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Mass Effect 2 
Posted on January 30, 2010 at 01:31 AM.
Let me start off with saying this game is AWESOME ! Mass Effect 2 really blew me away. Kind of funny considering the 1st one annoyed me and I never got into it.

This game came around, I seen the commercials for it and I kind of dismissed it like what ever, I will just buy it for my brother, since he loved the heck out of the 1st Mass Effect, to the point he beat it 4 times LOL.

I popped the game in, well 1st thing I noticed this game came with 2 discs. Anyway beginning of the game was kind of ummm ok, nothing special to me, great action scene. But I must say when you came across your old pilot and a rebuilt Normandy I felt kind of like a sense of wow. Don't know how, but the story had me hooked right then and there.

Been playing this game for about a good 10 or 11 hours now. I can clearly see this game was created by a person who watched every sci fi movie and tv show during the 1980s and 1990s.

You see some elements of star trek in there. See some wing commander elements in there. Got some Pitch Black and chronicles of riddick elements in there. Even some Fifth Element and Stargate up in here.

All in all a very well done game. Graphics once again is top notched like the 1st game was. But what really sets this game apart from others, is the story telling and voice acting. Got a lot of well known voices up here. And the way the characters interact and can interact is very well done.

And I love the fact how they got the whole cause and effect theme going on.Which a lot more games had this. Because it really makes you think before you act.

I thought 2010 would have a hard time topping 2009 games with Batman, Dragon Age, Unchartered 2, Assassins Creed 2, etc. But good lord Mass Effect 2 made 2010 start off with a bang. Can't believe a game this good came out in January.

This game can easily be in the top 5 games of all time. That is how good the game is ! Even if you not a role playing game type of person. Because believe me I am not the role playing type of person.

Which leads me into something else about this game. Even though it is role playing, it is action role playing. You spend more time in fire fights then solving stuff that sometimes it feels like call of duty in space. Basically bottom line this isn't a puzzle heavy game like most role playing games are known for.

The puzzles here are called hacks and for the most part if you don't over think it, is pretty easy to do. When it comes to exploring, it is done in a fun way. Mainly how they got it set up, you explore for minerals. Minerals help you upgrade your ship, weapons, armor, etc.

The thing about is, it is all done from the ship. So really it is very easy to do. You just orbit a planet, scan it and shoot probes into it until you mine it dry. Takes about 2 minutes per a planet to do. Way better then combing through over sized dungeons right ????

Your companions add a new dimension to the game. They all have their own personalities that can change over the course of the game, depending on what you said or did to them. You start off with 2 and then you off to recruit the rest.

And if you imported a save file from the 1st Mass Effect, what you did in that game will greatly effect how people approach you in this game. Which is a cool feature.

Bottom line this is a must have game.
# 1 GOBLUE_08 @ Jan 30
This game is amazing just as the first one was, i bought this and MAG at the same time. Haven't even played MAG yet lol.
# 2 krazzed @ Jan 30
I absolutely loved the first game, personally I beat it 3 times. I plan on playing the new Mass Effect a long time and beating it at least twice...maybe more. There are a few things I like about the new one and, like every game, there are some things I don't. All in all its a fantastic game and quite possibly one of my favorite ever, and definitely the best universe and (so far) trilogy in gaming.
# 3 Valdarez @ Jan 31
I couldn't finish the 1st one. I'll have to complete it before I can justify buying the 2nd game. Reviews seem to be good for it so far.
# 4 Pacman83 @ Jan 31
Love it. Great game. Gonna go play now.
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