player who botches should get as much damage that was meant for his opponent and get his stamina drained all the way down making him fall to the ground in exhaustion as consequences. On super rare occasions, the player or the opponent should get injuries which makes the match discontinued unless the ai of the other opponent or the player decides to continue. Playing through this condition should automatically put the injured area in the most critical condition. Some injuries I recommend are concussions, shattered ankles, broken knees, Torn abdomens, injured elbows, and spinal injuries.
22. More Wrestler Exclusives= In 2k14, we got a couple wrestler exclusives like Undertaker's Wrestemania only OMG moment. We should get more of those things this time. For instance, the Punt kick should be an OMG moment for Orton that recquires 3 finishers or can be accessed after 2 RKOs get kicked out of and the next full finisher bar you get allows you to do a punt kick. Other examples are finisher counter to finishers and submission counters which I addressed earlier.
23. Intensity Meter= This meter should pop up every once in a while. When it fills up, you should get the choice to do a comeback, staredown(hold y or triangle) or a slap/push(double tap y or triangle). Building it up should be nearly the same as getting comebacks in WWE 2k14.
24. Better Use of the D-Pad= The D-Pad should be used for more than just taunts. It should also be used for things like trash talking and dirty moves.
Up-wake up taunts, signature taunts
Left-make an alliance during a match
Right-arrogant actions(heel), pandering to the crowd(face), trash talking(wrestler exclusives)
Down-Dirty Moves(heel)
Note 1: Excessively doing signature taunts should result doing pander or arrogant animations which shouldn't boost the momentum as much
Note 2: Heels should have the choice to counter with dirty moves by clicking down on the D-Pad once the reversal icon pops up.
Note 3: signature taunts should be random whenever clicking up and you should have to hold it to do a wake up taunt
25. Alliance During Matches= By holding left on the D-Pad near another wrestler, an animation should be triggered where the wrestler you control taps the other wrestler shoulder as a signal to offer alliance. The other wrestler should get the choice to say yes or no. To say yes, click the left D-Pad button, to say no, click the right D-Pad button. When the other wrestlers says no, an animation where he attacks the guy offering help should trigger which results slightly lowering the offerer's momentum and increasing his own momentum. Whenever coming to agreement, both the wrestler's momentum should increase but not to the extent of when someone disagrees. You shoud also get the choice to betray the other by clicking left in the D-Pad while near the other. As a result, the traitors momentum should decrease while the victim's should increase. For more realism, when you accidentally almost attack your ally, an animation should trigger where your ally catches you and you stop yourself.
Key Note 1:Rivals should most likely be never allies.
Key Note 2:You should get the choice to have more than just 1 ally at the time.
26. Arrogant and Pandering Actions+Trash Talking= By clicking right on the D-Pad, you should be able to do these kind of animations. For the arrogant animations, I suggest wrestlers doing arrogant smiles, angrily screaming at the crowd, and staring at the crowd angrily. For pandering animations, I suggest wrestlers smiling in superhero-like fashion, playing by the crowds chants(doing the Yes taunt when the crowd does yes chants), and staring at the crowd in the way where he looks like he's gonna say "Wow, this crowd is electric" or "Come on, gimme some more noise!". Trash talking should be wrestler exclusives like when certain wrestlers scream "you son of a b!tch" or "you piece of trash". Doing these animations should benefit largely in building up the intensity meter.
27. Match Performance Grade= Like MyPlayer in NBA 2k, there should be a performance meter on how well you perform in a match. The meter should range from A+ to F and always start out at C like NBA 2k. To raise the grade, you have to do different grapples, hold transitions, doing finishers, kicking out of finishers, interact with the crowd, raise the intensity meter, storytell abit, focus on limb damage, and basically do stuff that makes a good performance. To Lower it, you would have to botch moves, do nothing for a period of time, be repetitive, and do other stuff that makes you boring or unimpressive. You should get the choice to make this visible or not anytime.
