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What the future holds for NCAA Series 
Posted on June 5, 2012 at 02:25 AM.
Day one of E3, EA Sports dropped a bomb on the customer base. Madden has done the impossible, the unthinkable. They made a real time physics engine in ONE development cycle. Many people assumed that EA wouldn't waste their money on making a new engine from scratch at the end of a console's life cycle. But they did, completely caught people by surprise.

Not only that, by EA combined offline franchise, online franchise and superstar mode all into one big mega mode called connected careers. On paper, it sounds pretty awesome because it has an RPG element to it.

Then to top it all off, EA announced they now have the UFC license. Which is a pretty big deal, considering how much money UFC brand makes and how popular MMA is now in the USA.

So now, what does this all mean for the series ? NCAA series didn't get connected careers or real time physics. And even before the UFC license, NCAA was always treated like the red headed step child of the EA Sports family. Now with the UFC license and EA once again continuing the Live series, NCAA series will be pushed even further down the peaking order.

Everybody knows Peter Moore said 2 years ago EA Sports plans to dominate the MMA market. And now that they have the license for the biggest MMA organization in the world, I am pretty sure EA will heavily invest in that series.

Another dagger in NCAA series this year is that you can't export draft classes to Madden 13 this year. Which in itself will make dynasty kind of pointless if you can't follow the career of your players to Madden.

Over the next few days I want to see the reaction from fans who get to play hands on with Madden 13 and NCAA 13. Real time physics is a game changer, it is a pretty damn big deal. To go from playing one football game that has it, to another football game that don't will be a night and day difference.

Are the days of NCAA football series numbered ? For those that think that will never happen......Look at NCAA Basketball 10. The best college basketball game EA ever made and they killed the series after it came out.

Who knows.....EA might snatch up the MLB license next since 2K will no longer be making baseball games.
# 1 Jakeboutte @ Jun 5
I love EA sports always have, but if they get rid of NCAA football (which I dont think they will) I will be so pissed! I really dont know what to say, but WOW! What is the reason we cant export draft classes? Or did they give us one.
# 2 Gotmadskillzson @ Jun 5
Madden 13's Infinity Engine and connected careers feature can't handle NCAA 13's ratings. Madden ratings are calculated differently now, so therefore they didn't want to import NCAA 13's old rating system into the game due to the fear it might mess up Connected Careers.
# 3 Jakeboutte @ Jun 5
Ok, thank you! I had a feeling it was something like that.
# 4 rudyjuly2 @ Jun 5
NCAA is definitely on the JV circuit but I wouldn't put too much stock in not importing draft classes. That's a hardcore feature that I would guess isn't used by a lot of people. EA themselves said the amount of people that own both NCAA and Madden is less than 10%. And within that number I would guess only a small percentage use the draft class feature.
# 5 Jakeboutte @ Jun 5
Only 10% WOW!
# 6 DJ @ Jun 5
For two games that were developed side-by-side, Madden and NCAA sure do appear very different. In a way that's good, as each game should have some unique features and modes, but when it comes to something like a new gameplay engine, then by not having it, NCAA 13 will feel dated when people get their hands on Madden.
# 7 DIRRTY30 @ Jun 5
Exactly, NCAA is now obsolete before it is even released. This is extremely disappointing. I may still get it, but for the first time in years I'm questioning that.
# 8 DeeBeeEss @ Jun 5
NCAA Basketball 10 was a terrible game. Sure, if the game didn't crash or have a substitution glitch it was fun, but dynasty mode was unplayable because of crashes.
# 9 kingsofthevalley @ Jun 5
Well, if everything goes as they're planning, the infinity engine will be implemented into NCAA 14. Also, during the webcast it was stated that import classes were taken out this year because it couldn't be done right in the period of time they had. The way the dev was talking gave me the impression that import classes will be back within the next 2 iterations. If not NCAA 14, it'll be back in 15.
# 10 chi_hawks @ Jun 6
Well put. I too am anxious to see the gameplay quality differences between using the refined animation system versus the new RTP. Going to be an interesting fall, that is for sure.
# 11 blazer003 @ Jun 9
It's silly to say that EA is going to drop NCAA football. They dropped NCAA March Madness because of poor sales, not because of game quality (which as stated was decent in game, but dynasty was a glitchy messed up joke). NCAA makes them a ton of money, and as long as it's making them reasonable profits, they're going to keep producing it. Now if NCAA football ever stops selling well, then we may have to worry.
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