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Two fans shot at Candlestick Park after OAK/SF 
Posted on August 21, 2011 at 10:45 PM.
Late Saturday night after the Oakland Raiders and San Francisco 49ers pre-season game, two men were reported shot and wounded in Candlestick Parks parking lot. But let's not get this twisted, of course, this showing of horrible violence was not the first involving a San Francisco sports team's game this year.

In March, San Francisco Giants fan Bryan Stow was severely beaten by two men in Los Angeles Dodgers gear outside Dodger Stadium after the teams' season opener, and he's still in the hospital with serious brain injuries.

This is a pathetic showing by a bunch of complete thugs. And I'll tell you why.

It's a sad, sad day, when I can't even go to a football game with my family without having to worry about some idiot getting in a fight with me, or near me and my family because of what or who's jersey I am wearing. Or because my team beat your team, etc. When I have to worry about some thug pulling out a gun or a knife at a sporting event that is advertised as a place you can take your family and have a real good time. Pathetic. Maybe this could be "Normal" out in California, but I highly doubt it, and it definitely shouldn't be.

Do these showings of violence at sporting events need to escalate to a child being injured before owners and officials realize that better security is needed? Not just in the complex, but in the parking lot too. I certainly hope not.

(*Hopefully nobody takes the whole 'Normal' in California remark the wrong way. It is in no way meant to offend anyone.)
# 1 stlstudios189 @ Aug 21
I really hate people anymore. Shot somebody over a damn football game get a life
# 2 SkillzKillz719 @ Aug 22
Totally agree. It's really sad and dumb.
# 3 Dazraz @ Aug 22
Over here in the UK we used to have repetitive scenes of violence at soccer games so I can sympathise with you guys. Our problems greatly improved in this regard although there are still flare ups on occasions & even now the atmosphere at soccer games doesn't exactly make you feel at ease. I've been to a few games of baseball, hockey & basketball in the US & have always been impressed on how family orientated these events are compared to the UK (I would never take my daughter to a soccer game) so it's sad to read that you guys are having problems such as this. Hopefully it is isolated & the authorities will quell the threat of this becoming a regular occurrence.
# 4 Gritblitzer @ Aug 22
It's not out of control. But it's definitely happening more often. Hopefully it doesn't become out of control. It's ridiculous causing violence over professional sports!
# 5 Gritblitzer @ Aug 23
Just got more disturbing, apparently the man who was shot wasn't wearing a shirt hating on the 49ers, it was a simple Raiders shirt (Maybe it might have been flipped), regardless. He was a family man, not a guy in some gang, and he was simply stepping out of his truck to try and help get guys beating up on his buddy off his back and out of the way. He took two steps out of his truck and was shot 4 times.
# 6 stlstudios189 @ Aug 23
that's the thing he was just wearing his 49'ers jersey or something that's it. It's PRESEASON the game doesn't mean anything and this is happening what would have happened if this was week 17 and a playoff spot was on the line? I love going to the Browns games and ribbing and booing the people wearing the other teams jersey but, to actually fight them is stupid as hell. The fact that this guy has a gun and was so willing to shot someone 4 times just shows how much of a violent pathetic excuse of scum he is and I hope they catch these butt wipes of the earth.
# 7 Gritblitzer @ Aug 23
And because of this event, they are cancelling next seasons annual 49ers/Raiders pre-season game.
# 8 PackerBacker123 @ Aug 23
Wow... How pathetic can you get! Its a football game for crying out loud!! ( way to represent California) pathetic
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