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Madden 25 Disappointments Stuck
Posted on August 28, 2013 at 10:02 AM.

Maybe I'm just expecting too much from gaming anymore, or Madden 25 is just that disappointing of a game, but I came away very unsatisfied. Within playing one half of football I saw many issues that I was shocked made it through QA testing and into consumer's hands. Then there are things that are head scratchers, small details that NCAA gets right, but Madden doesn't. The fact that both games are developed under the same roof makes you just shake you head even more.

The biggest issue so far that I've come across is in the passing game. First off the AI QB's are ridiculously accurate, even after playing with sliders. I know it's a "passing league", but I shouldn't have Blaine Gabbert going 20/22 against me. This also is compounded on the fact that the defensive gameplay in the game is severely lacking, and almost makes you feel helpless on that side of the ball. Now to the other passing issue, wide receivers will catch a ball near the sidelines and make no attempt to stay in bounds. Now this works perfectly fine in NCAA Football 14, but in Madden, it's not even there at all. It's a major head scratcher and frustrating to see your wide out just run out of bounds on a sideline pattern for no reason.

Now onto some cosmetic issues that don't affect gameplay as much, but just are disappointing they aren't fixed from previous versions of the game.

Dynamic lighting was brought into the game in Madden 12, and worked great. The sun moved, shadows creeped across the field through a game, and if you started at 4PM, the game would end at night time. Now this happens in NCAA Football as well, but in that game, it updates at the end of each quarter, but you still see the day transition. Madden 25 on the other hand, doesn't feature this whatsoever. However the game looks like when it starts is exactly how it'll look when it finishes. I shouldn't start a game at 4PM in Cleveland in November and have it finish and still be sunny like it was at 4 o'clock. It is a small detail, one maybe only I pay attention to, but it still bugs me.

Another one is, why are some of last year's rookies, Josh Gordon for example, still a black silhouette in the game instead of actually having their photo there? This is truly nitpicking, but I want the best Madden it can be. Things like this make me feel the game was rushed, pieces from Madden 13 used to finish it, and lack of detail wasn't paid attention to.

Madden is not a terrible game, and I am having fun with it. I'm a huge fan of the NFL and have played every single version of Madden ever released, I love the series. Just things like the above wouldn't happen if we had competition, as EA and whoever else, not going to start talking about 2K Sports, but whoever, would be forced to give us the best game each and every year. Especially this year, Madden's 25th Anniversary, I feel we got a very inferior product from what we deserve.
# 16 charter04 @ Aug 28
I like the game but, I have to agree with you on these points. EA just seems to always do this kind of thing. They add things no one wants. They change or take away things that people like. They just seem to be their own worst enemy ever year. I actually really liked and like Madden 13. If they would have just improved cpu play calling, added the foot planting, and build on and improved the franchise mode and presentation I would have been pretty happy. Instead they make the default camera terrible, they break defense and over powered offense. They changed the presentation for the worse in some area's. It just doesn't make since some times. The thing is I'm still having fun with the game. It's just frustrating that they can't just get it right.
# 17 statum71 @ Aug 28
I normally feel like Madden complainers are just gonna complain no matter how good the game is.

But you my friend are indeed correct.
# 18 AARON67 @ Aug 28
Ok so I'm an Owner why in the heck would i have to play the game. Stupid, So then i said ok since i cant watch cpu vs cpu all be a coach and just call the plays and let my team do the work. that should be fun. I get set up called a play and my qb went back to pass and what do you know as a coach i got to pass too. this game stinks. as owner and coach mode player im pissed.
# 19 Feldman011teen @ Aug 28
You're right about the lighting. That's kind of like buying a car assuming it would let you leave your city, but then you're told it has a limit.
# 20 tril @ Aug 29
I caved in and bought Madden25. BIG MISTAKE, average at best!!!! Im picking up a used XBOX360 this weekend just so I can play a modded APF2k8. I WANT TO PLAY A QUALITY FOOTBALL GAME!! Im tired of this yearly quest for a good football video game. EA FAILS TO DELIVER THATS IT!!!!!
# 21 buckeyedawgtribe @ Aug 29
love the owner mode in connected franchise, hate the fact that the head coaches dont at least have a generic looking headset on. game feels studdery at times. Like most I feel overwhelmed on defense minus tackling. getting off the line of scrimmage still feels like I am in the eight grade benching 135. Needs patched hopefully they will address these issues. Why is my defensive coordinator Rob Chud and why are the browns in a 4 3 defense on default when they are now a 3 4. Just the little things. Once again they rushed this out and ran out a time and we are at their mercy to fix nagging issues but other than that the game is what we have come to expect.
# 22 Jarbeez @ Aug 29
I'm having fun with the game. It has taken some major adjustments in defensive play calling for me to slow down opposing QBs, which is fine I like the challenge. There are a few annoying little things, but all in all nothing that has sucked the enjoyment out of it. At this stage I'm focused on playing a game and haven't really noticed all the "fluff" items. That is not to say they are not somewhat important to me, just that they add atmosphere, but don't really add to the gameplay.
# 23 Demoncrom @ Aug 29
As am I so let try to do something about it. I am trying to get 10,000 signatures to send to the NFL to ask them to stop only licensing to EA and to allow other companies to make football games again.
# 24 Eski33 @ Aug 29
I enjoyed the early release butting waiting to purchase the PS4 version.

One thing I noticed was the pass rush felt non-existent. In NCAA I could get pressure on the QB. In M25, it felt like I was stuck every down. I did use the sticks and get pressure at pints but it felt random.
# 25 KittenMittons @ Aug 31
Madden 25 definitely plays like a beta test version of a game built around the running game.
# 26 moylan1234 @ Aug 31
Haven't played retail yet but after about 8 games with the early release i felt like the rest of you then i changed game speed from normal to slow and it was a brand new game. Many gameplay issues especially defense improve greatly. Slow speed for me made it pretty close to the game ive been waiting for not perfect but much more fun.

One total head scratcher though is how the hurry up is done. NCAA has it perfect while M25 is just bad
# 27 Beansrdone @ Sep 1
I'm stunned at just how bad it looks. I'm baffled by this.

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