Key Note 1: Repeating a move should result a smaller grade boost each time to the point where it decreases the grade. Finishers, submissions, holds, and strikes should never reach the point where it lowers your grade though
Key Note 2: Moves that recquire high attributes should have bigger boosts in the grade
Key Note 3: Introducing new play styles in the middle of a match should result bigger boosts. For instance,
28. Match Quality Meter= Remember the Match quality points thing after a Defeat the Streak or Defend the Streak match in 2k14. They should input that in every match(if chosen to be turnt on by the user) but with more detail and be scaled from 1.0-10.0. Every match should start 7.0. Ways of increasing and decreasing should be the same with the Match Performance Meter. The difference should be that it is a combined effort in all the wrestlers and not just based on one wrestler. This feature should also emphasize on things like the storytelling, psychology, move diversity, excitement, drama, and innovation.
29. Dynamic Selling System= Be honest, all us wrestling fans know deep inside that selling has become a lost art especially in video games. Think about it, how often do you see Big Show sell a stunner like The Rock or The Great Khali doing a backflip from Jbl's Clothesline? 2k should mocap the majority of the WWE roster to sell to certain/typical maneuvers. Here are a couple sells that I would recommend.......
-sells to strikes to the head, body, legs, and back which differ on normal and heavy strikes
-sells to strikes while on the turnbuckle to the head, body, legs, and back which differ on normal and running grapples and grapples
-sells to landing on their backs, landing face-first, and landing chest-first which all differ when it is a weak grapple, strong grapple, top rope grapple, landing on steel, and finishers.
-sells to clotheslines which differ whenever it is a normal running grapple and a finisher.
-sells to diving moves/finishers which differ if it is to the body, head, and when the opponent is facing down.
-sells to ground grapples/finishers which differ if it is to the body, head, and legs
-sells to big boots which should fall into the same category with the running knee and STOs.
-sells to getting knocked out whether it is a chair shot to the head or a knockout finisher like the WMD and Sweet Chin Music.
-sells to particular iconic finishers like the
-Limb selling(arm, knee, leg, shoulder, elbow, neck, ankle)
Stunner(especially the Stunner), GTS, Codebreaker, and etc...
In addition, there should be a selling attribute and classic sells like The Rock's sell to the Stunner should recquire a certain attribute to input. Also, classic or good sells should benefit more than average sells to the match quality meter.
30. More Life in the Referee= Here are a couple realistic referee actions...
-Count to 5 into dq when wrestlers are excessively hitting wrestlers who are lying on the ropes or turnbuckle.
-Sell getting knocked out for a while whenever they get hit. They should sometimes crawl their ways to count a pin during desperate times.
-New refs should come out whenever the current ref is too knocked out.
31. More Realistic Rope Breaks and Pins=
Rope breaks~
-We should see clear animations of wrestlers grabbing the ropes when they crawl to get out of submissions.
-There should be clear animations of wrestlers grabbing or putting their legs on the bottom rope during pins for ropebreaks. To do this, you should have to time the kickout as always. The bar you have to stop on to time right should be larger whenever the pin conviniently doesn't have the persons leg hooked and is close enough to the ropes.
-Kickouts to finishers should have their own near fall animations on a 2 count no matter how early the player or ai times it.
32. More Mannerisms= In WWE 2k14, their were subtle movements including wrestlers shaking their heads from dizziness or fixing their wrist tape. I expect this to happen more consistently in the next game. A few more I can think of are wrestlers slapping the ground in anger as they get up and wrestlers being in a state of shock after a near-fall.
33. Limited Movesets= I believe certain wrestlers should not have as much maneuvers as portrayed in the video game. Guys like Daniel Bryan or HBK should have a wide arrange of moves while others such as John Cena will have a noticeably smaller arsenal. Not only should it be for moves but for things like taunts, mannerisms, etc...
34. Charisma= This is arguably the most important aspect in WWE success. Charisma is not supposed to be defined by one attribute, it is summed up by a connection between the crowd. The closest way a video game can interpret charisma into a videogame is for it to be determined by the amount or greatness of crowd interactive movements a wrestler can have. These movements can range from charisma implied in mannerisms, walking animations, sells, taunts, and even moves themselves. About every single animation should have its charisma points and the higher the amount of charisma points a wrestler has, the more charismatic that person is. To put into picture, a man like The Rock has attitude written all over him from the way he walks, the way he does moves, his subtle movements, his selling, and his facial expressions (which I'll get into later in my Presentation wishlist). Of course, there should still be a charisma attribute and each animation still requires a particular rating. That is my illustration of charisma put into a video game.
