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Do you think Madden NFL 10 will be GREAT or Average? 
Posted on May 18, 2009 at 04:44 PM.
I think Madden 10 is finally going to be a great game, Madden hasn't been "Great" in years. The TV style broadcast (using the ESPN presentation) helps Madden out Big Time! (does this mean a real halftime show?) Also for those gamers that like to by past all of that now they can with game sliders. But for those who enjoy the clips and animations they can kick back, grab a brew and enjoy the best NFL Football game ever! Finally! The designers at EA have done a pretty good job this time by finally letting the public play the game, not only that but listening to them. I feel that has a lot to do with how realistic the game is now. Gamers want "REAL FOOTBALL" thats why ESPN 2K5 haunted Madden for years. But not anymore, EA now has the little things right v.s just having a bunch of game modes. Now we can enjoy everything from clips on the visors (they finally put then in from NCAA 09) towels hanging from the uniform, heck they even have more types of cleats and gloves to wear and they finally have the option of having the teams colors!!!! In keeping you will still see some players wearing the plain cleats or gloves (in black or white). The refs are back, the chain gang, new takles, catches, even each QB and kicker have their own unique style of throwing & kicking. These guys at EA even put the orange flags on the feild goal posts so now we can use that to show us how hard and what direction the wind is blowing. There always more things they could add, like will we finally be able to dive for the pylon to score a TD and actually knock it over? Or will it stay as if its a telephone pole? Or will they finally get the DNA facemasks to match the DNA helmets? Especially for those that would love to see LT of the Chargers(RB) wear his actual helmet and mask. Now the DNA facemask off of NCAA 09 is very close to his Facemask ......but will EA pick up on that and use it? LOL! there is always more! But when you can see subs coming in the game for an injured player or a QB go over to the side lines to talk to his coaches if he is having a rough game..... Thats worth a 7.5 by itself. Im giving Madden a 8.5 this year so far. Im sure they will come with more by August. I hope NCAA can keep up! lol!
# 1 dal_hawk @ May 18
I think the game is definitely showing potential to be great. All the new presentation and gameplay additions are clearly showing to be great add-ons, but I think for this game to be considered "great" overall the game play is going to need some major polish. The game play has been increasing improving from year to year... but eve in 09 seemed far from feeling right and had problems with having me increasingly ingaged, and I have trouble believing one short year will be able over come all if it's recent problems.
# 2 trufootball @ May 23
Hope you're right about Madden this year. Madden needs to be the pure simulation. There's Blitz and Wii's Madden all=play out there for arcade fans.
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