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Default Slider Support Group for NCAA 13 
Posted on August 4, 2012 at 07:21 PM.
Yeah, I said it.

Default sliders.

I'm sure there are a lot of people reading this and thinking, how can he actually enjoy NCAA 13 without changing all of the sliders? Doesn't he know that EA's game is broken beyond repair?

Maybe ignorance is bliss, or I'm just fed up with the never-ending rat race of chasing that "perfect set." I have played on default Heisman since NCAA 13 was released and I've had a wide variety of games.

Georgia Tech shredded me with its option attack. I've played low-scoring defensive battles in the SEC with LSU and Alabama. Shootouts? Yep, I've had them, too. The variety is great. One game the CPu will complete 75% of its passes, the next game, 50%. It is the same with the run game; you will see well over 100 (and even 200) yards one game, and less than that the next.

The CPU defense is a tough challenge for me. I do use Ask Coach for my offensive plays (should also mention I use Player-Lock on defense) and only call 4 Verticals at the end of a half/game. I complete anywhere from 45-75% of my passes. The run game is up-and-down, too.

I'm sure I could plug in X slider-maker's set and get good results, but I just haven't seen anything from my time with the game that warrants me changing where I'm at now.

It's not a coincidence that the last 3 years I've done the same thing with MLB The Show and NBA 2K, and those two games get played year-round since I'm actually playing and not tweaking sliders after one weird play or animation. I hope NCAA 13 can be a game that 12 months from now, I'm still playing and enjoying ... all on default sliders.
# 1 SkillzKillz719 @ Aug 4

It is what it is. Just trying to have fun with the game and make the best of it
# 2 DJ @ Aug 26
I'm still on default Heisman after the last patch. The game is a lot of fun and I'm getting very realistic results in my Air Force dynasty.
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