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Heroiczero13's Blog
Don't you just love a bargain? 
Posted on May 14, 2012 at 02:24 PM.
Okay, so let me just preface this by saying that the last NCAA Football game that I really enjoyed was 2005 on the PS2.

Now, having said that, just a short while ago I pre-ordered NCAA Football 13 for my Xbox 360 on Amazon. This is the latest in the line of awesome savings that Amazon offers and with there being a fifteen dollar price drop for a brand new copy on release day, my common sense could not disagree. When I thought about it, I was astonished by the fact that I would be saving the equivalent of three bottles of water purchased at the movies. Also when you consider the fact that the price of it would not drop naturally until at least a year later this seemed like a no brainer, especially for someone who enjoys the series regularly. However, I haven't exactly been that guy.

The last NCAA game that I owned was 09 for 360. I owned that for about a month, until Madden came out then it went the way of the dodo bird and my old copy of Madden 08. I could never find myself drawn into the game experience. There was always something missing for me. It might be my preference for NFL Football, or issues with some clandestine part of the game, I don't know. The point is that it has never really worked with me since those days long since gone. I've read up on the new or improved features of NCAA and while it sounds cool, most of it is meaningless to me until I actually get my hands on it and see if it sticks. I have to try and find that spark that I've been missing. So reflecting upon my recent transaction I think realize what I have been missing: fifteen dollars in my pocket.
# 1 jhogan3132 @ May 14
Great word usage (clandestine)!
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