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MLB 09 = No more Basketball Stuck
Posted on March 2, 2009 at 04:18 PM.
Whats a Czar to do when his favorite Genre of sports gaming has left him flat ? Yea Live 09 has made some improvements but they just don't have the animations / gameplay combination to stand up to the intense scrutiny that Czar needs to invest serious game-time after early December.

2k9 just had too many flaws that detract from the game of basketball. The sliding must cease and the genius who enabled the forced auto switch on defense anytime your outside of arms length should be offered no quarter.... Yes... he should be SHOT !

I have captured at least 10 hours of 2k9/ Live 09/ NBA footage to turn into multiple shows but I just can't do it !!!

So, early January I talk Mrs Czar into the purchase of a ps3 with a strong argument for the blue ray dvd. I have heard from the PS3 naysayers that most of the sports games suffered from performance problems and I had no desire to replace my entire 360 sports gaming library on the ps3. So there it sat with no games to play and no motivation to add anything to it.

Then one bright late January morning something appeared on my doorstep. It was an odd looking package. I opened it to find a brand new copy of MLB 08. I cautiously approached my machine....and input the disk.

I am no stranger to the baseball world but the 2k basketball franchise had been so good the last few years Czar just didn't have the time to devote any serious gaming into baseball when the Basketball games were sooooo good. The combination of NBA 2k8 and CHOOPS 2k8 was just to much to allow a former love (baseball) to get too much of my time.

The last Baseball game I played was 2k7 and it didn't really knock my socks off. The framerate issues I heard about 2k8's baseball game kept me from even thinking twice about it, and for a 360 owner, there are no other serious contenders.

It would be a lie to say that I had not heard all the raving reviews from others about how great the MLB franchise was, but come on brah..... 500 dollars for a PS3 ???? Just to play a baseball game.... ( if they had a bomb hoops game that would be different : )). It was “inconceivable” (Princess Bride)

Here we had the perfect storm. Discontent with the NBA games, no College hoops 2k9, a practically new PS3 begging me to play it... and now inside my PS3 was a game that would change Czar's whole perspective.

The show MLB 08 simply blew my mind... At first I thought it was the novelty of new game on a new system, but around 2 a.m. that first night, with raw thumbs, I realized I had been party to greatness.

Since that time I have been on a steady diet of baseball. For the first time in years I purchased the preseason baseball magazines and became number one in my Google chrome homepage.

To my brethren who have not yet braved the waters of a ps3 I say to you. Come on in the waters fine!
To those who love baseball but have not yet visited the mecca of baseball gaming I say that once in a lifetime you must visit the MLB series or your journey to the steps of baseball heaven will not be complete.

My addiction has only gotten worse with the addition of MLB 09 to my Ps3 gaming arsenal. The MLB vets have welcomed us newcomers with open arms. Knight165 has even kindly asked czar to stop spamming his pm box with strategy questions ( I'm sure he was only kidding.. ummm maybe...) Russel is one hell of a community manger and the Operation sports support for this title is simply incredible.

How is it that a genre that ranks 3rd on my list behind Basketball and football has practically become an obsession ? I look forward to spending the next several months answering that very question.

EA and 2K basketball devs be warned. I have seen the mountain top and will not rest until Basketball is treated with the same respect and attention to SIM detail as MLB 09.

For the dedicated people responsible for MLB 09 I say... I look forward to the day when all God's children 360 and PS3 owners can sit down together and sing in that old baseball spiritual.. Its one...two ... three strikes your out at the old ball game !!!

Be sure to check out my arena for a Red Sox vs Boston showdown where I show the first few and last few innings. I will be uploading in pieces all day until its all up.

Also have a few screenshots I posted in the mlb 09 forums
# 1 spaceg0st @ Mar 2
how are so many people receiving the game, yet no reviews (but one)??
# 2 DubTrey1 @ Mar 2
Now, if you could just grace us with some Czarisode's for MLB09 - ya hear me?
# 3 rspencer86 @ Mar 2
Yeah, get to work on those MLB 09 Czarizodes.
# 4 Steve_OS @ Mar 2
Ya, what rspencer said.
# 5 Da_Czar @ Mar 2
spaceg0st I would guess most are either playing or answering questions or making videos. You will probably see some reviews starting tomorrow or late tonight.
# 6 Da_Czar @ Mar 2
Thanks boucher.. and I hear you loud and clear dub spence and BIG steeeevveeeeee !
# 7 HAILAS @ Mar 2
Glad to see you back Czar. Great writing.I too look forward to seeing more of your videos.
# 8 Chip1010 @ Mar 2
Bought a PS3 last week just for this game. I've gone long enough.
# 9 thaSLAB @ Mar 2
Yeah man, a MLB 09 Czarisode would be so nice
# 10 Kado456 @ Mar 3
Man you sound like me, bought the PS3 for MSG4, beat the game downloaded MLB 08 demo a few months back, and the rest well you know the rest . . .
# 11 Mr.Wednesday @ Mar 3
That was a great read! Thanks Czar. I almost fell our of my chair one night when I saw you in the show forum. Can't wait for a Czarisode.
# 12 sportyguyfl31 @ Mar 3
I was about a pinky nail width away from buying a PS3 just to play MLB '08 the show and have a blue ray player, last year.

Baseball is my favorite sports sim game. I love Basketball, but the games just dont satisfy me for long. Live was good, but I am bored of it, and I HATED 2k9 this year. Football is a wasteland right now.
# 13 rworth88 @ Mar 3
Kick azz game, no sleep for me today...
# 14 rudyjuly2 @ Mar 3
The Show is great. I also agree that the love for a video game can spark interest in a sport you might have lost interest in.
# 15 GSW @ Mar 3
i get off work at 5pm today, i already pre ordered and paid off my copy of the show, im going to have it in my ps3 at 6 oclock.

I took tomorrow off as well, matter fact i took the rest of the week off.

Im going right to starbucks, getting a double shot vanilla latte.

And i wont be going to sleep tonight.

P.S. Woody Keller is a S.O.B

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