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MyPark/Rec Ranting... 
Posted on December 14, 2014 at 06:01 AM.
I can't stand getting bad teammates. They can either be guys who are just straight up bad at the game, or guys whose attributes are terrible and so they can't really help it, or both.

Example: I just played with a guy who was in the original stock clothes that each MyPlayer gets when he starts fresh, and he was 68 overall. I mean, what's the lowest possible, 63, 64? This guy must have played less than 5 career games and he's hopping in the Park and getting stomped. HE DOESN"T EVEN HAVE TO BE DOING ANYTHING WRONG, he got stripped a few times when he was checking the ball! C'mon... I mean is that even fun? Why bother if you can't even get the ball in play consistently. It is sooo easy to jump your player to 75-80 and higher in this game, and you don't have to spend a cent on VC. Just upgrade a few times before you go in the Park and lose the game for yourself and your teammates..

Why do players even play online when their overall is less than 75? I mean don't they know they're going to be playing 95's and up? Just doesn't make any sense to me. What frustrates me even more are those idiots who get in the park with a 71 overall player and they take a shot EVERY TIME THEY GET THE BALL.

Sometimes I really can't determine if my teammates are just bad players, or they're trying to play stupidly on purpose, or if they just really don't know anything about basketball at all.

This doesn't really have anything to do with the Park, but I gotta say, the black afro on a white guy is probably the most disgusting thing in the world.

How can so many players with high ranks or otherwise not know how the "Got Next" system works? It's really not that difficult. Also, I can't believe how many players will instead wait on the wrong side of the court and simply never switch?

The game operates the same way in the Park as it does offline when it comes to shooting a ton of shots, it's just all relative. It drives me nuts how other players don't realize that and they just keep shooting (and missing) when they either already have a ton of points or they've taken an incredible number of shots in a game that goes to 15.

It bothers me but also occasionally helps how the game will make sure that a team who is down by 3 or more will drain their next three-pointer or their next two. It's incredibly frustrating when you're up but great when you're down. At the very least you can squeeze in 2-4 points before you lose. This is also another thing that I don't think many players realize but seems painfully obvious.

I can't stand the Ballers increase in shooting. I hate playing anyone from that park, it doesn't matter if they are good or not, they will only take 3's and they will drain a ton of them. It's even more annoying because I was going to choose that park to begin with but for some reason I went with the Flyers, so maybe I'm just a little sour because of that, but it's still terrible. Hate playing the Ballers.

Why do so many bums call for the ball? I can't stand players (especially the one's with terrible attributes) who call for the ball constantly, shoot constantly, and miss constantly. I mean do they enjoy losing? Or are they just too stupid to realize that they are just bad?

Everyone already knows the input lag is awful. What makes it even worse, is when you get some squad next and the 3 guys have terrible internet connections. So now there's input lag, plus frame-rate lag and the whole game is just a cluster-****. Probably most annoying about that, is that those poor bums still think they're good when their connection is screwing everyone else.

I had a 98 three-point rating and later a 95 (maxed), even 99 when I had a boost still in effect for a few games after I used my last shooting upgrade, and I have every shooting badge, including Deadeye, and I can't hit a single three-point shot. WTF

I just can't stand dudes who call for the ball all the time, especially when their player is terrible. It just doesn't make sense.. I also can't stand dudes who have terrible players yet they insist on trying contact layups and contested put-backs, I mean, do they enjoy missing and getting blocked? I can't figure out if they are literally stupid and they can't help it, or they just don't understand basketball a lick, or if they just want to "try" to rack up points or something. Maybe they just flat-out don't care about their teammates whatsoever, or winning for that matter, and they're just trying to see what they can do in the Park to tell their buddies about. Whatever the reason, it's freakin annoying.

High ranking players who play "hero ball" are also way up on my list of park grievances. What is it with those guys? Don't they understand that they won't win games that way? At least against anybody decent.

