Blocs Corner
Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Looking for some recruits for my online lg we have some open teams that were drafted that need filling and some people that possibly will be replaced.... u down hmu GT: dangerousdbloc
Heres the league site that explains things
Appreciate ya takin time to check it out
Monday, September 21, 2015

I'm a huge wrestling fan. For as long as i could remember there's been a wrestling game in my possession or i was running to the arcade to play WRESTLE FEST and would spend countless hours and plenty of quarters in there (we need a Xbox and psn push for that game in arcade). All the WWF/WWE,WcW,Slam masters,EC fn W,TNA (not a bad attempt but still not good enough) hell I've have Fire ... Read More
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

So we are a few days away from one of the most exciting times in a long time when 2 different,playable basketball games will be releasing. Give both companies a standing O...Its been a long journey. I salute you for the hard work and dedication as well to the COMMUNITY who let their theories,thoughts,ideas,anguish,disappointments and all that flow which I believe in a sense helped push the Dev teams even harder on top of ... Read More
Sunday, August 23, 2015

Wassup my people, its ya boy D Bloc,and well...I play NBA2K.

I, have been playing this game since its creation, and let me tell you, its been on hell, of a ride...I have not ever missed a 2K. So you, know where my loyalty has been. I mean the game has taken many leaps and bounds and they have been great.
Here is mine ... Read More
Monday, October 5, 2009

Sunday, October 4, 2009

For those who got the games Nba 2k10 and Nba Live 2010 early i want to award you

I on the other hand will be gettin it in tuesday when both titles drop

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