35. Taunt Hotspots= Taunt hotspots are taunt like movements that have requirements. One example is a turnbuckle taunt. I can recall HBK just laying on his back on the top turnbuckle as a cocky taunt which was pretty cool IMO. I would also count in some rare oversells. To do an oversell, y or triangle in the midst of a move. I would like to add in Ric Flair's ridiculous flip over the top rope whenever an opponent irish whips him all the way from the other corner. Oversells should result higher bumps on the performance meter. Keep in mind, some of these should be exclusive to PPV matches and limited to a certain amount each match. Lastly, I would like to point out that these should usually require a high charisma rating and boost the wrestlers momentum as well as match rating/grade during the match at a high rate.
36. Virtual Currency= Need I explain more? Virtual currency should be mainly used for modes(which I will get into in my gamemodes wishlist).
1. Since it has already been confirmed that the next gen version is already being developed, I am hoping that this game runs on 2ks new engine used in next gen nba 2k14 called ecomotion. It is actually perfect for wrestling games as the engine emphasizes on tangibility, emotions, getting rid of all the snapping or sliding stupidity, contextual movement(no more canned animations), smoothness, and even the all around atmosphere.
2. Move Attribute Recquirements = Every single move should recquire certain attributes. For instance, the 619 should recquire 90 speed and 90 flexability so that way, slow and fat people shouldn't be able to do it.
3. New Stamina System= WWE 2k15 should have a new stamina system that is similar to most sports game stamina system. If you look at NBA 2k14 and Fight Night Champion, they have the system where the peak of your stamina gradually decreases the more you abuse it while whenever you do a move your stamina spikes down momentarily but fills back up to its peak. Another significant thing is that certain moves on those games recquire different amounts of stamina. That is another thing I want to see in this game. For example, finishers should cost significantly more stamina than any grapple while strong grapples should cost more than weak grapples.
4. Harder and More Damaging Grapples= Doing grapples should drain out the stamina faster and be more damaging to the point that players need to be conservative to do grapples
5. Super-Heavyweight Mechanics= Going against superheavyweights should have to be like going against giants. Carrying super-heavyweights during carrying maneuvers should recquire a 90+ strength rating. Knocking them down with running strikes should recquire doing it 3 straight times uninterrupted. Doing a normal bodyslam-like maneuver to them should need a long build up but give out a lot of damage as a reward. While playing as a super-heavyweight, their strikes and grapples should be more damaging but easier to reverse as well.
6. New Running Mechanics= There should now be 2 variations of running. One way should be by not bouncing of the ropes which results slower running, short lunges, and running grapples/strikes that aren't strong enough to knock the opponent down. The 2nd option should be from bouncing off the ropes which results faster running, longer strides, and running grapples strikes that actually knock the opponent down. So this way, cheesing with the running grapples/strikes are more limited while it still simulates a real wwe match.
7. Revamped Striking/Better Hit detection= This one is quite obvious. I believe striking should basically just look more fluid without clipping while countering strikes should automatically result a strike counter. Another addition should be able to have signature strikes to opponents when they are on their knees and knocked down. I would also suggest that striking should be controlled using the right stick now with the controls.....
Up-head strike
Left-back strike from the front/chest strike from the back/arm strike
Right-Abdomen strike
Down-Leg Strike
Hold+any direction=Heavy Strike
These controls should also be applied to strikes on the ground and when the opponent is on their knees.
8. More Signature Movements= It would a great feat if we could choose our own fighting stances, the way we walk, the way we run, and the way we climb up the turnbuckle. There doesn't need to be much options for these. I would just largely appreciate it if they did.
