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CAMeagle's Blog
"My Famous Last Words" (as MrD always says in LINE group chat) 
Posted on December 14, 2016 at 06:04 AM.
A great opportunity came into my life, and I will have to put my everything into it. So all gaming will have to go, including the couple of years (and $$$) I've put into the myNBA2k and couple of days into the NHL Supercard Catdaddy franchises.

It's been real fun checking up on the myNBA community on OS and offline LINE chat with Mobsters. Thank you Sam (my chief recruiter) and many other Mobsters for squeezing the last bits of enjoyment that could be obtained from these games. Alas, it is time to move on.

I apologize for the relatively cold farewell as I had to go cold turkey and delete all apps and accounts as needed to make sure there's no looking back.

Best wishes on all of your endeavors personally and with loved ones and others! Have a wonderful Merry Christmas/Holidays and New 2017 Year!
# 1 CAMeagle @ Jan 5
Forgot about my nephew having the console game and needing VC. So I'll be playing daily for VC and maybe for goals, seasons, and events. Grinding for resets will be a bit tougher.

So I guess I'll continue to update the events progression (and uploading pics of favorite player cards) but no longer update the thread with reward line-ups, pics, RC results, and twitter links.
# 2 MrDavison @ Jan 6
Man we were wondering why you were still playing if you quit. Come back to team 2!
# 3 MVPMaK @ Jan 6
I agree with MrD. Even if you only play occassionally, join us.
# 4 CAMeagle @ Jan 11
I'm back on The Mob 2.0 and will occasionally update threads as I see fit.
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