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NFL: Wilson-mania Will Cost Coach Carroll 
Posted on August 26, 2012 at 01:16 AM.
Full disclosure: My intention is to secure a position here at Operation Sports primarily covering either Madden, FIFA or NCAA Football. I am a free-lance sport journalist here in Australia and this is the first step towards a career in an industry I am passionate about. Thank you for reading and your support. You can follow me on twitter: ImaGamer_O

NFL: Wilson-mania Will Cost Coach Carroll

Russell Wilson has captured the hearts of Seattle Seahawks fans and he may just win the QB battle over prized free-agent signing Matt Flynn. This will go down as a mistake if Coach Carroll gambles on the 5’10” (he is listed at 5’11” though that is said to be generous) former Wisconsin QB.

For the record, I believe Wilson is a “baller” who can be a capable backup QB in the NFL who may rally a team if your starter went down injured. Wilson brings a skill set to the table that had NFL scouts wanting to roll the dice on this kid as developmental project. It provoked Carroll to come out in the preseason and state that Wilson would compete for the start with Jackson and Flynn.

The ego of Peter Carroll is telling him to prove to the naysayers that he can win with a QB who bucks the trend. The ego of Peter Carroll is yet again going to get him in to trouble. What is the game plan for Carroll? Does he come across as a Head Coach with a plan? Hardly. Whether it be throwing money at a prized free agent (Flynn) that may be sitting on the bench come week one or the questionable signings of a couple aging free agent Wide Receivers, you have to wonder where the head of Carroll is at. It would appear to this fan that Carroll makes it up as he goes preferring the media spot light as much as any coach outside of New York.

When the Seattle Seahawks drafted Russell Wilson in the third round he became the highest draft pick for an under 6’ QB in the last 15 years. This says something for the talent of the guy though it also tells you that QB’s less than 6’ are rare breeds that have had little success in the NFL. Doug Flutie had some success in Buffalo and San Diego in recent times, though the success stories are few and far between. That cannot be argued.

Drew Brees is a 6’0” QB who has become the case FOR Russell Wilson, why? You’re talking about a once in a generation QB that is an exception to the rule. Brees is a special, special player that will be a first ballot Hall Of Famer. Does anyone honestly believe Russell Wilson is a Drew Brees waiting to happen despite being an inch or two smaller? I don’t think so though I hope he can prove me wrong.

I love what Wilson has done in opportunities presented this preseason though I am adamant that the hype being created is only due to the fact we have football starved fans looking for a reason to discuss football. Wilson passes the “eye test” though common sense and my football IQ tells me this is only going to end badly for those heralding Wilson as “they guy who will buck the trend for the smaller QB!”

Matt Flynn is the guy who can have this Seattle Seahawks team challenge for the NFC West and preseason favourites - the Harbaugh led San Francisco 49ers. Flynn, like Wilson, is an unproven commodity though in limited opportunities he has shown he is more than capable of stepping to the plate. The six touchdown performance against the Detroit Lions was his breakout performance that should ensure he gets the first opportunity for Seattle.

I watch sport to be proven wrong, not right and I hope Wilson serves me up some humble pie. I just don't think we are witnessing a QB who can prove history and the law of averages wrong in bucking the trend that a 5'10" QB can be a long term starter in the NFL. Wilson's small frame will cop a pounding in the NFL and like Michael Vick, I think you will see a guy who sees a lot of time injured if he is indeed deemed a starting QB.

Coach Pete Carroll will cut short his NFL coaching career if he goes with Russell Wilson this season. Seattle are a team on the rise who can challenge for the NFC West title with Matt Flynn leading the offense. Flynn may not feature on the highlight reel as much as Wilson though he will give you solid numbers and veteran leadership. Let's not ignore the fact that he has been learning the trade from the game's best in Aaron Rodgers and his frame will withstand the week to week punishment dished out by the NFL's QB hungry defenders.

Over to you Coach.
# 16 supermanemblem @ Aug 27
Have you heard of Scott Mitchell?? That's Matt Flynn. He had ONE, uno, ich, game against a scrambling Lions team. Flynn hasn't done anything in the NFL for you to even think about writing this blog.

King said it best when he said basically add three or four inches on Wilson and he probably goes number one. Wilson did more with less talent his freshman year than Flynn did in winning the national championship his only year as starter.

I watched two Seahawks games and the offense is more fluid and dynamic with Russell. Period. Point. Blank. That's why he's the starter.
# 17 ImaGamer_OS @ Aug 27
Scott Mitchell's 1995 season will top anything Russell Wilson produces in the NFL.