9. Fatigued and Damaged Movements= Whenever the player gets drained out too often or is too hurt, they should start falling down after a move due to how winded or in pain they are. Also, the lower the peak of someone's stamina, the less stable their fighting stance and the harder it is to counter. To add to this, carrying other wrestlers should start getting slower the more tired or damaged the wrestler. It is also worth mentioning that wrestlers should be able to sell their arm, neck, arm, shoulder, knee, and ankle when they are severely damaged.
10. Environmental Awareness= Whenever a wrestler gets near the ropes, turnbuckle, barrier, or etc. while getting striked down by his opponent, he should somehow gradually get down to his knees or a sitting position while leaning on those areas. Another example is being groggy near an object. For instance, whenever the player gets groggy from a strike while near the ringpost outside, the player's wrestler should go into a position where he looks like he is trying to keep his balance using the post.
11. Standing Back Up Mechanics= From my observation, basically every wrestler uses their environment as an advantage to pull themselves back up whether it is ropes or the barricade. I would suggest that wrestlers should be able to use the ropes, apron, turnbuckle, firm foreign objects, and barricade as stepping stones(hold the left stick towards the spot). Using the environment for this reason should obviously make you stand up at a quicker rate. Another thing that bugs me is how quickly you get up after laying knocked out in the ground for a while. They should have 4 stages to go through to stand up which are (in order) knocked out, knocked down, on your knees, and groggy. Obviously, you can't get knocked out all the time and the closer you are to standing up, the less you have to button mash. It should also be worth mentioning that resting animations at a certain spot should VARY nearly everytime whether it is leaning back on the ropes when you are in "groggy" stage or sitting on your a$$ when you are the "on your knees" stage.
example in real life: every single wrestlers uses the ropes to pull themselves up each match
12. Crawling/Stumbling Mechanics= Another thing that is apparent in wrestling is how wrestlers sell their struggle to balance or get up fast enough. That explains hot tags and when guys crawl their way to pins. I strongly recommend that crawling(when in knocked down stage), walking on your knees(when in the on your knees stage), and stumbling(when in groggy stage) are choices of movement whenever the player doesn't choose to fully stand. These stages should be used to go near and grab the ropes(to gain more leverage) or to go towards a pin whenever they don't have enough leverage to stand up.
example in real life: crawling is apparent in hot tags. Plus, I can recall several times where Kurt Angle crawls to his opponent to do that one arm pin like how he won that Taker vs Rikishi vs Rock vs SCSA vs Angle vs HHH Hell in a Cell match.
13. Stamina-Damage Connection= The more damaged you are, the slower your stamina should be getting back to its peak. The shorter the peak of your stamina is, the more damage you'll take.
14. Resting Mechanics= If the player is getting irritated by how slow his stamina is to getting back up to its peak, they should be given the choice to use the environment to rest on. Resting on areas like the ropes, turnbuckle, barriers, and etc should result your stamina going up at a higher rate. In addition, the players should also be able to rest whenever they are on their knees, knocked down, and in the middle of pulling themselves using the environment. As for the controls, it should be by jamming the left and right bumper repeatedly.
15. More Turnbuckle Options= First of all, cllimbing up the turnbuckle NEEDS to be slowed down even for the Super-Heavyweights. IMO, It seems far too easy and quick. To get to the point, I would like to have the option to choose whether I go up to the 2nd ropes(press the left bumper once)and the top rope(press the left bumper twice) while in order to get up the turnbuckle while running, you should have to time clicking lb instead of mindlessly running around the ring until you get there. Also, you should have to click the Lb again to go into the diving position like how you already do on top of a ladder to dive. Another plus in realism I would like is climbing up while facing the turnbuckle(hold left stick and right stick towards the turnbuckle) in order to do moonsaults or Corner Body splashes(2nd Rope moves). I would also suggest revamping the top rope grappling system. If your opponent is sitting on top waiting for a superplex(or any top rope grapple), you should now have the choice to throw your opponent to the ground for a dive(press b or circle), and have the choice to go to either the 2nd(press lb once) or Top(Press lb twice quickly). Therefore, you now have 3 different grapple stages for top rope grapples(while standing, on 2nd rope, on top rope). In addition, spring drives from the turnbuckle(double tap x or square) should return but can only be accessed when near the opponent so moves like the Rey Mysterio springturn hurricarana can be used in the game.
