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Touches Tendancy should be in EVERY sports game 
Posted on October 10, 2010 at 02:31 PM.
I really think 2K is on to something here with the touches tendancy. Even though their ratings for players with it is out of whack, these but a programming is a Sim gamer god send. In essence it is a priority meter.

Just think if Madden and NCAA football had it with their WR's, TE's and HB's. No longer would you see the slot WR leading the team with catches and yards while the star WR of the team have low stats. For the teams with 2 HBs in the rotation, no longer would see the main HB get all the carries with the other HB barely ever get into the game.

Think what it could do for FIFA. It would be like a whole new game. I mean what it did for 2K11 is just unbelievable. Grant it you have to edit it because out of the box it is messed up. But once you get it set up right, teams really shine and play like themselves. Want the Lakers offense to run through Kobe, you can do it. Want Wade to get the ball more, you can do it.

Touches tendancy......a sports game changer.
# 1 alyaaa @ Oct 11
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