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Bye 2K5 
Posted on September 3, 2009 at 10:37 AM.
Everything has to come to an end, except Brett Favre’s career.

In July 2004, ESPN NFL 2K5 had everything you wanted in a football game. It had superb graphics, presentation, gameplay and advanced online functionality. On top of that, it was $30 cheaper than most new games on the market. It made EA competitive, bringing out the best in them as well with Madden 2005. The future was bright with two quality NFL games on the market for the next few years.

That joy would only last till December. EA flexed their muscle and purchased the exclusive use of the NFL license for five years (it has since been extended to 2013.) It broke many hearts, leaving only Madden fanboys happy. Their joy was short lived too.

Madden 2006 was the first football game for the Xbox 360. Not only was it disappointing, the PS2 and Xbox versions were much better. As the old consoles were phased out, we were left with the PS3 and Xbox 360 Madden games to keep us satisfied. Not to say that ’07, ’08 and ’09 were terrible football games, they were not better than ESPN NFL 2K5 despite the obvious advantages the new consoles would bring.

Five years later I still play that game. Most of the players have retired or changed teams. Draft picks have come and gone and random bench players are NFL stars. I probably know the Giants roster from 2004-2005 better than the current one. I can laugh at how quickly Shaun Alexander and Priest Holmes fell off. I can laugh at how the Raiders were a pretty good team back then. I can laugh at how Kurt Warner has rejuvenated his career. Five years later, the NFL has almost completely turned over.

Besides the obvious roster issues, everything else holds up. The fringe celebrities are still on the B-list. The ESPN presentation has never been reproduced. The graphics are some of the best of the generation and look well enough today. The gameplay is still tight of course. So what gives?

It’s time to move on from ESPN NFL 2K5. While it may be able to hold on for a few years, it definitely won’t be able to hold up forever. The choice this year, Madden ’10 isn’t perfect but it’s a great game of football and it can only improve. They took much of the stuff we all loved in 2K5 and incorporated it in today (minus the celebrity phone calls.) EA will continue to make use of the power of the PS3 and Xbox 360, using features like online franchise to move ahead towards the future.

A lot of 2K fans are angry at the way EA robbed everyone of the virtual football competition we thought we’d have but it’s time to get over it. The potential of another All Pro Football doesn’t make it any better. The original was only solid but it didn’t make waves and a sequel won’t change that. You know the saying, when you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em? It applies here.

2K5 will be relevant for at least a few more seasons but there will be a point when the stadiums will all have changed, many uniforms will be different and not a single player will still be active in the league. ESPN NFL 2K5 will live on as the best football game of it’s time but it can’t compete right now. Compare it to a 60 year old Ric Flair duking it out with a prime Randy Orton. “The Nature Boy” would wipe the floor with him in the 70s or even late 90s but he had to hang it up sometime.

There are two legitimate options here. You can play 2K5 for four more years, hoping that Take Two decides to release a football game in 2013 and that EA doesn’t renew for a few more years. The other choice is to embrace Madden ’10. It’s a deserving football game that belongs on the PS3 and Xbox 360, has legitimate innovations and does plenty of the stuff that it’s “competition” did correctly. It can never be 2K5 but it’s darn close and it can only get better. Time to lace them up ESPN NFL 2K5, it was a good run.
# 1 kai123 @ Sep 3
Still waiting for Madden 11 and NCAA 2k11. Madden wasn't it for me getting it free as a back to school gift.
# 2 TreyIM2 @ Sep 3
I have a back and forth thing with 2K5. While, when it first came out and I bought it, it was 'different' than Madden 2005 and brought sooo much more to the table, I had issues with the controls and it still applies even today. I was playing it last week, as well as APF 08 which I REALLY can't stomach, and kept being reminded of how the controls were sooo 80s. Charging up to do enhanced versions of a move? Tapping the button to run?? For me it was the feel of it. Back then, I did get used to it but still mostly played Madden 2005. I thought EA was on to something with momentum (I still can't believe how people say 2K5 had momentum. It didn't), holding the button down to pick up speed and just the overall feel of the controls.

There were a bunch of other niggling things about 2K5 that bothered me but originally I gave the game an A but I would drop it down to an A-/B+. Still a great game, overall, but the archaic controls were killer for me.

Now, I DO hope 2K can get back into the game in 2013, hoping the NFL doesn't continue to let EA hang on to the license. The competition would be GREAT between 2K and EA...and even Natural Motion, if they can EVER get that Backbreaker game together and then maybe add the NFL license in 2013 but I actually think EA has their hands on Natural Motion, already, and didn't bring in the Euphoria engine because they wanted Nat. Mot. to prove themselves by making a football game that actually works with that engine. Once they can get it together, I think that engine will be the future of Madden just in the nick of time for when 2K comes back into play. Lol. If that happens, whooaa-boy.