Good example though, on a side note, what a nightmare for Miami when he went down and in came Steve DeBerg! Good memories.
# 18 kingsquonk @ Aug 27
Big difference between Rodgers and Flynn in how they were seen by GreenBay. Rodgers was drafted in the first round after the Packers felt he had slid ( they thought he was the top prospect in the draft). He was drafter to be their further number 1 guy.

Flynn was drafted in the 7 th round to challenge for the back up position, he wasn't supposed to win it, but did.

So in the last 8 years Flynn has been the back up for 7. He has never won the job outright other than as 5 th year senior in college. He will Never be Rodgers.

How in the same post that you say Wilson will never have a year that matches Scott Michells '95 can you compare Flynn's potential to Rodgers? Lol

Wilson has been better than Flynn at every level to comes the big test. Hopefully he makes the leap....again
# 19 bigdoc85 @ Aug 27
If Russell Wilson had been 6'3", he probably would have been the 3rd pick in the draft, not a third-rounder.
# 20 ImaGamer_OS @ Aug 27
Where did I compare Flynn's potential to Rodgers? I merely stated as opposed to going the way of Kolb that he could go the way of another former back up in Aaron Rodgers and a very good to great QB. You telling me he didn't look great vs Detroit when breaking a Packers record for touchdowns thrown in a game?
# 21 ImaGamer_OS @ Aug 27
There is my point - height matters if you're a QB coming in to the NFL. It has mattered since Jesus was a boy. A lot of people stating "if he was 6'3" he would have been this, he would have been that"...FACT: he is 5'10", 5'11" if you're generous and he is a small frame that will struggle with the week to week grind. I don't doubt his talent, I doubt his ability to withstand the pounding of the NFL.
# 22 Adibesee @ Aug 27
The game you reference as Matt Flynn's break out moment was against one of the worst pass defense's in the league. They are currently ranked 31st and while I realize this is a new season, that ranking is indicitative of their play last year. (Keep in mind I'm originally from Michigan and love the Lions)

Why is that performance a good indicator of success but Flynn's current stats vs Wilson mean nothing to you? In my opinion Willson has earned the opportunity to start for the Seahawks. If he falters he falters, but to act as if Flynn is owned anything is absurd. This is the NFL so they earn their keep on a daily basis. I dont see how Pete could have made any other decision.
# 23 faceman1209 @ Aug 27
If Russell Wilson was 4 inches taller, he may well have been the third QB taken in the draft. That being said, I think he will be a stud in the NFL. If you can't win the job after you were specifically brought in to be "the man", then you have bigger problems on your hands. This seems to be the case with Matt Flynn. Sure he showed flashes with the Pack, but keep in mind that his own former OC passed on him in Miami. This should be a red flag IMO. I don't care one way or the other, but I think Wilson has proven that he deserves to start.
# 24 MMurda @ Aug 27
im sorry...i just dont see how you can base your sole argument about wilson's success/lack thereof on his height alone. its like youre ignoring everything else about him...from his decision making to his ability to stretch a play and even to create one with his legs a la vick. and i def dont see how you can rally for flynn as the better choice to start just based off of a very slim sample size. you also have to take into account seattles offensive line woes for the last 5 or so yrs. we are the only tm that could go thru a season with over 30 diff line combinations lol we need an athletic guy to stretch plays as he will not always have a consistent perfect pocket to sit in. wilson is the perfect answer here...flynn will most likely be sack bait behind our unexperienced and young oline....ask hasselbeck and whitehurst how that feels.

as a long time seahawks fan im very excited with wilson and think he will be the guy. flynn just has not moved me much. wilson has proven that he should get the chance thru his production with 2nd and now 1st unit after chiefs gm and results. everyone isnt hyped for no reason. u say his height will derail sorry but his play says otherwise. i know its not the norm for the small qb to succeed...but theres always exceptions to every hard rule. i was curious to see him get with the first team against the chiefs(who i admit arent good) but he still looked the same. main thing i was looking for was to see if he could handle being the leader. just like his college career...the pressure did nothing to him and he was as calm and commanding of the offense as he could be. hes not just athletic...he has a brain. he knows when to throw away and when to take off, and we all know he takes off quite well. us hawks fans have something to be excited about and i think its wilson not flynn.

and the argument about his frame being not worried since he remains calm and has a brain to go with the athleticsm which should translate to knowing when to risk the run and not just going out and being reckless with his body. i see him in the same vain as the more calmer vick as of late...not the vick who was run 1st back in his atl days and would get helicoptered and flipped by lb's. wilson seems to take whats given and goes outta bounds instead of trying to pull off highlight reel plays when on his feet, even tho he still gets highlights due to the length of the runs he does pull off.

i dunno man...anything can happen in the nfl. u say caroll is signing his death certificate...i think he gets lucky with wilson a la brady and rides off into the sunset laughing at all his detractors. i will agree with u on caroll tho...he does seem to fly by the seat of his pants and doesnt seem to have a clear set plan. im not fond of that at all...but we'll see whats up. this is my most optimistic yr of the caroll era.
# 25 ImaGamer_OS @ Aug 28
Adibesee - The Detroit Lions were ranked 21st against the pass last season, not good granted, though not the league's worst when Flynn lit them up.

