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My love of Dragon Age Origins 
Posted on January 15, 2010 at 07:12 PM.
Let me start this off as saying I through out my gaming career, never really was a RPG type of guy. I was more into sports and war themed games. Hell the last RPG I really got into was Ultima Exodus many years ago.

Played Oblivion but never gave it much of a chance. Never bought Fable or Fable 2. Kept telling myself RPG games are for losers, I dont have the kind of time to dedicate to those type of games.

Then came Dragon Age Origins. At 1st glance I was like yeah what ever, what is this Final Fantasy mixed with Dragons ? LOL. Had no intention of buying it, would walk right passed it every time I went to walmart or Best Buy.

However being on this website, I seen so many people talking about this game. From people that i normally be chatting up a storm in the Modernwarfare 2, 2k10 and Madden forums. So that had me saying wow if these hardcore sports dudes chatting it up on Dragon Age like that, something got to be up with this game.

Then one day I went to Walmart, I think it was just after Black Friday and they had the game for $35. Told myself well, it is $25 cheaper, might as well give it a roll, if I dont like it I will just give it to my younger brother LOL.

Popped the game in with a smirk on my face, was ready to bash any thing that annoyed me about the game. Game loaded up pretty fast, intro was kind of ok. Graphics, i was like hmmm seem kind of dated, but then I told myself well it is a RPG game, so it most likely wont have uber graphics anyway.

Quickly went through the character screen, made myself a human noble warrior. First thing that came to mind was wow it is a lot of people you can talk to in this game. An hour later I was saying hmmm the battles seem rather easy.

2 hours later, I had Sten, Alistair, Wynne, Morrigan and Lieliana. Saying to myself hmmm this game has some funny conversations going on between the party members.

However this game still didnt wow me. That is until the next day, I had to go to the bath room and I decided to take the hard cover edition strategy guide in there with me. Figured might as well read it while using the bathroom right ?

Mind you i never read the instruction manual completely, I hardly ever do. But in the guide, everything was so illustrated and so well explained of what does what, I was like holy crap I can program fight moves for my party members ??????

But then I was like hmmm I remember other games they had tactics for cpu controlled AI and they never really worked that well. So go out the bath room and tried it out. Took me a while before I came across some darkspawn in large numbers to try it out on.

To my surprise, the tactics actually WORKED. Better weapons and armor actually mattered. It made the game completely different for me. Because now everytime I went to the merchant I was strategizing on what items I was going to by what character and what tactics I was going to program the cpu to use with it.

I became a general that day. Instead of one tank, I figured hell 2 tanks is better then one right ? So I made Shale and Sten my tanks. Gave Sten a battle axe and heavy armor and seen him wreck havoc on darkspawn. Seen Shale knocking alphas on their butt, I was like wow.

And when I gave myself a heavy shield combined with the shield bash ability, OMG, I was sending blood mages flying . It was a thing of beauty to see Sten chopping heads off with that battle axe and seeing Wynne healing everybody back in the cut.

The more I played the better the story got and more exciting the game became. Beat the game, built up another character and beat it again. Currently on my 3rd play through

The thing about this game is that is so many variations of armor and weapons you can use, so many different abilities you can learn, that no 2 games really play the same.

This game is a must own for anybody that is looking for a game that last a while and has high replay value. Seriously took over 120 hours my 1st play through to beat this game. On average you cant beat this game no shorter then 45 hours and that is really pushing it.

How many games can say that ?? Most game barely last 8 hours nowadays.
# 1 Dolso003 @ Jan 16
Def going to check this out thanks man
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