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WetBeaverNeeded is offline
# 4
WetBeaverNeeded @ Mar 7, 2014
Originally Posted by JC SQUIRT
do you know if you will still be on current gen when 2k15 comes out?? i am debating whether to buy a ps4 or not. your names are pretty original but not in a bad way.
Not sure yet about 2k15. I'll probably wait until a month after both cg and ng 2k15 are released before i decide. And for now i don't really have any desire for a ps4, not enough games yet and there's a bunch of things i dislike about 2k14 on ng.
WetBeaverNeeded is offline
# 3
WetBeaverNeeded @ Mar 5, 2014
Originally Posted by JC SQUIRT
Also if you want you should start a my career videos. what is up with that name wetbeaverneeded and ineedsugarwalls?lol
I'll probably do mycareer videos in 2k15. (if i'm still making videos at that time) I intended to post them this year as well, but i lost most of the footage and at this point i don't play the mode anymore anyway.

As far as the names, i just wanted something original and unfortunately they're pretty fitting in my case as well.
WetBeaverNeeded is offline
# 2
WetBeaverNeeded @ Mar 5, 2014
Originally Posted by JC SQUIRT
Sorry I wish I could play you but im on the 360.
btw in your last vid you mentioned that you might start a accoication if you made enough people, i will do it but i am not sure if you will have enough veiws to do it
Yeah i'm pretty sure it's not gonna work out with the small amount of viewers i have. I'll probably just start my own association again.
WetBeaverNeeded is offline
# 1
WetBeaverNeeded @ Mar 4, 2014
Originally Posted by JC SQUIRT
Nice youtube vids just subscribed
Thanks, i appreciate that. If you have any ideas for videos let me know. And if you're on ps3 we can probably team-up some time, just don't take it personal if it takes a while. I suck at arranging those things.

You can add my psn iNeedSugarWalls if you want, i'm keeping my WetBeaverNeeded friends-free. I know it sounds weird, but we all have our quirks i guess.

Anyway, sorry for the long read and thanks for watching.

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