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E3 Day 1 Takwaways: PS4 vs. XBox One Stuck
Posted on June 11, 2013 at 04:14 PM.

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Watched these two giants battle it out for next gen console superiority. I thought Microsoft dominated with games for their conference. I was completely impressed with their showing until the price. Even then, I was okay with it because I just figured; we're looking at $500 systems.

Sony's press conference bored me, nothing was being shown, in fact, very little even went on through it in my opinion, but they did what they needed to and dropped a megaton on Microsoft’s head with price and DRM. This is what gamers wanted to hear, not publishers, but in the end, gamers are what make these games and consoles.

I do believe Sony sat back and changed something, maybe price, between the Microsoft presser and the Sony one though, just seemed like they waited Microsoft out. Sony was in a better seat for this to let Microsoft make the mistakes and play off them. See how the crowd, twitter and forums reacted.

I don't know how XBox recovers from this. The system will still sell, and will still be popular with the shooter crowd, but Sony will have a giant leg up on the competition right from the get go.

Microsoft needs to come out and drop the online check and DRM stuff, but they almost can't with their new structure of every game being in the cloud, etc. Would essentially allow people to rent XB1 games from Red Box for 2 bucks and own them. Publishers won't like that. So not really sure where Microsoft goes from here, but they need something to stop the bleeding, the bloodbath I watched on twitter against them was almost hard to watch. I’ve never seen the web completely turn on anything like that before.

Also, long term effects of this against Sony. Will 3rd party see this as a middle finger to them and give Microsoft the support? Or will they see that this was in fact, a mistake, essentially leaving Microsoft out to dry. If Sony is selling systems this holiday like hotcakes, 3rd parties aren't going to turn down that money.

The games that MS impressed me with were Dead Rising 3, Forza, Ryse, and Killer Instinct (which finding out is free to play concerns me a bit with quality). Sony really didn't wow me with any first party stuff, but has the same 3rd party stuff Microsoft has. Microsoft other big exclusive was Titanfall, which later on I realized it's also a 360 game, which is a big blow to XB1's push for that title’s exclusivity. Graphics won't be that much different and I can already play it on my current system, a lot of gamers are probably already thinking that same thing.

I also noticed that the EA/MS partnership wasn't mentioned at all during the press conferences. Just the 2 exclusive titles (Titanfall and Garden Warfare) were mentioned as Xbox exclusives, the latter also coming to 360.

I have both systems pre-ordered at Amazon, heavily leaning towards the PS4 right now. I will end up with only one but don't see much that can change my mind.

When it comes to price, they are a total wash for me.

XB1 - $560 ($499 system, $60 controller, already have XBL through 2014)

PS4 - $570 ($400 system, $60 controller, $60 camera, $50 PS+)

Best opening day of E3 ever though. It can only go up from here.
# 16 D Apocalypse @ Jun 11
@ Profit - if you are a pc gamer then you're already used to drm tactics. i preordered both but i will keep x1 and sell ps4 and own a ps4 next year for its awesome exclusives. i may be in the minority but i actually like the all in one features the x1 has. i hate gamestop so i prefer my games new so i could careless about used games. i have a pc with 2 gtx 690's so i already game next gen. tomb raider looks ridiculous in ultra settings in 2560x1600.
# 17 csofva @ Jun 11
only if ps would have shown more of the console rather than the games...sighhhs
# 18 TreyIM2 @ Jun 12
I thought the cam was coming with the PS4? Maybe I missed them saying that there will be no cam with it at E3 after initially saying there will be back at the Sony conference the other month.
# 19 thelakeshow @ Jun 12
With a subscription to Gamefly, I was left with only one choice. That, along with the launch price, made the PS4 the only choice for me. I may end up buying an xbox1 a few years down the line, but only when the price is less than $300.
# 20 cincy14fan @ Jun 12
I think D Apocalypse is spot on and agree with him. We all know that most people on OS are PS fans anyways so this isn't to surprising.

I look at my needs and one of the biggest ones is online play. I am sorry I have both current systems and if you are honestly think that PS4 will be better in online I would get a kick out of it to hear your reasons on this. Xbox 1 you can watch games that friends are playing (same as PS) but you can actually still carry on a conversation.

Also I heard the PS+ was 100 dollars and xbox is 60. Again online is big for me and mostly play with my friends and they are getting mostly xbox (from the 360).

I hear everyone cry on this site that "Oh xbox you have to be online unless you can't play." Yeah I am so sure that majority of these users on this site actually don't have a good enough connection or not an internet connection at all, so that really isn't a big deal breaker. Also if you look at it PS4 is basically online as well. They just hide it in their "Sure you can play any of our games offline, but if you want to play anything online you HAVE to HAVE PS+). So the difference for being online is...

The DMR is true. PC is getting close to what xbox is doing (with steam) so its not really that big. Someone mention (on ign comment) that in the near future both systems would do this to protect hacking, but they felt that xbox did it a system early. Again not a really a big deal breaker. Also you can still trade in games and pick up use copies just you have to pay a little more to actually play it on xbox (basically to have the DRM rights for the used game from what I gather). Don't know the price for this, but assume it's going to be similar to the EA pass for games on current system.

The only thing I don't like about the xbox is the connect. Sure the thing sounds cool, but I hardly doubt I will use it a lot (so all you PS fans can say yay we actually got a legitimate issue) and rather not pay for it. But still if the price that the guy wrote on this blog that it is 50 dollar difference then basically we are getting the connect for 50 bucks basically which I can see a justify even if I do use it to turn on xbox or switch to tv.