16. Explorable Arena= The ability to walk around an entire arena would be a big plus to nostalgia fanboys and casual fans. Im not saying it should be WWE Gta edition but almost an miniature open world game with a map that can fit in easter eggs. It would be mind-numbingly awesome if these following areas are free to go to.....
Backstage- You should be able to walk right through the entrance to the backstage area. This area should be like an open world portion of the game with a pretty large scale that contains, enterable locker rooms for each wrester, a cafeteria, wrestlers chilling around, tech guys walking around, offices, and even writers walking around.
Crowd- What more can I say but to have crowds going noticeably nuts, security guards trying to block the crowd out, and a skybox somewgere up the stairs.
Arena Exit- This should sound new to people so imagine going through an exit door in the crowd area or backstage that leads to another large area where people go to for intermission. I would put in vendors, security guards, escalators or stairs for lower grounds, and the arena entrance doors(which doesn't necessarily need to be exited.... for now)
Parking Lot- This should speak for itself. All I suggest is to be able to go on top of cars and the ability to run someone over with the car as a finisher.
Down the Stage- Being down the stage was accessible a couple years back, they should be able to bring it back.
On Top of the Tron- It was accessible in a game from 10 years ago and it is way overdue already.
17. Technical Wrestling= Now that 2k is in charge, they should go into the core of wrestling and input in deep technical wrestling. First of all, damage should be inflicted during holds while the wrestler giving the hold's stamina rises to its peak. Next, holds should be accessed with certain controls that maximizes the amount of holds we can do. Another thing is that some holds should recquire a particular technical rating while certain wrestlers have more than the other. Here are the controls I suggest...
Hold RT+move right stick up- facelock
Hold RT+move right stick left-headlock
Hold RT+move right stick right-armlock
Hold RT+move right stick down-waistlock
Extra hold controls
Hold RT+move left stick(up, left, right, down)+press a or x(ps)
Hold RT+tap the right stick(up, left, right, down) twice
Ground Technical Wrestling~ In addition to this extra holds idea, you should also be able to do the ground variation of each hold too. Ground holds should inflict slightly more damage than standing holds.To access the variation, you should have to click the right stick while holding the right bumper. I should also note that ground holds should also be done when the opponent is not standing. Doing this should recquire the same controls of doing the normal hold.
Options during holds~ Of course technical wrestling also has certain options during holds. Some are pushes off the ropes, tightening up the hold, grappling, striking, and transitioning.
double tap b(circle)- pin
b(circle)-push of the ropes
Hold RT+move the right stick(up, left, right, down)-transitions
Hold RT+tap the right stick(up, left, right, down) twice-transitions
Hold RT+hold left stick(up, left, right, down)+a or x-transitions
Press the right stick "without holding RT"-tighten the grip
Countering Holds~ If you are on the receiving end of the hold, hold RT and wait for the reversal pop up. A reversal icon should pop up whenever the opponent tries to do a transition, push you off the ropes, grapple, do a finisher, strike, or tighten his grip. They should also momentarilly pop up after a period of time so you won't have to stay there for too long. Once you see it, keep holding RT but this time, you move the right stick(up, left, right, down) or tap the right stick twice(up, left, right, down) or hold the left stick(up, left, right, down)+press a or x to do a transition counter to your signature hold. On more general counters, you should have to hold RT and wait for the reversal icon again. When it pops up, either click a or x(grapple counter), tap b twice(to go for a pin), click b or circle(to push him off the ropes), or click x(to counter with a barrage of strikes). One last way should be just plain clicking RT like always.
18. Improved Reversal System= I know reversals are a big hole in our current game and I honestly can't think of an easier way. The best I can think of is signature counters and being able to choose how we counter. The controls should be the same as countering holds without the transitions which is by tapping RT when the reversal icon pops up and
holding RT while.....
-clicking b or circle(counter by pushing to the ropes) when the reversal icon pops up
-clicking a or x(counter by grapple) when the reversal icon pops up
-counter x or square(counter by strike) when the reversal icon pops up
It should also be key to note that grapple counters to big men should never involve carrying. As for signature counters, they all should be quick and simple. Counters with carrying should recquire a certain strength attribute.