The simple answer to the second question posed is rather simple: I don't place much value in preseason stock as much as I do the NFL Regular Season where Matt Flynn has excelled when given the opportunity. As we say over here, "he has the runs on the board" and I believe it should've been his job to lose.

Time will tell who was right.
# 26 yourfavestoner @ Aug 28
Russell Wilson showcases the ability to change his release point and throw from awkward release platforms in a muddy or compressed pocket. Secondly, like Brees, he shows a pretty solid grasp of protections and defensive fronts - thus, he knows where throwing windows will open. So, really, his height is nowhere near the issue people make it seem. The three major things you need to overcome deficient height: arm strength, a knowledge of protections to know where windows will open up, and the ability to throw from awkward release platorms - he has them all in spades.

Compare this to the "other" short, athletic QB Mike Vick. Vick doesn't understand protections or fronts. He never knows where his throwing window will open and does not play within the structure of the offense. Since he can't see, his natural reaction is "run to space."
# 27 spokanecoach @ Aug 28
Wilson also played behind the biggest o=Line in college, didnt hurt him too bad there.
# 28 fallofanempire @ Aug 28
I agree with the blog, Carroll is taking a huge risk with Wilson. If it doesn't work out, Flynn's confidence has been shaken, and a rookie will have been thrown to the wolves. Wilson has been impressive so far.... in the preseason. What happens when teams start to game plan against him? I'm from Seattle and i watched both games that Flynn started. I really feel like the coaching staff stacked the deck against him. Almost all of the play calls for Flynn were very conservative. Most plays were quick 5 to 10 yard dump throws. Also it looked as if he was told to get TO the ball.( In game 2) As soon as Wilson got in the game it seemed as if the offense was opened up. Of course, perhaps I am biased as I agree with the blog that Carroll seems to have no real plan. He seems to make decisions on a coin flip or something. Maybe something Carroll does finally pays off and Wilson becomes the fountain for this team, or perhaps he is the next Seneca Wallace.
# 29 trey2k198003 @ Aug 29
So first let me say that i like that everyone here is having an intelligent debate no one one getting mad or attacking anyone. Second i agree with you ima gamer if not so much of the fact that hes a smaller guy, i believe there is a development period i nthe NFL and a rookie quarterback wont get you where you want to go. The seahawks need to make the playoffs i agree that flynn is the guy to take you there, at least he has the best shot anyway...plenty of qbs have had little or no expirence but sat on the bench for awhile and contributed and kept there jobs. tom brady,tony romo ,the late great steve mcnair,aaron rodgers,ryan fitzpatrick, kurt warner,steve young. Hell it was the way it used to be in the NFL.Im not sayin russel cant start one day hell i think he cant start by the end o fthe year if the seahawks dont look like there not gonna compete but dont have him start the year and pretty much accept the rookie fate of 8-8 ot 9-7 at best. the team the last two years has rode t jack to a 8-8 record and a 7-9. there a qb away from a division crown and i always side with a vet i nthose situationS, A guy whose seen those thing or seen how those things are supposed to be handled.

Do you think flynn would be more posed week 15 when you need a win to get into the wildcard or compete for the division. Or russel a rookie who has great potential but has never seen a week 15 in the NFL or a playoff run or the pressure of a playoff run? Sorry if this has been a little sporadic im trying to work at the same time....Anyway in closing.......if carrol dosnet make the playoffs hes gone, and what will be said is this decision he made will be the turning point of his greatest failure or his greatest triumph. Thank you for reading. Oh one more thing im not biased i live in seattle but im a old school bronco fan! and if you remember the old afc west the seahawks were our division foes so i hate the seahawks still!
# 30 trey2k198003 @ Aug 29
also i know there will be a posting about rookie qbs making the playoffs there first can proably name 5 or so, and they were all on great teams that didnt need thewm to do much. Seattle is going to need russel to do alot if they want the division or the wildcard.

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