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Where did Ian go? Stuck
Posted on February 3, 2010 at 06:09 PM.
Just to respond officially...

I truly am sorry if people feel like we 'lied'. It's never our intent to create blogs as a way to trick people...that would do nothing for us but create mis-trust among our hardcore other words there is no reason to fake it and "hype" the community to increase sales because the amount of people we're talking to isn't that large. Development is always a spinning wheel, and sometimes things fall off or don't come together perfectly. We knew that all along that by publicly interacting we ran this risk, and it's unfortunate that some people feel that they were "duped" when our only goal all along was just to toss ideas out there and get feedback on how to make them better.

As for me/us disappearing, I'd like to clarify that I didn't really disappear from the community, I just chose to stop posting on OS. I've mentioned this before, but it was just too much of a personal toll. I put everything I had into M10, including constant 80-100+ hour weeks, so to visit a location where I just read nothing but negativity for that work just was ruining my personal life. I actually even let everyone know that statement in the supporter's forum figuring it would filter out. I continued to stay very active on Twitter so it's not like I tried to run and hide, I just chose to not expose myself to all the heat. Many folks may say I should have just sucked it up and had thicker skin...believe me I wish I could...but it just wasn't happening. I want more than anything to keep the interaction going, but I couldn't sacrifice my personal life and well-being to do so. The thing is, I don't want people to "change" on this site either. If you hate a game with every fiber of your being and want to discuss it with other sports game fans, then I don't want a developer being around to interfere with that - this site is amazing and a great place for people to discuss any number of topics. So in that respect I guess I disagree with the original post - if you aren't happy with the game, then I don't feel like it's really anyone's call to say "don't go too hard on the devs"...because hell that's your right as a consumer. But I guess that the moral of the story is that us developers living directly in the "lions den" was just not something that was really sustainable (or healthy).

We're continuing to try and find the best way to get helpful feedback from the community, and we'll keep everyone up to date through numerous locations (Twitter, blogs, etc) as we make improvements here. We blazed some trails last year and innovated in community interaction as much as we did in the game, and we want to continue to improve and blaze more trails.
# 16 K_GUN @ Feb 4

i'm STILL playing madden 10! haven't played a football title this long since...well...the other game.

completely undestand why u left...kick some more *** for M11


PS.....let anthony know the BILLS are changing to a 3-4 hybrid.
# 17 Steve_OS @ Feb 4
I'm still playing Madden. I haven't been playing Madden this close to the Super Bowl, in quite some time. Sure the game isn't perfect, but IMHO, it's a solid game and can't wait to see what you have in store for Madden 11. Thanks for everything Ian. I can understand, trust me.
# 18 videlsports @ Feb 5
I feel 2 ways Ian. First off I respect you and your craft, and you have one of the BEST Jobs in the World. Being a video game , producer, desginer, lead tester,is my Carrer Dream. So when you put your hard work out there to be criticsed, it will hurt for all the negative press. Most of the Backlash is because of your company, not you. BUt that being said, You let us know that you studied NFL2k5 because you did not want to be compared to them anymore. I personally think that given a fair race from 2005, NFL 2k would have been better in the long run. And all the Presentation that came with NFL2k, was five years ago. And Madden just did not implement all the aspects of 2k. Pro tak is cool,but in 2k you could do that, granted it was not 9 man, but it was enough. The plays also was cool, and you had more receiver hot routes. You guys also need more routes period, college and pro. Madden does a better Job on Defense though. You have more adjustments and Defensive hot routes. I also appericiate you actually being in thhe community, something 2k has yet to do. Keep your head up, because I wish I could take your criticisms. Meaning I hope to be in your position someday.
# 19 marc68 @ Feb 5
Madden 10 is a great game. I still play it and am very excited about 11.
IMO people need to HUSH about f-in 2k5!! It was a great game but IT IS NOT the holly grail of football. Ugh....

Good luck Ian, I hope 11 improves over 10 as much as 10 improved over 09.
# 20 rudyjuly2 @ Feb 5
It is a Lions den. Having a developer around makes it FAR more argumentative at times no matter what the game is. It's a reality of the situation.

I think some people go overboards but I do believe in the ability to vent from time to time. Developers are like referees in a football game. It's hard to point out the good stuff but very easy to point out the stuff that they get wrong.

