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EA really grinds my gears with Madden 13 
Posted on September 11, 2012 at 11:53 PM.
So, the second Madden 13 patch was released today and was overall a "meh" patch.

But, for the OFFLINE gamer, the patch did next to NOTHING, especially as it relates to Connected Careers.

XP points are still screwed up. Coaching schemes don't stick. Auto subs don't work. Sliders operate differently in CC than they do in Play Now. CPU Playcalling is trash, especially in the 4th quarter. Still can't choose Zoom or Broadcast Camera and yep, you guessed it, you are still defaulted to using Gameflow when you start a game.

Kudos, EA. You really pulled one over on me this year.

The promise of real-time physics and a new franchise mode that feature elements of Head Coach 09 tantalized me. I should've known better. Now, more than ever, I'm severly handcuffed when I play this game.

Fantasy Draft? Gone.

Season Mode? That's not the mode you're looking for.

Use an edited roster in CC? Nope.

Call me cranky, call me whatever (just don't call me maybe) but I'm sorry, I really don't like the precedent Madden 13 is setting, and if you don't know what that is, I'll tell you:

The offline gamer in EA's world, is a relic, a hippie, a footnote in video game history.

Instead of paying back all of those loyal customers that got you to where you are today, EA has made the business decision to go another direction. It's not a coincidence that CCM has received several tuners online yet offline gets nothing, even with a patch. I even asked a person that works on Madden about when a fix for offline CCM would be coming and I was told to just do a 1-player Online CCM.

That isn't what I want to do. I shouldn't have to be connected to the Internet and more importantly, to EA's servers, every time I play Madden. I paid $60 for this game, shouldn't I be able to play and enjoy it how I see fit?

According to EA, the answer to that question is no. I now have to play on their terms and play only the modes they want me to play. Again. It's a business decision by EA so I get that and understand that moving forward I am not in their target demographic.

That's fine if that is indeed the case. Tell me now (although your actions are clearly pointing that direction) and we can both move on. It's a shame because there are things I enjoy about Madden 13, but the overly-restrictive nature of the game and the continual push towards online play is alienating long-time supporters of the series like myself.

Connected Careers is a mode that has great potential, EA. Just don't forget about the people that brought you to the dance; give us the same opportunities to enjoy this game as you do those that choose to play online.

Choose, or choice, is really the key word in this blog/ramble. Introducing new modes is fine, but don't think you can force millions of people to play the game the same way.
# 1 Otops @ Sep 12
Right on! I, for one, was not lashing back at EA simply because I (falsely) had faith in their patching ability. I really anticipated more fixes. Then again, I'm used to EA releasing bugged products and waiting for fixes. Unfortunately the fixes take forever if they come at all. I'm not sure if I'll be buying anymore EA titles from here on out. That's a tough statement to make considering my loyal following of their NHL series.
# 2 Kmac27 @ Sep 12
Wow, best insight so far regarding Madden 13!!! You should share this in as many threads as possible. As stated in the comment above, RIGHT ON!!! I don't even know where to begin. My typical Madden 13 experience: turn PS3 on, start the game, and then just stare at the menus for 5 min and turn it off again. Thanks EA! long time Madden customers like us have been left behind, that's all there is to it.
# 3 timeloop13 @ Sep 12
Great article. Completely share your sentiment.

Myself, I was in a holding pattern with the game, but now, with this disappointing first update, I will be returning my copy of Madden 13. I've purchased every version the last 10+ years, so I can't believe I am actually skipping it this year. Anyone who agrees with the article, I would suggest also returning your copy. If (and it might be a big IF) EA is able to offer a patch to add some of the features we were used to seeing in the traditional franchise mode, then go out any buy the game again.
# 4 tril @ Sep 12
agree with you 100%
everything that youve stated is how I feel.
MAdden 13 is good but EA is clearly in the midst of phasing out offline gamers. at this pace MAdden will be only a DLC withibn a few years.
# 5 ithurtsme23 @ Sep 12
Every time EA adds something to their game they remove 100 other things..Look at when madden 07 came out for the xbox 360 all they had was season mode and exhibition and online..This year they change game engines and they take out franchise mode among other things
# 6 Coach Espy @ Sep 12
I agree with you completely. The three most important things in a good sports game are customizability, immersion, and user-control.
# 7 Coach Espy @ Sep 12
Is somewhat sad to report that I have bought the game and am only playing Play Now
# 8 10yard-Fight @ Sep 12
Good read DJ... I must admit I was extremely dissapointed when I realized I wouldn't get to do my normal franchise mode, but that has forced me to play online which Im having more fun playing this way than any other year. Something about playing someone gives me more satisfaction than playing ai and kind of takes me back to my college years of going around the room on the sticks... Plus Im playing with different teams having to use different styles and such. Im pleased with the game. I would certainly like to have franchise mode but if I did I wouldn't have rediscovered the joys of playing another human being. It's give & take
# 9 americasTEAM82 @ Sep 13
The patch did nothing for online CCM either...All of the problems you listed above are still an issue...No cpu run game and terrible playcalling, as well as having to hit pause and turn on conventional playcalling every single time...I am more disappointed with this madden than i have ever been in my entire life...i am also an offline gamer for the most part, but decided to give it a shot online because i really wanted this game to be good...come on EA, you really let me down!
# 10 DBMcGee3 @ Sep 13
I agree about most of what you said here, but if the editing, fantasy draft and season mode were all THAT crucial to your enjoyment of the game, you probably shouldn't have shelled out the cash. The lack of all 3 of these things was well publicized prior to release. Not saying it's right, but the info was out there and I doubt one of those Gamestop nerds put a gun to your head to buy the game. Go have a beer and simmer down my man, life's too short to be this pissed about a video game.
# 11 DJ @ Sep 13
@DBMcGee3, I know no one forced me to buy the game. I was excited to buy it but the bugs/issues in Offline CCM were above and beyond what I expected. I knew there'd be issues with the new mode, but it's close to unplayable in the state it is in currently, and that is where most of my frustration lies.

I definitely knew those modes/features that I mentioned weren't going to be in Madden 13; I used them to try and paint a picture that EA is attempting to push everyone to swim in the deep end of the pool, so to speak.
# 12 jwtucker710 @ Sep 14
This might sound crazy, but I like Madden 12 better. Don't get me wrong, M13's new tackling and collision system is pretty cool and adds more realism to the game. However, I like the old Franchise mode in '12 a lot better, and the ability to import NCAA draft classes over multiple seasons.

Does anyone know of it's possible to import NCAA 13 players into Madden 12?
# 13 jwtucker710 @ Sep 14
M 13 is too glitchy as well. Players do some funny things after being tackled. No game is perfect, but this version is very annoying.
# 14 DBMcGee3 @ Sep 14
Touche' DJ, and well said. I can admit that the Franchise/editing/importing draft classes are all things that annoy me, but I'd still say the Pros outweigh the cons, even on the offline mode. Definitely the most fun football video game I've ever played, including any 2k game or my beloved Tecmo Bowl.
# 15 DBMcGee3 @ Sep 14
I have found some sliders online that seemed to greatly improve the CPU running game however. Had AP gash me for like 85 yards on 12 carries in the first half before I had to leave.

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