19. New Finisher System= Each finisher slot should be a finisher package instead of a finisher animation. In a typical finisher package, there should be a couple animations that vary each time. We should also get the option to do specific finishers in different spots whether it is standing or on the ground. One example is the Yes Lock where sometimes, D Bry drags his opponents arm to the ground when standing and when he goes straight into the submission when his opponent is lying on the ground. In some special finisher packages there should be either a tired variation, top-rope variation, or ladder related variation. To add to this, when your finisher bar fills up, you should get the choice to do a surprise finisher or prepared finisher.
Surprise Finisher-A wrestler giving out a sudden finisher out of no where. Surprise finishers should take 75% of the stamina bar and cause more damage than prepared finishers but are a it easier to counter.
To access: Press LT+y or triangle
Prepared Finisher- A wrestler is ready to give out a finisher and gets in aggressive footing. Doing a prepared finisher should take no stamina and is completely built off the momentum bar.
To access: Do a stand up taunt. When both wrestlers are standing ,
Tap up on the D-Pad twice.
Finisher counters into finishers should also be available for certain moves as a choice. To do this hold RT+click y or triangle when a yellow reversal icon pops up. Countering finishers into finishers should recquire a signature skill and only particular finishers can have them so only the good ones get this choice.
20. Submission Mechanics= Every wrestler who is holding the submission should be able to pull their opppponents back to the middle of the ring when they are near the ropes. To do this you have to use your resiliency spot. To add to this, submission counters to 2k should put in a lot of work in making unique counters into submission finishers. Some examples are when Chris Jericho counters a hurricarana from the top ropes into a Walls of Jericho. Another example is when Jericho counters a Senton into a Walls of Jericho. To do these, you should have to hold RT+click y or triangle when a yellow reversal icon pops up on the right spot. Certain Submission finisher counters should recquire signature skills and be limited to paricular wrestlers.
21. Botches= Doing finishers, high risk-high maneuver moves, diving moves, anything involving tables, and hold transitioning should recquire timing. Whenever timed too early or late, it shouldn't always be a botch but a risk of getting one. Botches should also be more possible the more damaged and winded the wrestler is. As for the animations, I would suggest the opponent slipping off during carrying animations, tables not breaking when intended to, slipping off the top ropes, slipping off a hold transition, the opponent landing on his neck during grapples intended for the opponent to land on his back, the opponent landing on the top of his head during grapples intended for the opponent to land face-first, and tables breaking in the middle of a move. The player who botches should get as much damage that was meant for his opponent and get his stamina drained all the way down making him fall to the ground in exhaustion as consequences. On super rare occasions, the player or the opponent should get injuries which makes the match discontinued unless the ai of the other opponent or the player decides to continue. Playing through this condition should automatically put the injured area in the most critical condition. Some injuries I recommend are concussions, shattered ankles, broken knees, Torn abdomens, injured elbows, and spinal injuries.
22. More Wrestler Exclusives= In 2k14, we got a couple wrestler exclusives like Undertaker's Wrestemania only OMG moment. We should get more of those things this time. For instance, the Punt kick should be an OMG moment for Orton that recquires 3 finishers or can be accessed after 2 RKOs get kicked out of and the next full finisher bar you get allows you to do a punt kick. Other examples are finisher counter to finishers and submission counters which I addressed earlier.
23. Intensity Meter= This meter should pop up every once in a while. When it fills up, you should get the choice to do a comeback, staredown(hold y or triangle) or a slap/push(double tap y or triangle). Building it up should be nearly the same as getting comebacks in WWE 2k14.
24. Better Use of the D-Pad= The D-Pad should be used for more than just taunts. It should also be used for things like trash talking and dirty moves.
Up-wake up taunts, signature taunts
Left-make an alliance during a match
Right-arrogant actions(heel), pandering to the crowd(face), trash talking(wrestler exclusives)
Down-Dirty Moves(heel)
Note 1: Excessively doing signature taunts should result doing pander or arrogant animations which shouldn't boost the momentum as much
Note 2: Heels should have the choice to counter with dirty moves by clicking down on the D-Pad once the reversal icon pops up.