Not saying the Xbox 1 is a better system than the PS4, but for my needs the Xbox one hits it. I will buy both systems again, but I will find more time on Xbox 1 since most of my friends will have it and the thing I care most really (playing with my friends) will be suffice for the Xbox. And my PS4 will be the same as it was for the PS3 just my solo player games and of course The Show.
# 21 ncaafootball14markus @ Jun 12
gawd i'm an idiot and must've forgotten. the system's don't come with one controller anymore?? what kind of BS.
# 22 Valdarez @ Jun 12
Still give 3 to 1 odds that ExtremeGamer ends up with a XBoxOne over a Playstation 4. Only thing that I'm not looking forward to on PS4 is that stupid controller. Microsoft has had the better controller for over a decade now and Sony has yet to rectify the problem. I'll be ponying up more $$$ for a 3rd party controller yet again. That's not too bad though I suppose. I purchased 11x of the XBox 360 controllers this last generation with only 4 of them still functional.
# 23 ExtremeGamer @ Jun 12
How or why did you buy 11 controllers and have 7 break?! I still have my original 360 controllers and they work fine.
# 24 cgalligan @ Jun 12
Can't play used games?
Can't borrow games from friends?
Can't sell my already beaten games that I don't play anymore?
I must be online 24/7 (with a camera looking into my house)?

No thanks...

PS4 completely destroys the XBOX on this coming generation unless Microsoft makes some drastic changes, I think this is the end of their Console existence because I don't know anyone that is going to look at what both have to offer ((without being a fanboy of either)), and honestly believe that the XBOX is "better"...

Take the name off the systems... Look at what they both have to offer and what they each take away from you... Its no contest...
# 25 Valdarez @ Jun 12
The buttons always gave out on them. Never broke one (I don't throw controllers or anything like that). Usually it's the Y or A button that simply won't respond any longer. I might have been able to take them apart and repair whatever it is that causes them to push back up after pressing, but was simpler to just buy another one. Between failed XBox 360's (Red Ring of Death and 2x DVD drive failures, one of which I fixed) and the controllers, this is the most I've spent during any generation of gaming on hardware, and one of the primary reasons I'm extremely happy to not be buying an XBoxOne.

What are you going to do about renting games on XBoxOne? Don't you use Gamefly today for most of your gaming, versus buying all of the games? If Microsoft offered a game rental system for another $20 to $30 a month would that help you buy an XBox One over a Playstation 4?
# 26 ExtremeGamer @ Jun 12
Wow, that's crazy. Yeah, never had a controller die before. Also never paid anything extra for a 360 sans ones I upgraded to, buying the Black Elite and then buying the Slim model, which were on my own accord. First time I've done that in a generation as well.

I don't rent games, Gamefly is terrible and no where around here rents. The DRM has never bothered me, it is what it is. The online check in and required Kinect bother me. I'm still going PS4 unless MS really does a turn around on those 2 above features. Price and the fact I can finally have all my sports games again on one console is pretty enticing. Reading about Forza basically being Forza 4 (no night, no weather) and that Ryse is a long QTE game saddens me about both but makes this easier to switch. Dead Rising 3 is really the only game I'd really be bummed not to play right now. Even Killer Instinct is disappointing as it gets for a fighter I've loved as a kid.

I need a change, I think I need something it ignite gaming in me again. Achievements used to draw me in, but after I hit 100K, I just got bored with them. Became a "so what" type feel to them. Just bored. So I get to hopefully play franchises I haven't played... Last of Us, Uncharted, Killzone, etc.
# 27 hall31 @ Jun 12
I'll be purchasing both consoles, but I find it hilarious how people and the media turn a blind eye to Sony taking the same stance in regard to DRM after their keynote. In fact, only very few sites have even mentioned Sony's clarification which matches MS's stance entirely. Sony is also giving in to the heat from publishers that want a cut of the used game profits, and it will be up to publishers to make their decision.

Both consoles are almost entirely on equal footing minus the borrowing/renting which MS has stated they will address. They've already stated that the "Always-on" functionality of the Kinect can be turned off. Decisions should be made on the exclusivity of titles for each console and not inaccurate facts. Personally, I'll be purchasing both consoles since they each have titles I'm looking forward to playing.
# 28 spottieottiedop @ Jun 12
I'm going with both XB1 for me at launch and PS4 for my son in Jan. I feel pretty good about both systems. I favor the XB1 more cause of the TV functionality, Skype and Kinect.
# 29 emelki1968 @ Jun 12
I am sorry, but this is one of the most bias "articles" I have read in a long time. I really don't mind what system "wins or lose" but we have to be honest when we write here.
First of all, there were no games in the Play Station conference that WOW you? Really? You like Forza 5 but who cares about DriveClub! From the studio that created the "God of War" series, "The Order:1886". It didn't call your attention? Then you said "Dead Rising 3", another Zombie game of a series that was fresh with the first game but with the poor continuation. But, "Daylight" or "Rain" or the new game from the creators of "Bastion" made you bored!!!
Finally, the math you make are just hilarious. I am going to make the same comparison:
Xbox One $499, + $60 (12 months of Xbox live)+ $50 controller= $609
Play 3 $399, + $50 (12 months of Plus) + $50 controller= $499 + A lot of games for free that are not 2 or three years old.
# 30 ExtremeGamer @ Jun 12
First off, it's a personal blog as stated at the top of the blog. Not an official OS article, so it's all my opinion.

Secondly, because I didn't fall in love with every Sony exclusive I'm being bias? See the irony there?

Maybe read the whole thing first, where I'm favoring the PS4 next time. Thanks!

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