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National Media, Place Your Blame Elsewhere 
Posted on September 18, 2013 at 08:01 AM.

I can't be the only one sick of seeing what unfolded above from Fox News right? Every time there's a shooting in this country, video games are almost always the first to be blamed. Even way back when Columbine happened, the media blamed Marilyn Manson and Doom. Now they want to say video games caused him to be a monster? Really!? And this Elizabeth Hasselbeck wants gamers monitored on what they buy and how often they play the games? This is going too far. Stop trying to find someone or something to blame. Sometimes people are just messed up, but in the wake of a tragedy threse news outlets search for something to drum up to place blame. It's disgusting really.

One other thing, in the above video, the anchor mentions multiple other shooters and their supposed "addiction" to video games; which of course lead them to be a stone cold killer. He mentions the Virginia Tech shooter, well it's already been stated by the shooter's own roommate that he didn't play nor own any video games. So, who do you blame now?

Then you have this, I mean really? If I was Activision I'd be ready to sue this publication. We have little facts on the why with this case but the media has already found it, video games.

As gamers we need to stand up against this. I've played hundreds and hundreds of hours of so called "violent video games". I've never had any desire to go shoot up a mall or anywhere else. Lets try to help them, help the families of the victims instead of spending time playing the blame game.
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