Note 3: signature taunts should be random whenever clicking up and you should have to hold it to do a wake up taunt
25. Alliance During Matches= By holding left on the D-Pad near another wrestler, an animation should be triggered where the wrestler you control taps the other wrestler shoulder as a signal to offer alliance. The other wrestler should get the choice to say yes or no. To say yes, click the left D-Pad button, to say no, click the right D-Pad button. When the other wrestlers says no, an animation where he attacks the guy offering help should trigger which results slightly lowering the offerer's momentum and increasing his own momentum. Whenever coming to agreement, both the wrestler's momentum should increase but not to the extent of when someone disagrees. You shoud also get the choice to betray the other by clicking left in the D-Pad while near the other. As a result, the traitors momentum should decrease while the victim's should increase. For more realism, when you accidentally almost attack your ally, an animation should trigger where your ally catches you and you stop yourself.
Key Note 1:Rivals should most likely be never allies.
Key Note 2:You should get the choice to have more than just 1 ally at the time.
26. Arrogant and Pandering Actions+Trash Talking= By clicking right on the D-Pad, you should be able to do these kind of animations. For the arrogant animations, I suggest wrestlers doing arrogant smiles, angrily screaming at the crowd, and staring at the crowd angrily. For pandering animations, I suggest wrestlers smiling in superhero-like fashion, playing by the crowds chants(doing the Yes taunt when the crowd does yes chants), and staring at the crowd in the way where he looks like he's gonna say "Wow, this crowd is electric" or "Come on, gimme some more noise!". Trash talking should be wrestler exclusives like when certain wrestlers scream "you son of a b!tch" or "you piece of trash". Doing these animations should benefit largely in building up the intensity meter.
27. Match Performance Grade= Like MyPlayer in NBA 2k, there should be a performance meter on how well you perform in a match. The meter should range from A+ to F and always start out at C like NBA 2k. To raise the grade, you have to do different grapples, hold transitions, doing finishers, kicking out of finishers, interact with the crowd, raise the intensity meter, storytell abit, focus on limb damage, and basically do stuff that makes a good performance. To Lower it, you would have to botch moves, do nothing for a period of time, be repetitive, and do other stuff that makes you boring or unimpressive. You should get the choice to make this visible or not anytime.
Key Note 1: Repeating a move should result a smaller grade boost each time to the point where it decreases the grade. Finishers, submissions, holds, and strikes should never reach the point where it lowers your grade though
Key Note 2: Moves that recquire high attributes should have bigger boosts in the grade
Key Note 3: Introducing new play styles in the middle of a match should result bigger boosts. For instance,
28. Match Quality Meter= Remember the Match quality points thing after a Defeat the Streak or Defend the Streak match in 2k14. They should input that in every match(if chosen to be turnt on by the user) but with more detail and be scaled from 1.0-10.0. Every match should start 7.0. Ways of increasing and decreasing should be the same with the Match Performance Meter. The difference should be that it is a combined effort in all the wrestlers and not just based on one wrestler. This feature should also emphasize on things like the storytelling, psychology, move diversity, excitement, drama, and innovation.
29. Dynamic Selling System= Be honest, all us wrestling fans know deep inside that selling has become a lost art especially in video games. Think about it, how often do you see Big Show sell a stunner like The Rock or The Great Khali doing a backflip from Jbl's Clothesline? 2k should mocap the majority of the WWE roster to sell to certain/typical maneuvers. Here are a couple sells that I would recommend.......
-sells to strikes to the head, body, legs, and back which differ on normal and heavy strikes
-sells to strikes while on the turnbuckle to the head, body, legs, and back which differ on normal and running grapples and grapples
-sells to landing on their backs, landing face-first, and landing chest-first which all differ when it is a weak grapple, strong grapple, top rope grapple, landing on steel, and finishers.
-sells to clotheslines which differ whenever it is a normal running grapple and a finisher.
-sells to diving moves/finishers which differ if it is to the body, head, and when the opponent is facing down.
