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Medal of Honor Review 
Posted on October 13, 2010 at 02:59 AM.
Ok I just beat the game. On default difficulty took me 7 1/2 hours to beat.


Atmosphere - The sounds of the guns and background noise on surround sound makes you feel like you right in the middle of the war. You hear bullets whizzing past your head, hear you teammates calling for you from a distance.

Weapons - realistic. None of that getting head shots with a pistols from long range BS. 50 cal is the best representation of a 50 cal sniper rifle I have ever seen in a videogame. Being that I use to fire a 50 cal sniper rifle in the military, the way the game captured it is AMAZING. You can shoot through walls and trees with it like you can in real life.

The way they use it in the game is perfect too. Because you literally a 1 1/2 to 2 miles out with it, shooting from one mountain ridge line to another ridge line. And you actually have adjust for bullet drop with it, like you would in real life from shooting that far away.

Enemy AI - They flank you, they don't blindly stand out in the open during a fire fight, they fall back to regroup and always try to take higher ground.

Team mate AI - They do stuff on their own, they flank on their own, throw grenades on their own, stealth kill on their own, tell you where the enemy is. Why they make excellent spotters for the times you have to use the sniper rifle.

Graphics - On par with MW2. Cover can be destroyed with the appropiate weapon. Meaning you not going to bust down a door or wooden wall with a knife strike.

Story - based on true real life missions. I witnessed half of these events 1st hand because I was there. Really with all the missions we did in real life over there before regular army got over there, they could have made this a 3 part game with 20 missions per a game. But most of the stuff is still classified so, they couldn't.


Short game but on the other hand unlike other FPS, this is based on real life missions that actually happened. Which I think that is what most people who hate on this game don't understand why the game is short.

It is short because it is realistic, everything that happened in the game mission wise, the interaction between units, the tension between soldiers and higher ups all happened in real life.

This game is telling the story of what happened in the BEGINNING of the war, before regular army got over there, CNN got over there, etc. Where it was only Navy Seals, Special Forces and a company size of Army Rangers in that country.

Some other things

The gun battles in this game are intense. But unlike other FPS, you just can't run away guns blazing like you rambo thinking you can get away with it. The parts of the game where you get to use the 50 cal sniper rifle is awesome. Nothing like seeing somebody head explode from that round, or hit them center chest and watch their upper torso explode, I mean it is the kind of impact that makes you say damn that got to be a painful way to die.

Knife kills, are great. However unlike other FPS, getting a knife kill isn't that easy to do. Enemy walks around a lot and they tend to be together. And they look behind over their shoulder often too. So even though you can get a few, you not going to get a lot. And pretty much if they spot you, they firing full auto, you will die fast.

Over all I would give this game a solid 9 out of 10.

Why ? Because they got the fundementals done correct. Gun balance is done correct. You carry 3 guns. Yes 3. Your main, secondary and a silenced pistol. And guess what ? When you aim with the pistol it doesn't zoom in a like freaking sniper rifle. It actually takes skill to get a head shot with the pistol in this game from far away.

The guns in the game all sound different, feel different, recoil different. When you pick up an enemy ak rifle, it feels like an ak, in the essence, you can't snipe with it because once again in this game, if there is no scope on the gun, the game won't zoom in.

When you got the saw, fire on full auto and watch the gun kick upwards. Submachine guns are the same way, they kick, not as hard the saw but they kick enough to throw off your aim.

Sniper rifle, you have to control your breathing.

And did I say how freaking awesome the sounds are ? You can tell well easy how far away you were from getting your head blown own by the whiz over your head. Sometimes it will go over your left, right or center of your head. Explosions sounds like real explosions.

You can tell the difference between a 30mm cannon, 120mm cannon, mortar round, hellfire or gautlin gun or big oh moab type bomb going off because they all sound different upon impact.

Closing thoughts

I am one of those gamers who take realism and fundementals over shiny perks anyday. Atmosphere is the sole purpose of a video game. If it doesn't make you feel like in their world then the game failed at it's job.

Modernware 1 & 2 were good games, but their atmosphere was more hollywood then real life. I didn't feel anything when a person on my team died. This game has the atmosphere that makes you feel pumped.
# 1 StoneSilicon @ Oct 13
MadASkillz, I salute you!!!! Not only for the fact that you served in the US military, but that you gave your honest opinion about the game based on that fact, and therefore, can tell the difference between what's been created for realism, and what's been created for mere entertainment. Anyone that knows the history of the folks behind the original Medal of Honor, can attest to these guys making games about ACTUAL events that took place, along with the realism (put into their games) of those same events. If other folks want to ride the "hype-wagon" then let them ride it til all of their money is spent up. Get used to it folks, every war game isn't going to be like COD, because not every company making games are trying to go same that route.....welcome the difference!!

EXCELLENT review Madskillz!!!!
# 2 rspencer86 @ Oct 13
Great review, Skillz. I wish more people used their blogs for this kind of quality content.
# 3 russwg1970 @ Oct 13
I agree with your assesment, though I can't disagree with the score that IGN gave the game. With the single player campaing clocking in at around 7.5 hours, and the limited multiplayer aspect and issues with spawn killing and no kill cam (which means camping is the norm) - A 6 or a 7 is about where this game belongs. Does that mean there isn't some fun to be had? Absolutely not! Honestly though, the game lasting appeal is likely to quickly fade then be completely gone when COD arrives next month.
# 4 Gotmadskillzson @ Oct 13

Yes it really is a fun game.
# 5 Eski33 @ Oct 13
I have read a few reviews which ripped the game for its short single player campaign. If anyone is questioning whether or not to buy this game, the single player (IMO) is the strongest I have seen yet.

This game makes you "feel". You get immersed in the story and it makes you care about your partners.

On the multi-player side, I agree with the OP. You cannot go all Call of Duty and run around the map alone. Also, you will not empty a clip into someone and have them survive. Life is fragile in this game, even in multi-player so what you find yourself doing is relying more on your teammates.

A simple thing like having kills come easily will force those that go all rogue to reel it in and change their style of play to a more team oriented style, which is great.

For those familiar with BF2, this game will feel familiar. For those that are COD fans only, this game will be a wake up call for your skills as noob tubes and camping become obsolete....
# 6 Eski33 @ Oct 16
One thing I wish the developers would have done is create larger maps...Too small with the number of people on each team...Way too small...
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