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Chrissizzle's Chalkboard
Tifaes is offline
# 13
Tifaes @ Jun 8, 2015
Hey, tried to pm you but your inbox is full. Saw your message on the thread. I can trade you my fully trained 1s Brooke Lopez for your Larry bird. I'm afraid you would have to buy first, have around 3k credits atm. Let me know if interested. Take care
KLCFM is offline
# 12
KLCFM @ Apr 23, 2015
Originally Posted by Chrissizzle
jesus... yeah there is absolutely no point to try to get into the top rankings. Unless they found a program or something that plays for them, automatically win. Ive played egbert in quick games, I won. so im not sure his methods.
I'm running 1 RC John Wall Pro with 2 Star Pro's in Ibaka and Ewing. I'm winning the majority of my +5 games, but only losing to people with 3 RC/HoF/P&P's. I've thought about the programs, but they would still have to be there to input the code and unload their decks.
KLCFM is offline
# 11
KLCFM @ Apr 23, 2015
Originally Posted by Chrissizzle
Hmm I just checked the leaderboards... I want to know, how the hell do they have over 6,000 points already.
Im playing one right after another, there is no way.Its the same guys over and over.
This could be one of many reasons.
They might be using a buddy system where they just keep playing since the start of the RC event, and take shifts playing with Hot Streaks.
It seems to be the only way to make sense of it. It's ridiculous that I spend most of my free, waking hours trying to keep up, but I don't even get close to the top 25. Last RC event, I was at 17k points at rank 66, while rank 25 was at nearly double with 30k points.
KLCFM is offline
# 10
KLCFM @ Apr 23, 2015
Originally Posted by Chrissizzle
Yup, lol I don't have those. I can't buy those, so only way to get them is to win, win, win and play 10 times more games than everyone else?
Well, 10 times more than those with RC/HoF/P&P Pros, haha. CatDaddy is notorious for their money grubbing ways. I'm lucky enough to be the owner for ONE RC Pro, which allows me the liberty to win 99% of my +5's.
KLCFM is offline
# 9
KLCFM @ Apr 23, 2015
Originally Posted by Chrissizzle
Did they nerf it? With my all 5 star pro's, im star ++. but with the 3 star pros and 2 commons, im Star.
Still tough. lol
No, unfortunately, if you don't have an RC Pro, HoF Pro or P&P Pro, you will have a difficult time with +5 games in the RC event.
KLCFM is offline
# 8
KLCFM @ Apr 20, 2015
Originally Posted by Chrissizzle
Wow, that is a major help!! I never thought about putting them all in 2 rows. I always thought matching them up with their positions (Pg, Sg, Sf, etc..) would get more points.
I 6 Pros (5 are Star Pros and I have 5000 credits so ill get that 6th in Auction). I have 1pg, 1sg, 2sf, 1pf, 1C. the rest of my deck is 6 MVP star cards that aren't pros and legendary pros. how would you fill that Rttc LU?
The RttC bots usually don't get the 5% positional bonus.
I'd definitely fill in your SF position with your Star Pro's and MVP cards. As for the second, you can pick any position that you are heavier in and fill in those.
KLCFM is offline
# 7
KLCFM @ Apr 20, 2015
Originally Posted by Chrissizzle
I was at 75 on lbj then time ran out. lol, I didn't fully start trying to play until Sunday morning. You got any tricks on how to win a lot on RC? I only played it once and was like 6000 rank. not a bad card, but I just used it to train someone better.
Run a 3/2 lineup. Use 3 Star Pro's and 2 commons. Easiest way to win more games. As for RttC, place all your Star Pros and Stars in 2 positions. For instance, if you have more Star Pro Pg's and Sf's like I do, you can place them all in those slots. This way, you can guarantee at least two Star Pro's for every quarter. Winning the double points events is all you would need.
KLCFM is offline
# 6
KLCFM @ Apr 20, 2015
Originally Posted by Chrissizzle
Perfect! I appreciate all the help. did you get LBJ in rttc?
Any time! I always appreciate when others assist me, so I try to do the same for others. And yes, I did! Although these cards are more of just token cards for collectors and those with money to spend on the game. I do like how I can use him to squat in the positions that don't already have Star Pros though.
KLCFM is offline
# 5
KLCFM @ Apr 20, 2015
Originally Posted by Chrissizzle
Yikes. lol im scared now. I have 6 Stars (5 Star Pros) then before rttc ended I got KD. I made the mistake of buying MVP packs when I first started playing. Almost impossible to get dupes. so I have 5 or 6 of those. and the rest are Legendary Pros.
You'll be fine! Currently, I've got 4 Star Pros, 1 Star HoF, 1 Star P&P, 2 Stars and 1 Legendary Pro in my LU and I'm about to sweep the fourth seed on-route to the finals.
The only reason I was almost bumped out of the Playoffs last time was because I made the mistake of queueing up immediately after the last RC event ended. This season I lucked out with timing. Since I was a First Round exit, I queued and was matched up with other First Round exits. It's all about timing and luck.
KLCFM is offline
# 4
KLCFM @ Apr 20, 2015
Originally Posted by Chrissizzle
Perfect! I just recently began playing, probably 900 games under my belt. So was just worried about that. Winner in the season gets a star tier card, can't pass that up.
Good luck! Legendary and Star seasons are cutthroat. I have never won a single Legendary season, and I've almost been bumped right out of Star season.
KLCFM is offline
# 3
KLCFM @ Apr 20, 2015
Originally Posted by Chrissizzle
1 last question, if I start a season, would I be able to use those cards in RC and RttC while they are in season?
Yes! Any cards in Season mode can be used for the following: Quick Games, Rivals Clash and Road to the Championship.
They can also be trained while in Season.
However, they can not be used for:
Training, combining and auctioning.
KLCFM is offline
# 2
KLCFM @ Apr 20, 2015
Originally Posted by Chrissizzle
Hey sorry first time checking here since I posted. if i auction them off and they don't sell, thats a waste of 20 credits per card, right?
Yes. However, I have found that fully leveled non-pro cards tend to sell the very first post. Just make sure that there isn't already a large market for the card you want to post, and it should sell.
KLCFM is offline
# 1
KLCFM @ Apr 6, 2015
You can auction off your RttC deck via My Card's auction function. No need to fill up your RttC deck with grey/greens.
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