-sells to ground grapples/finishers which differ if it is to the body, head, and legs
-sells to big boots which should fall into the same category with the running knee and STOs.
-sells to getting knocked out whether it is a chair shot to the head or a knockout finisher like the WMD and Sweet Chin Music.
-sells to particular iconic finishers like the
-Limb selling(arm, knee, leg, shoulder, elbow, neck, ankle)
Stunner(especially the Stunner), GTS, Codebreaker, and etc...
In addition, there should be a selling attribute and classic sells like The Rock's sell to the Stunner should recquire a certain attribute to input. Also, classic or good sells should benefit more than average sells to the match quality meter.
30. More Life in the Referee= Here are a couple realistic referee actions...
-Count to 5 into dq when wrestlers are excessively hitting wrestlers who are lying on the ropes or turnbuckle.
-Sell getting knocked out for a while whenever they get hit. They should sometimes crawl their ways to count a pin during desperate times.
-New refs should come out whenever the current ref is too knocked out.
31. More Realistic Rope Breaks and Pins=
Rope breaks~
-We should see clear animations of wrestlers grabbing the ropes when they crawl to get out of submissions.
-There should be clear animations of wrestlers grabbing or putting their legs on the bottom rope during pins for ropebreaks. To do this, you should have to time the kickout as always. The bar you have to stop on to time right should be larger whenever the pin conviniently doesn't have the persons leg hooked and is close enough to the ropes.
-Kickouts to finishers should have their own near fall animations on a 2 count no matter how early the player or ai times it.
32. More Mannerisms= In WWE 2k14, their were subtle movements including wrestlers shaking their heads from dizziness or fixing their wrist tape. I expect this to happen more consistently in the next game. A few more I can think of are wrestlers slapping the ground in anger as they get up and wrestlers being in a state of shock after a near-fall.
33. Limited Movesets= I believe certain wrestlers should not have as much maneuvers as portrayed in the video game. Guys like Daniel Bryan or HBK should have a wide arrange of moves while others such as John Cena will have a noticeably smaller arsenal. Not only should it be for moves but for things like taunts, mannerisms, etc...
34. Charisma= This is arguably the most important aspect in WWE success. Charisma is not supposed to be defined by one attribute, it is summed up by a connection between the crowd. The closest way a video game can interpret charisma into a videogame is for it to be determined by the amount or greatness of crowd interactive movements a wrestler can have. These movements can range from charisma implied in mannerisms, walking animations, sells, taunts, and even moves themselves. About every single animation should have its charisma points and the higher the amount of charisma points a wrestler has, the more charismatic that person is. To put into picture, a man like The Rock has attitude written all over him from the way he walks, the way he does moves, his subtle movements, his selling, and his facial expressions (which I'll get into later in my Presentation wishlist). Of course, there should still be a charisma attribute and each animation still requires a particular rating. That is my illustration of charisma put into a video game.
35. Taunt Hotspots= Taunt hotspots are taunt like movements that have requirements. One example is a turnbuckle taunt. I can recall HBK just laying on his back on the top turnbuckle as a cocky taunt which was pretty cool IMO. I would also count in some rare oversells. To do an oversell, y or triangle in the midst of a move. I would like to add in Ric Flair's ridiculous flip over the top rope whenever an opponent irish whips him all the way from the other corner. Oversells should result higher bumps on the performance meter. Keep in mind, some of these should be exclusive to PPV matches and limited to a certain amount each match. Lastly, I would like to point out that these should usually require a high charisma rating and boost the wrestlers momentum as well as match rating/grade during the match at a high rate.
36. Virtual Currency= Need I explain more? Virtual currency should be mainly used for modes(which I will get into in my gamemodes wishlist).
# 1
DJ @ Feb 8
Man, you've got a lot of detail in this blog. Interesting read. Do you play mostly wrestling games?
# 2
JDrew8 @ Feb 9
Thanks dude. Nah, I'm more of a NBA 2k guy. I'm just a really big wrestling fan and seeing how great 2k's NBA games are, its exciting to see how far they can go with wrestling simulation wise.
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