As a point guard in the rec, I can't stand guys who throw the ball full-court on the inbound. The amount of turnovers and wasted possessions created by doing that is insane. It's even more bothersome because it has literally nothing to do with me trying to play keep away or something, like I WANT to pass the ball, I just want to make sure we have a solid possession, or at least get the ball down-court safely for F's sake.

Don't play in the rec if you have a bad player. Period. Sooo f'in stupid...

I can't stand centers who shoot 3's, like what is the point of that? Why would you create a center and then refuse to go in the paint and rebound? It's infuriating playing with a center who does that, and then we have no one getting rebounds, and sure enough the game gets out of hand. And I literally couldn't care less if the center makes the shot, or two, or even three, IT WON'T WIN THE GAME. Why the f*** would you make a center to shoot 3's anyway, the max attribute is 85, it just doesn't make sense.

I hate it when guys make ridiculously stupid shots because it only reinforces the incorrect idea that they are any good at this game, like at all. Making a few three's or hitting some tough shots doesn't make you good, it means that you got lucky. To think otherwise is completely delusional--it's a video game, there is absolutely no "skill" required to shoot the ball and pray it goes in.

I can't stand the way guys start playing when the game is either out of reach or well in hand. Whether we're up huge or down huge, everyone seems to do the same thing and just start playing like a dumb***. I can't say I don't get it, but at the same time, what's the point? If we're up, let's just keep pouring it on, if we're down, just be a good teammate and don't be a sore loser.

The thing I probably hate the most in the rec is bad teammates/bad players. But what's worse are the guys who don't realize that they are poison to the team, but not quitting out or changing their play. Just quit! Those guys don't even realize that the CPU that would take over if they quit is 1,000 times better than they are!

Why do so many guys drive to the basket in traffic in the rec? Just to get abused or blocked, or worse? I have a buddy who does it too, and all I ever hear him say afterward is, "Where's the foul??" Look, if it didn't work the 10 times before, why would you expect it to work now? Dumb***... This is also a good example of one of those shots that, if it actually goes in (and god forbid a foul is called to make it an And-1), it will be all the reinforcement needed for that guy to keep doing it over and over.

I can't stand guys who take stupid shots, namely, moving/fadeaway three-pointers. Why would you ever purposely take a moving shot when you don't have to? The chance of a moving shot going in is soo painfully lower than a standing shot it's ridiculous. It's like, how do you not get that??

I hate playing with guys in the rec who average over 10 points a game but less than 2 assists. I mean, talk about a glaring red flag, "Terrible Teammate Alert."

Point guards in the rec who gun the ball down-court and shoot a quick three are just f'in idiots..

I can't stand guys who do everything they possibly can on offense, but literally stop playing on defense.

It's incredibly irritating when a guy feels the need to boast about his 30-40 points when he's taken 30 shots. It amazes me how many guys think they're good or special or different from anyone else because they put up numbers like that. Here's the bottom line: we are all 90+ overall, we all can press square to shoot, we can all score 40 points if we took enough shots, none of this takes any skill, how do you not understand that, you ****** ******.

Don't call for the ball. I either see you already, or you're not as open as you think, or we already know you're going to hog the ball and ultimately shoot, or I simply just don't want to pass to you because you're terrible. Either way you spin, don't call for the ball, it's just annoying.

Guys who say that they are clutch are sorely mistaken. There is no such thing as being clutch in a video game, especially one as volatile and inconsistent as 2K. There's absolutely no difference between that guy and the next one when it comes to taking the last shot.

I can't stand excessive dribble moves, at the park or the rec. No one wants to watch you dribble, or even worse, dribble all day and then hoist a bad shot. I'll be fair though and say that I'm talking about excessive dribble moves, there's nothing wrong with a good move or two to get open or set up an assist, but the guys I'm talking about have no clue.

I can't stand having short guys on my team. I'm talking about really short. I don't understand why someone would even do that. I mean, all you're doing is putting yourself (and the team) at a huge disadvantage. Prepare to get blocked and abused, as well as grab zero rebounds. Just make your guy a little taller, c'mon man.. S*** looks weak as **** too when you're in the rec and everyone on the court is 7'.
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