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MLB 2K10 Demo Impressions Stuck
Posted on February 23, 2010 at 04:47 PM.
Well, I was worried that once again, 360 gamers would have ZERO baseball games to play on their system of choice. That sentiment could be wrong this year. After playing 2 games of the MLB 2K10 demo, I came away very impressed. This game still isn't where it needs to be to be a "player" in the baseball videogame world, but it's at least in the discussion now.

Let's get to the good, and the bad.

  • Love how the game looks, very fluid graphics, nice appeal, and great lighting. Some great touches like the clouds in the background moving during the game. But my favorite, I love how the infield starts off very wet, then gradually dries up. Nice touch.
  • Love the pitching mechanics, but still prefer the old MVP/Show system to pitch. But at least this is enjoyable this year. First 4 batters...walked 2, hit 1, gave up a grand slam. My line through game 1, 37 pitches, 20 balls, 17 strikes. That I can like.
  • The presentation is top notch, no clue how this will all tie together with commentary, but the game flows nicely. Love how it gives you stats on a 0-1 count, 1-2 count, etc.
  • Yankee Stadium is gorgeous, I can only hope the rest of the stadiums look this good after the abysmal effort last year.
  • You can work counts on both side of the game this year. I gave up walks, drew walks, and worked counts. Beautiful!
  • Still hate the swing stick, seems overly complicated for something that doesn't need to be. I know they were trying to copy the shot stick from NBA, but ugh, just kill it off. Hopefully there's a zone hitting option.
  • The default hitting angle..plain and simple sucks. It's almost as they designed it after the player models were done. Look at Jason Werth for example, his head is almost in the top score overlay.
  • Is it bad that I still fear some unknown game bug that always seems to plague 2K? I do, but I think they are finally on the right track.
Now this is all coming from a gamer who is NOT a fan of 2K baseball. For what it's worth, I never cared for The Show either, always been a ASB or MVP fan. That's just me. But this game feels closer to MVP than any game previously, I don't see myself loving it, but do see myself at least enjoying it...for now .
# 1 stlstudios189 @ Feb 23
the game looks great this year and I hate to be over excited but, I am
# 2 jhoff80 @ Feb 23
I actually love the new defensive swing mechanic.

What I'm most unconvinced about remains fielding, which unsurprisingly has always been the number one thing I've disliked about the 2k games in the past. The infield stuff seems to be better than I remember (though still not great), but it's the outfield play that I've never liked. In past versions, it always seemed like they tried to make camera angles like it looks on TV, at the expense of the gameplay. It only looks like very slight changes in that aspect.

I like what they're trying to do with the dirt, but from the fielding cameras, it looks really ugly, just a plain texture.

Other than the missing check swing which we already knew about though, lets go with what's missing from the demo. No way to cut off a throw after it's already thrown, the button it says to use for pinch hitting (down on the d-pad) doesn't work, it says up for inside edge on the d-pad, and it's left and right. Can't warm up pitchers either, it seems. No pitch-out that I can see.

And why do they continue to think it's a good idea to have a 3 inning demo, it gives almost no sense of how the game actually plays over a full game. I mean, there's only two teams in the demo, and only the quick-play mode. Let us play a full 9-inning game to get an actual feel for how it plays. Nobody is going to play the demo over and over and over again if they like playing it. Limiting it to 3 only means that it barely tells anything about the game.
# 3 jhoff80 @ Feb 23
Oh and I absolutely hate the A button to cycle through baserunners thing.
# 4 rudyjuly2 @ Feb 23
Glad you like it. Looking forward to trying it - next week on the PS3. I'd like to see a Show demo too for crying out loud. I'm not handing over my money on day one without trying the game first.
# 5 NDIrish98 @ Feb 23
so u like walking the first 3 batters and then giving up a granny???
# 6 WazzuRC @ Feb 23
Great impressions EG. Starting to get (hesitantly) excited about the game!
# 7 davis420 @ Feb 23
If this was my only option I would get the game but since I have both systems the SHOW is the way to go! 2K10 isn't bad, I had a good time playing the demo but I didn't like the way the crowd looks and some other minor things. This could just be because it's a demo. I mite rent it so I can play MLB today, I think that is going to be the best part of the game.
# 8 natsfan93 @ Feb 23
I thought the baserunning camera was pretty cool, it switches to a camera angle that's next to the baserunner after the catcher throws down. Nice touch

I only played for a little bit but the game seems pretty fun, or at least LOADS better than last year
# 9 tril @ Feb 24
glad to see that there are higher pitch counts, on both sides.

I loved last years swing stick on the PC version. Hopefully they didnt tweak this too much, or change it. After using the swing stick I never want to go back to zone hitting, or 2 button hitting.

good to see that they also improved the presentation, etc. I also feel that 2k9 did a good job on this last year. IMO, commentary was above average in 2k9.

hopefully the fielding, AI fielding logic will be improved.
# 10 SDwinder @ Feb 24
Solid demo of 2K10. I was happily surprised at the solid gameplay and look of the game. I really enjoyed this version of pitching, compared to hating it the last two years. I sense a solid computer AI. Saw a little bit of everything. Arod hit two HRs for me, one in each game I used the Yankees. One was a blast to right center over 440 feet and one was a late swing pop up to right about 350. Saw some great doubleplays including a smooth 3-6-1. Also had my runner upend the 2Bman and take him out without a throw on a potential DP. Hitting is fun, but not really precise and exacting like The Show, thus not as realistic. AI pitchers throw balls and walk you if you are patient, and mix up pitches and locations with good baseball intelligence. AI batters will take pitches and also swing at bad pitches, especially if you have count leverage. The pitcher/batter interface is very enjoyable in the demo. Each game had different starting pitchers. Players look fine, animations were good, but not awesome, but not wonky either. Yankee Stadium looked good but I still like 2K7 graphics better. Baseball gloves look brutal though, especially compared to 2K7 and The Show. Overall, I would rate this game about 8 out of 10, based on the demo. Congrats to 2K for getting their baseball franchise back in the game. However, I will be buying The Show again this year.
# 11 ExtremeGamer @ Feb 24
@NDIrish98 Yes, I do. Last year, I couldn't walk anyone with them swinging at everything. The fact that I can give up walks, that excites me.
# 12 ExtremeGamer @ Feb 24
@Smokez4DAyz I am reviewing the demo, but it's got me wanting the game (something I haven't done with past MLB 2K baseball demos) therefore, I'm fearing the unknown with retail.

I hated MLB2K6, played a lot of 2K7, never played 2K8 (demo was trash), and even with a terrible 2K9 demo, I gave the game a shot since I was jonesing for baseball. A week later, I took the game back.
# 13 Steve_OS @ Feb 24
I'm telling you. My Player is fun stuff. (For those that followed me last night on Twitter).

I'm a Show guy, but 2K did a pretty good job here, especially for the people that don't have a PS3. The fielding cam takes a little getting used to and the glowing yellow ball, looking like a softball I don't get, but otherwise, it is a fun mode. In fact, that is all I played last night, as I haven't opened Heavy Rain. Too many games, not enough time.
# 14 ExtremeGamer @ Feb 24
@Steve_OS Yeah, I think I'll finally have a baseball game to at least play this year, which makes me happy. Stadiums also looked great from the images. Thanks for the impressions on Twitter last night.
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