As most 2K fans know, player representation in both graphics and play, often fall short of the complete desired affect. Every edition, fans of the current and past greats tweet, post, and lend video evidence of fairly simple deviations from what is expected in this age of knowledge and technology.
TECHNOLOGY wise, there is no apparent reason for fans to bare witness to many of the same player visuals that we tolerated in 2K13. Facial renders for the likes of George McGinnis and Earl "The Pearl" Monroe have been quite horrible for many years. In some cases there are too many to count in this regard. We recently got a far better render for Earl Monroe, but laziness obviously kicked in when it came to progressing Black Jesus into his well known Knicks appearance as a cool BEARDED cat with a majestic handle and scoring ability. McGinnis continues to be a full fail as he looks like a Scooby Doo ghostly mask, rather than the strong Anthony Mason-like ball-handling power forward that he truly was.
This may sound picky, but progressed renders were done for Manu Ginobili as attention to detail was given the importance of displaying his mane as well as his balding to his eventual shaved head.
As for KNOWLEDGE inside the game, we are galaxies away from having player attributes, tendencies, and signature movements reflect player reality on the court. Unbelievably, fans still witness turn-around, fadeaway jumpshots by bruising low post centers at the most inopportune times in the shot clock when playing the computer. As most recently seen from Dee4three, a fan and modder of 2K, programmers continue to copy and paste the same ole tendencies and signature movements year after year. I mean, really, HOW CAN GLEN RICE BE ALLOWED TO HAVE A ZERO 3 POINT SHOOTING TENDENCY? Are we dealing with programmers who are unfamiliar with the league and it's players, or do we have employees that have no checks and balances for their work? Either way, the continuous oversights are readily egregious.
WHAT ABOUT 2K'S RESPONSIBILITY TO IT'S HISTORICAL VALUE? Of course a modern day age group is the target for marketing and sales and that is to not be questioned.....until we arrive at avatar'd fans receiving all of the attention because they willingly pay 3 and 4 times the amount of purchase for every mode with a credit card request, but I digress. HEY 2K, IN SOME INSTANCES THE ADULTS IN THE ROOM ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR SOME OF THOSE PURCHASES FOR THOSE KIDS SO HOW ABOUT A LISTEN?
I very seriously doubt that their is a world where my player, park, and city fans can not exist together with sim fans, mainly because these fans' worlds don't involve one another at all. The fans that 2K bleed dry won't ever refuse to purchase another pair of cyber sneakers because the ALL TIME HOUSTON ROCKETS' centers were properly rated. Seriously, Yao Ming was a great center but in NO BASKETBALL realm was he a better player than ELVIN HAYES NOR RALPH SAMPSON. A simple glance at player positions, box statistics and production reveals a sense of truth within the history of the game. Every one except obviously 2K developers know the ROCKET'S center hierarchy(Dream, Malone, Hayes, Yao). I'm willing to bet that even THE GREAT WALL himself, Yao Ming would attest to that.
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