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Done with sports video games? 
Posted on April 16, 2010 at 01:16 PM.
What's the dilly my fellow OS Alum!

Today's blog will be more a question then a statement. I know this is a sports dedicated website and one I've been proud to refer friends to. But, I have to say this, I may be done with sports video games. Why? you may ask.

Because, I've gotten to the point were I'm always changing sliders, settings, etc... instead of playing the actual game. When I play any other games I never worry about that stuff. I've been playing Battlefield BC2, Splinter Cell, Heavy Rain and other none sports games and I don't care about any settings.

How many of you spend to much time messing with sliders that the game doesn't even become relevant anymore?

Maybe it's my OCD that stops me from enjoying sports games and I just want everything to be perfect. I stopped playing Live 10, 2k10, NCAA 10 all because they weren't playing the perfect game for me. I'm I crazy? Or are there other people out there like me. Don't be scared to say it. Speak your mind.

That's all for now, sorry I haven't blogged in a while. Works been crazy, way to much traveling, getting married in a couple of months and family issue prevent me from doing what I love. And that's following the OS Alumni!!!

Until, next time my fellow DIRTYONES!!!
# 1 DJ @ Apr 16
Jerz, I hear you with sports game. If you get caught up in the slider game, it can be never-ending; it seems that if you tweak things to get one aspect of a game to play to your liking, it throws another aspect of the game off.

I've made an effort to get back to playing on default sliders with sports games and just trying to enjoy the experience for what it is. With some games, there are a couple of sliders that I will change (MLB The Show I lower pitch speed and fielder speed and Madden and NCAA I drop HUM/USER INTs) but other than that, I just play the game "out of the box" and try and have fun.

I think the basketball games may be the toughest to nail down, slider-wise, as there's so many different ways to play hoops. I try and stay default but if I see a good set on OS, I'll usually input it and just stick with that set.

Non-sports games are nice in that sliders aren't an issue, but there are things (like figuring out what to do next) that can be just as perplexing as finding a slider set in a sports game.

Congrats on the upcoming wedding!
# 2 nolan273 @ Apr 16
I'm with you, Jerz. While I know that I'll never stop playing sports games, it gets to be more of a chore year after year.

I own NCAA BBall 10 and I've started a dynasty, but as I was looking at teams, I started noticing wrong equipment, poor body types, poor appearances... I'm a bit of a purist on this type of stuff, so rather than being able to play and enjoy the game, I've spent the majority of my time 'fixing' the rosters... For EVERY team!!!!!

I don't get into the sliders much, but what we're talking about is pretty much the same thing. Shooters, action games, and fighters don't pose nearly as much of a headache. You pick up the sticks and get after it. O! Would that it were so simple with sports games!
# 3 videlsports @ Apr 16
I know how you feel it's crazy with sports video games. But in all honesty I never adjust sliders after I first purchase the game because I'm online. Online cheaters have all the guys who are looking for a fun realistic game online crazy because cheaters live to find exploits in the game. It wasen't like that 10 years ago, because online for games barely existed. It was you and your buddies or family would come over and play the game. Now we are all busy and have our own lives : Carrer, wife, Kids etc. I have 7 cousins that I really grew up with like brothers, and now 4 including myself are married. And we get on xbox live of PSN to play. But the point being is with the natural server lag, people find exploits to win instead of relying on their skill and playing a fair game. That maes you adjust sliders so you can fine tune the game and stop the exploits. Get the misses to play with you on some sports. It will change your aspect on it and you can rediscover the fun in playing again. You will see in her face the pure fun facter. Start her off by running a kick back in football watch her go crazy. LOL
# 4 statum71 @ Apr 16
While they can indeed be frustrating, I'm not even close to being "done" with sports gaming. Actually this is the best time as all the game are getting better and better trying to one-up each other.

