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False advertising in Madden 10 
Posted on August 27, 2009 at 01:51 PM.
What's up people? Today's blog was a difficult one to do. Mainly because I like Madden 10 so much, it was hard for me to come to this. For the past 2 weeks there has been a thread going in the Madden forum about Stadium/Team specific sound effects. Check it out here.

We all know the producers of Madden have been very good at the overall interaction with this site. They've asked for our opinions and thought of the game. Which IMO was the best thing they've ever done. This is why it was so hard to write this.

Anyway, I'm sure most of you have played Madden 10 this year and probably played Madden for the last couple of years. Well it was no surprise that presentation has been a huge negative for Madden since jumping to current gen. Even last gen was pretty stale. Well, I was floored when I heard the news that M10 would have a different kind of atmosphere. Really bring the gamer into the feel of being at a real game. Well, being a Jets fan and reading the article below got me soooo pumped up for M10. If you haven't read it I've also pasted it below. Be sure to read the part about team chants. Well that J E T S! Jets! Jets! Jets! Chant that was supposed to be in the game is nowhere to be found.

That's where the thread comes into play. I even did some testing by lowering all sounds except for stadium sounds. What I heard were fans cheering but, nothing team related. Well, I thought, that's really odd. Considering I read about this in a blog from game shark that Ian did.

So you can see my frustrating start to build in the thread as I attempted to contact Ian and company about the lack of sounds for teams. Giving them the benefit of the dought because I remember last year’s current gen Madden's field degradation was a little off. Uniforms got muddy and dirty but, the field was perfect. Well eventually it was patch but, before that, they at least came out and said there was something wrong. Well that's all I really wanted in the case. Well ladies and gentlemen, I hated being the bad guy here but, we didn't get any response from them. Not one! Not "hey we're checking it out or hey, sorry it didn't make it in." Nothing.

So here were are 2 weeks later and I know they have been on the boards from the well deserved vacation. Still nothing. So, at what point to we start claiming false advertising. They said it and it didn't get put into the game. I'm no lawyer but, isn't that false advertising? I think it is. Well EA here is your chance to tell your side of the story. I (we) have told ours...

What about presentation? Ian, you told me at the show that you wanted the stadiums to all feel unique. How are you doing that?
Ian: One of the most common pieces of feedback from the community (and internally from our own time playing the game) was that every Franchise game really felt the same. There was no real sense of a “journey” through the season since every game was presented in a similar fashion. Since we had committed to a huge investment in re-vamping our cut-scenes (and their respective systems), Mike Young, Tavis Kahler, and crew did a bunch of research to pick out some of the most recognizable pieces that you see in various stadiums around the league.
This addition alone in pre-game (and cuts to these types of scenes throughout the game) was a nice way for us to give you (the fan) the feel of each stadium and location being different. We realize that many people skip through pre-game cut-scenes once they see them a few times, so by making every intro feel different it gave people a reason to at least give a second look and keep the game feeling new and fresh.
The most exciting thing for me is that we will be able to keep building on this for the future, since a huge chunk of our time this year was spent actually just getting the tech in place. Expect community polls and wishlist threads soon. (smile)
One of the key details we had to implement in all of these fan scenes was some extra logic for the fans to pick jerseys of the current star players to wear. This really helps keep you immersed in your Franchise, regardless of what year it is, to see your fans out there wearing the jersey of your new star player that you drafted in 2012.

To add to this, we have all kinds of stadium-specific chants in the game as well – so now you’ll hear the chants that make you feel like you really are in that hostile opposing environment – such as “J-E-T-S JETS JETS JETS!” and “E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES!”
# 1 RayAllen20 @ Aug 27
same with sideline catches and players not randomly running out of bounds
# 2 gluck24 @ Aug 27
This madden presentation seems exactly the same as last year if you dont count the player injury and coaches and all the cut scences the atmosphere feel just the same as last year and 08. And the superstar mode absolutly terrible they need to go look at madden 06 superstar mode the best one they ever created
# 3 edaddy @ Aug 27
Good blog and excellent points..I am also baffled about the lack of response or interaction from Ian and company regarding Madden and the features that didn't make it to the game but somehow didn't..I am also baffled that we havcen't heard a peep about the first patch..This is suprising to me because Ian and Phil were regulars on this board until the sh****t hit the fan...It's almost like he was a salesman pitching his item for 7 months until you brought it..LOL..The ame thing is happening with the NCAA interaction not a peep from anyone other that the answering of some trivial aspects of the game that happen not to be broken..I took a peek at the EA boards and it's funny how Russ is ducking and dodging all of the pertinent questions and problems surrounding NCAA,,but I thought Ian was different than that oh live and you learn...
# 4 swiftychampleone @ Aug 27
Man, you see why I don't buy games until I read a review or hear feedback. Franchise mode is one of my main reasons to buy Madden. If every game feel the same, why would I want it?
# 5 Mr. Franchise @ Aug 27
# 6 djslimk @ Aug 28
Also, just to mention, weather in the offline franchise is scripted. If you sim a few games, note the weather and temperature, and don't save it. Then turn of your Xbox and turn it back on, and sim those games again. Same weather and temperature. So that just adds to the games being the same. I play in DC and have had no snow/rain in 2 years! Also, when it's 40 degrees, the coaches still wear short sleeve shirts. I don't know why I expect any more, I can overlook the game play problems, but the weather and no team specific chants just kills me.
# 7 bigsmallwood @ Aug 28
Excellent points!
# 8 ezio @ Aug 28
Yeah I agree. Not sure why it isn't in there. They really should replay with something. Maybe it can be patched.
# 9 sarlndr @ Aug 29
It's sad that we haven't heard a peep out of these people. Just a few weeks ago people were talking about Ian as if he was a God. Not so much now.
# 10 ReggaeBoy88 @ Aug 29
i playyed in the cowboys arena and i noticed it looks just like the old one..where are the giant screen TV's? boy if i could i would petition against EA for making a dissapointing game..eveeryone sell their madden for 10$ to gamestop! lol
# 11 superstarshad @ Aug 30
It is what it is.... Meh-den football will never improve. Your best bet is to purchase Madden Ray lewis at your local gamestop on ps2 for .99! I defended this title blindly pre launch. I even went through the trouble of tracking down the game and purchasing it before the release date. EA over sold and under delivered. What a huge mistake! Next years Meh-den will not sale nearly as much.
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