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Brandon82's Blog
"NCAA 10 vs MADDEN 10" Has NCAA Football made the same amount of progress as Madden? 
Posted on May 23, 2009 at 01:40 AM.
EA has many fans, especially in the the world of sports. However, football will be the topic of this discussion. So far this year both Madden and NCAA have made same pretty cool changes the question is, how much progress has NCAA made? We can see that EA has worked hard on both titles, but, wich one seems to be making the best changes and additions ......... NCAA or MADDEN? Share your thoughts........
# 1 Tico Da Great @ May 23
madden 10 of course
# 2 Tico Da Great @ May 25
Madden 10 will change the face of football gaming
check out ians twitter pics flawless madden 10 pics
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