That're right. They all have downfalls.
# 5 stlstudios189 @ Apr 16
I usually just make slight slider changes and just enjoy the game. Sports games are 90%of my gaming time and I just try to enjoy the game for what it is.
# 6 TreyIM2 @ Apr 16
Although I used to be more of a perfectionist growing up, I don't get obsessive about sliders. I play the games, initially, at default levels then adjust the sliders as I go. I can usually get it to where I believe it is fair to both myself and the CPU after a few games. Sliders are a GREAT thing, imo, but I definitely think devs should have games tuned as fairly as possible prior to shipping the games so that people don't have to fine tune as much once they start playing.

The online deally, I don't get involved with much, at all. I don't play random people and if I play someone I actually know, it's a very rare thing. I'm old school with it plus I don't feel the need to be competitive with people in a game. I'm older now and don't feel I have anything to prove to people so competitive gaming is not important to me.
# 7 TreyIM2 @ Apr 16
And one more thing, J-E-T-S, JETS, JETS, JETS!! We should be hoisting the Vince Lombardi trophy next Feb! This off-season has been GREAT for us. I'll take Jason Taylor, too!! LET'S GO!!
# 8 raidersbball20 @ Apr 17
this is the one thing I miss about chilhood and older games. i didn't care about how it played as long as it was to my skill level, and I didn't care about the rosters or anything it was all fun
# 9 EvanRG @ Apr 17
I don't understand how you can be done with sports video games... I mean are you talking for a day? a month? a year? forever??? It just seems silly to say that. Don't get me wrong, I tweak sliders more than you imagine, but I thoroughly enjoy the games that I buy. Also, not every game has slider issues. For example, I found two sets of sliders for College Hoops 2k8 and NCAA Football 09 (yes, I said 09!) and still play those games as recent as two hours ago.

No matter your OCD, it's a silly statement to say you are DONE with sports video games. Unless you plan on giving up gaming in general or just do not like sports video games I imagine you will be salivating like the rest of us when the new NCAA Football or Madden demos drop this summer.
# 10 jestep123 @ Apr 17
I think it comes down to exposure. We are exposed to sports all day everyday. We are saturated with it. That means that all of us think we everything about how these games should play out. If it doesnt play out that way, then we start adjusting sliders until we get a game that fits comfortablly within what we feel is the realm of possibility.

This isnt the case with other types of games like COD or MOH or even uncharted. Most of us have no idea what it is like to be in a war (for those of you reading this that do, thank you for all you do) and I am willing to bet that none of us are pro treasure hunters. It easy to let the game play without adjustments because we dont have preconcived notions about how the scenerios presented in the game should play out.

However, if you are playing The Show and you are a Yankees fan and you get shut out 3 games in a row by the Red Sox, you KNOW that just cant be right. Thus you start messing with sliders.
# 11 DirtyJerz32 @ Apr 17
To everyone how is asking... I'm not done with sports games. I just wish I didn't have this OCD, and want to fine tune everything to make it perfect. I wish it was like a FPS or any other none sports game where I can just play right out the box. That's all I was saying...
# 12 Omega Kid @ Apr 19
Actually, the only brand that gets me mad with sliders is 2k hoops. Every other sports game dnt have any problem so far, never changed anything with EA games, for example. But i found pretty impossible to play 2k basket's right out of the box.
# 13 Da_Czar @ Apr 20
Jerz what up family. I hear you on this one. My best technique that works for me is just to play the older games. I'm not talking last years version either. I'll take it way back to sega genesis and that helps me keep it all in perspective. If they could not perfect a 16 bit game then todays games will never be perfect. So I stop expecting perfection and realize that with the deadlines and budgets there will be incremental improvements regardless of what I see that gets me excited in the previews I remember that it is basicially the same game with a few enhancements.

This also helps me to see how far we have actually come. play 48 minutes of live or 2k5 man and you will come away realizing how much fun these games we have today actually are.

Just my 2cents... another one is after you get your game. Log off the forums LOLOL your going to find out a bunch of stuff it would have taken you months to notice... Great blog fam !!!
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