ExtremeGamer's Blog

On Saturday, October 15th I will be participating in a 24 hour gaming marathon over XBox Live to help raise money for sick kids stuck in hospitals. It's a great cause, and one gamers can really get into, as the hardship we have to partake is gaming for 24 hours straight. Difficult right?
Even over the weekend after a four hour Gears of War 3 marathon, I joked to my wife that I was "training" for the big event. I believe in this charity and this cause with all the fibers in my body. It's something that I can fully relate to. Yes, the gaming part is a bonus, but I feel like I'm doing it for the right reasons. I was one of these kids, I'm playing for a hospital I spent many a day in when I was a kid, Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital in Cleveland.
I'm proud of the fact that I've already met my goal and then some. That says a lot to me and says a lot about the friends/family of mine who have given up their hard earned money for this great cause.
I will begin approximately at 7AM on the 15th, with one break (a prior engagement at night that should take 2 hours, don't worry, I'll make up the time). Plan on having many snacks and Gatorades/Sprites at my side during this venture. I've never pushed myself to play for 24 straight hours, so this will be an adventure in itself, but if it helps bring one extra smile to a sick child in the hospital, then it's worth it 1,000 times over.
I plan on blogging on here and tweeting throughout the event with current games I'm playing and some results. Expect some Madden 12, Gears of War 3, NBA 2K12, Forza 4 and a few others sprinkled in through the fun.
If you want to say hi or even get in a game during the day, my gamertag is ExtremeGamer. And if you would like to help out and donate, please do. Even $1 helps out!
Game on!
EDIT - 10/10/11
I'm adding this into the actual blog as well, as I feel it's inspiring. This is from Tori's mom (Tori inspired Extra-Life). Please give it a read. We're gaming for a cause this weekend!
Extra Live COMPLETE!! 24 hours of gaming to help heal sick kids. Over 1 million dollars raised by the gaming community.
My stats are as follows:
1 hour Pinball FX 2
12 hours Forza Motorsport 4
2 hours Madden NFL 12
1 hour Sesame Street Once Upon a Monster
4 hours Gears of War 3
3 hours NBA 2K12
1 hour iPhone/IPad gaming
Unlocked 25 achievements for 375 points putting me exactly at 99,000 achievement points.

What a great day, for a great cause!

# 1
Da_Czar @ Sep 28
Awesome !! Good luck. I would intermingle some fingertip pushups every hour or so to keep your fingers loose. I will be donating to the cause !
# 2
Da_Czar @ Sep 28
Alright I donated good luck ! Looks like you should have made your goal higher. That is a good thing.
# 4
ExtremeGamer @ Sep 28
@Da_Czar Yeah, I never expected to get this much support, and that is a good thing. I'm humbled by the support I've received.
# 5
DJ @ Sep 28
That is a great cause. Good luck with the gaming marathon. I will donate when I get on my home CPU later.
# 8
ExtremeGamer @ Oct 10
I received a letter today from Extra-Life with a letter from the mother of Tori, the girl who inspired Extra-Life. It's heart breaking but it's why I'm doing this, gaming for a cause.
# 9
PantherBeast_OS @ Oct 10
Currently broke bro. But I'm on your friends list on live. I got GOW3 and willing to hook up with you in some team games online to help you out in those 24 hours bro. Just hit me up with invite. I thank it is great what you are doing. Keep up the good work bro.
# 10
ExtremeGamer @ Oct 14
Thank you to everyone who donated. I raised $428 (so far
) I'm very proud of that fact. I will go into tomorrow playing games to heal kids. I've never been more proud of a charity or a community of friends and family members who donated to this cause.

# 11
ExtremeGamer @ Oct 16
Extra Live COMPLETE!! 24 hours of gaming to help heal sick kids. Over 1 million dollars raised by the gaming community.
My stats are as follows:
1 hour Pinball FX 2
12 hours Forza Motorsport 4
2 hours Madden NFL 12
1 hour Sesame Street Once Upon a Monster
4 hours Gears of War 3
3 hours NBA 2K12
1 hour iPhone/IPad gaming
Unlocked 25 achievements for 375 points putting me exactly at 99,000 achievement points.
What a great day, for a great cause!
My stats are as follows:
1 hour Pinball FX 2
12 hours Forza Motorsport 4
2 hours Madden NFL 12
1 hour Sesame Street Once Upon a Monster
4 hours Gears of War 3
3 hours NBA 2K12
1 hour iPhone/IPad gaming
Unlocked 25 achievements for 375 points putting me exactly at 99,000 achievement points.

What a great day, for a great cause!
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