As a consumer we can only ask for your best effort. Then it's up to us to vote with our wallets to determine if it was good enough.
# 21 Valdarez @ Feb 5
@Gusto1 I have a feeling I'm not conversing with an adult, but you need to separate Ian from EA Sports. I personally dislike EA Sports, but Ian's clearly just an employee of the company, and from what I have seen of his interactions and the personal life he has shared over the last year, he's far better than the company itself. Ian is not responsible for the exclusive license deal nor does he have any control over it.

With regards to the 'thicker skin comment', you definitely do not have the experience or knowledge of that which you speak. Until you are bombarded with negativity day in and day out, you can't know what it's like, especially when you're putting in a ton of hours. I'm sure the mods can relate to some extent. Forums tend to bring a lot of negativity in general, and the mods often find themselves targets for nothing more than upholding the rules. I moderated a couple of forums in my spare time, and between it, and a tense situation at work a couple years back, I had to step back from the forums for a couple of weeks just to stay sane. Even a rock can be eroded over time by something as slight as the wind itself. Morale is no matter how thick your skin, sooner or later something will get through.

Finally, for someone advising Ian to have thicker skin, your second response clearly shows that yours is incredibly thin. Stone, meet glass house. Glas house, meet stone. Whooosh!!! ---> >CRACK!<

It sounds like the mistake here was that Ian shared features that weren't fully baked (100% in the game), and shared them with the gamers at the time he was excited about them. What Ian failed to do was keep the gamers updated as to what really made the game, and what didn't. Maybe Ian told us on the forums, I don't know, his responses tend to get buried pretty fast and as much as I read the forums and tweets, even I can't claim to have read everything he posted. In the future, if they are going to share features with us that aren't 100% in the game, then they need to let us know ahead of time, and then when the game ships, they need to let us know what did and what did not make the game. That way we are all in the loop, and there's no feelings of being misled.
# 22 bry422 @ Feb 5
Sorry to see ya go Ian, but I can understand it.

What I really don't understand is the heat that so many people give you guys. Yeah, I know, you plunked down $60, so you have a "right". I also know that Madden is "the only NFL game in town". I get that too. But seriously, what is the deal with some of you guys?

When some of you grow up and buy a car, and actually spend real money, what are you going to do then? Are you going to get on the message board and give the designers crap all day, every day? No.

When you buy your first house and the driveway cracks are you going to get on the concrete manufacturer's message board and give them hell about the concrete receipe they used in '08 when the driveway was poured? No.

You spent $60. You spent $60. You were not completely satisfied with your purchase. You want to rant/rage/piss/moan. You want the entire development team erradicated. Fine.

I have no doubt Ian and the team give everything they got. That has to be good enough. It just has to be.

And if that's not enough for you, just remember you spent $60.
# 23 swiftychampleone @ Feb 5
You see, I haven't purchased a Madden game since Madden '05, which was the last great game in the series. We all know the greatness that NFL 2K5 was and STILL is. The Franchise Mode is stale and nothing to write home about. AI logic is still flawed and pursuit angles are screwed. Xtra Point was a joke for a halftime/post-game show. Don't get me started on commentary. Collingsworth is fine, Hammond has to go. EA as a whole, not just Ian should be embarrassed that Madden 05 and NFL 2K5 had it right as a package and 5 years later it's a former shell of itself.

Now that being said, Madden 10 is a step in the right direction, when you compare it to the train wreck that was Madden 08. Someone needs to breath some life in the game. Kick the atmosphere up. Make me want to play Franchise Mode for about 10 seasons! The old Madden games up to 05 actually did that for me with the newspapers and radio shows. Pay attention to presentation for Pete's sake! I swear, I was watching my cousin play Madden with the Bears vs. the Cowboys. Felix Jones (Cowboys' RB) was running to the endzone on a breakaway. The Bears players were on the sidelines pump their fists and cheer as he ran. WTF?
# 24 Gusto1 @ Feb 5
Thanks for sharing Valdarez I nevr said Ian needs thicker skin he suggested thats what some might say. Like I said I am sure he is a great guy for the last time. My commnets in my second post was for someone like you who said something to me and I responded as I am doing no. Just becuase I stick up for myself doent mean I am shallow. I repsect your opinion and I am glad feel feel so strongly about Ian. One peice of advide if I may just becuase someones view is different from yours doesnt mean they are young chief. No one is perfect including myself but this is a site where games are discussed I dont mind playing the devils advocate. If it werent for people who did complain you wouldnt have gotton madden 10 which was a big improvement over early releases this generation. So comment back to down my word but you have no argument against the substance of my post which are he has a motivation for money and they they are the only nfl football game town if you can defeat my arguement on the substance good if not save the smoke and mirrors of insulting my character or guessing my age tough guy.
# 25 Eski33 @ Feb 5
I have been a gamer for over 30 years and have seen this "hobby" grow into a huge entertainment medium. The one thing that has irked me the past two years is how people complain over little things.

