Hells6Angel66's Blog
Momentum bars, facial expressions, and player lock? Im sorry but these features to me are ******** does anyone else agree? At least NFL 2K5 had good ideas... First person football, innovating player motions, tapping A to sprint or holing it to charge up and plow through someone, and using the thumbstick to shake off defenders while still in the pocket... all great ideas. Much better that what EA would come up with!
# 1
ruffdhc @ Jul 23
i say forget the features and stick to real football. i get so sick of a game trying to stuff new features and ideals that is to make the game more than it should be like madden's madden IQ, REALLY i dont need to have something thats going to tell me how smart or dumn i am, and rewind is not really what i would spend data space on i reallyfeel that if they were to add to the realism of gameplay, emotion, and presentation it would atlease be comparable to 2k5. EA is trying to do alittle something with the mass amount of attention to detail but getting somethings right dont make everything right...
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