Good blog and I've tried to encourage people to stop hating on Madden 10 and give constructive criticism, instead, because Madden is the only NFL licensed game (unless you wanna stay stuck in the past with 2K5 and such) until, at the earliest, 2013. Help build it up and who knows, one year Madden could actually receive 10s and A+ and 5 out of 5s and all that.
# 3 stlstudios189 @ Sep 3
I still will go back and play NFL 2k5 it's great but, every year the game is losing a little luster for me. Not sure why but, Madden feels fresh this year.
# 4 shavane @ Sep 3
All I can say is this I am having a ball playing Madden 2010. After 2k5 I couldnt' get into 05-08 but was finally able to stomach playing 09. Like I said I'm having a ball playing 2010 but there are way to many WTF moments on this game.

The problem with so many of us faithful football fans is that we expect the basic...and I mean basic wtf moments to be ironed out by now. Sideline catches and Toe taps, wtf is my lineman doing moments when they leave a defender to go block or stand in one spot halfway across the field. Unrealistic movement and running with all the players. Lack of weight or momentum. Glitchy exta point penalties. Lack of real coaching challenges. Proper formation subs. Better player animations and more realistic looking animations in general.

These are the things that 2k opened our eyes to and it leaves us feeling like if they would have had these five years to work with the game instead of EA these are things that they would definately have ironed out.
# 5 spixxx8 @ Sep 5
Funny part is that people play 2k5 still and willing to play a out of date game, then play madden. I love 2k5 and i got my copy still, but I try to keep a open mind with madden. So far madden let me down since 2k5. So I don't see why madden just can't compromise with 2k to get the MLB license and they give up the NFL license. For me at least let us have a choice in what we want to play. Just my 2 cents. Oh yea Madden 10 isn't nothing but a disappointment ....
# 6 statum71 @ Sep 5
As far as these games go its like this:

Jordan was the greatest and always will be...

But its 2009, LeBron doesn't have to be Jordan to be the man today.
# 7 bigsmallwood @ Sep 5
2K5 is a Hall of Famer....Madden is a Starter trying to make the playoffs. NFL 2K5 was a complex game that made you appreciate football and allowed for people who understood the NFL game, to enjoy football. Madden is a game that allows for easier controls and people to learn the game as well. But in the end, 2K5>Madden 10. ....I hope the NFL allows the license to be shared again soon. Or Madden 11 needs to step up big time!
# 8 michapop9 @ Sep 6
Your missing the source of the problem. EA won the bid for the NFL license which the NFL was offering, The NFL wanted an exclusive deal, for what reason I dont know, some kind of "good business" BS. EA easily outbid 2k and here we are. Petition to the NFL, EA would never give it up if it has its way.
# 9 superstarshad @ Sep 6
Good write up! You can purchase 2k5 at your local gamestop for 0.99 on ps2. I've heard the xbx version was better though. The bells and whistles are awesome, but I've been programmed since 1992 to play football gaming through maddens engine.
# 10 NELL86 @ Sep 6
Madden 05 was the best fotball game NFL2j5 was so overated
# 11 sarlndr @ Sep 6
If Madden would come out of the box ready to play without all the glitches and bugs then this blog wouldn't be necessary. Sliders my @ss, I shouldn't have to put in serious time looking up and testing sliders to make this game play the way it should out of the box.

It's the people who say wait until next year (most people) for certain things to be fixed or added. This is why EA will continue to ship a game that plays the way it does, NCAA included.

Yes, I know that no game is 100% bug free but this is ridiculous as it happens every year. Ian & Co. failed on a lot of thier promises to the consumer.
# 12 sarlndr @ Sep 6
Sim my @ss...
# 13 Eski33 @ Sep 7
I enjoyed the article with the exception that the article gives the perception that EA ruined the competition. The NFL chose to go exclusive putting up the exclusive rights for a bid. EA outbid 2K to get the exclusive rights.

The question is if 2K had won the rights where would console football be? As much as loved 2K5, I don't believe we would be in any better shape in regards to football titles. 2K would have recycled 2K5 over and over just as 2K has done with the NBA series. I am not a fanboy of any publisher but EA gets way too much flak for the exclusivity that was offered, not taken.

Back to 2K5, the game was absolutely light years ahead of any game at that time. The visuals were ridiculous and the presentation has yet to be matched. The part I enjoyed more than any part of 2K5 was The Crib. Unlocking jerseys that could be hung on your Crib's walls, along with pennants, life-sized cardboard cutouts, banners, mini-games, etc. made 2K replayability off the charts. AND all for $19.99...

The gameplay is outdated along with the rosters, but 2K5 is the most feature-rich game ever released.
# 14 teemo @ Sep 7
My question to Chavez21: Why should those who enjoy playing 2k5 give it up? What is wrong with playing a game you enjoy? Why is it necessary for those gamers to "move on?" A great game is a great game regardless of when it was released, and if its fans still enjoy it years after its release so be it. What about those who still prefer Final Fantasy 7 (PS2) or Chrono Trigger (SNES) over more recently released RPGs; or those whose would rather play Vice City or San Andreas than GTA IV, should they "move on" as well? I would rather play Skate than Skate 2, and , does that mean my paradigm is out of date? Should I just "tow the line" and buy the latest version just because its has updated rosters and tweaks to fix the bugs? Please respond a.s.a.p.; I'm only responding because your blog post failed to justify your reasoning for these gamers to quit playing an older game they enjoy in favor of a newer game that fails to meet their expectations.
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