It seems that Madden has become the thing people love to hate. Personally, I think the hatred is misguided. I think more people hate the fact that they only have one option of an NFL game. I, for one, am not a fan of exclusive licenses that prohibit companies from creating competition.

On that note, I will say that Madden 10 is one of the best football games I have played in a long time. I know that there are 2K followers who want to beat the NFL 2K5 drum every chance they get. I was a huge 2K5 fan. That game boasted the best presentation and extras of any sports game to date. However, the gameplay was never that outstanding. I routinely finished 19-0 on the hardest settings with money plays working at a 99% clip.

With today's expectations it is hard for developers to please everyone. I like to think of Madden 10 as the re-birth of the Madden franchise which has a strong foundation to build upon.

I agree that the Super Star mode is not one of my favorite items however there are people out there who do enjoy that game mode and to remove it would cheat a certain gamer base.

What would make Madden 11 the next step in this franchise:

1) Enhance the Extra Point show with highlights and more player and yardage specific commentary

2) Fix the spliced audio...

3) Include classic teams and stadiums into the game including the old astro turf as an option

4) Have the black rubber bounce up from the turf grass...

5) Multiple presentations...NCAA 10 did this with awesome success

6) More TV graphical style overlays such as the computer-generated down and distance prior to the play

7) Chill on the in-game ads -- I like the fact that they are there to add to the immersion but too much is overkill....

8) Dynamic weather -- Clear at the beginning of the game with clouds and precip during the game (as an example) -- Think "Fog Bowl"

9) I don't care if you steal this from 2K but have a CRIB-type item in which you can store trophies, team photos, jerseys, banners, etc...

# 26 ManiacMatt1782 @ Feb 5
Dude, despite my feelings about the madden franchise and where it needs its improvements, you being there for the community was/is a step in the right direction. I think maybe some things weren't implemented as hoped by some of the community, myself included, but I never felt you lied. I feel that we have different ideas on how certain things should be implemented and the focus of where the team should be spending its time for improvements. But I am also pretty intelligent and realize that the higher ups need "back of the box features" to market. So you guys can't just spend 90% of the time ironing out AI deficiencies and franchise bugs like we would like you too. While I disagree on how well you have implemented certain aspects of the game, mainly ol/dl interactions, and other a.i. related problems, I truely respect you hanging in there and getting advice from the community. My only wish is for you to hang around here still communicate with us, and try to differentiate the intelligent constructive criticism on where we would like to see the franchise go, and the ramblings of passionate yet overreacting individuals who didn't see things implemented the way they wanted. I would like you to know the majority of this community shares my sentiment, and would like you to continue posting here. Don't let the very vocal minority stop you from getting ideas that can take the madden franchise above and beyond our expectations. Good luck on Madden 11. Dispite my problems with the game, it's light years ahead of the "ortiz years". Lets continue in the right direction.
# 27 Eski33 @ Feb 6
@ManiacMatt1782...I couldn't have said it any better...
# 28 xylocaine @ Feb 7
Ian, hang in there, keep committing to making the best Madden you can. So far I've played the latest Madden more then the others combined and that's quite a complement. Can there be improvements. Sure, but with your dedication I know it's heading in the right directions. My biggest wish would be that EA quit putting resources into these other NFL arcade shoot-offs and but that time and manpower and money into Madden. Keep making franchise deeper with more accessibility from the PC and mobile devices. Keep accumulation of stats while in ranked games, Love to have stat tracking in every ranked game so that I could pull up a roster and see what stats I've accomplished with every NFL player.
In franchise put in a log of every play called for each team that if there is an accusation of "cheesing" there would be a record that the commission would have to look at.

Awesome game - Keep up the good work, Every review stated that it's the best Madden on next gen yet. That should help counter the negative comments!

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