BlyGilmore's Blog

In fact I should have a return column up sometime in the next couple of days taking a look at the 2010 crop of games and asking some questions.
Until there, some random thoughts to fill the remaining hour I have at work before going home and taking part in a little 1 vs. 100 action on Xbox Live ...
- As you might have guess, I'm a big fan of the online franchise announcement for Madden and I actually first got involved with the sports gaming community after the launch of Madden 01 on the PC because of its online franchise.
You just have to wonder where online gaming might be today if that original online franchise was embraced as cutting edge by EA Sports instead of thrown on Island of Misfit Toys. In fact, I was actually told by a former Madden producer online franchise were removed because "nobody played it" and they didn't think that would ever change.
- Speaking of online franchises, if you're looking for online leagues in either Madden or NCAA, head over to Tradition Football.
Last year The Tradition was the first online dynasty formed literally minutes after the feature was announced for NCAA 09. Right now there are more than 10 NCAA leagues of various styles awaiting the release of NCAA 10, a 32-team Madden league and a 32-team NCAA Release Day tournament in the works.
- Every year I wonder why people spend so much time picking apart demos. I can see doing so for a much anticipated, AAA title we've been waiting on for three years. Or even a game like Facebreaker - where you didn't know what to expect before it came out.
But for an annual sports title? If you repeatedly play a new version year after year you're going to be looking for nuiances - and those nuiances are likely to be different in the retail version of the game anyway.
- FIFA 10? Online Manager Mode? Purty Puh-leeze?
- The new Ghostbusters video game is awesome. I can't remember literally laughing out loud at a video game before.
- It isn't often the manager of your team is openly ridiculed on national television, like Manager Jerry Manuel was last night. It's never a good sign when your decisions put Joe Morgan and Steve Phillips in a position to be the voice of reason.
Manuel's lunacy, however, did result in a great moment when Jeter smirked at K-Rod, almost saying "WTF are you doing throwing that pitch? You know who's on deck right?"
- In the long run, USA's loss to Brazil might be beneficial. I think the US team went into the clubhouse, realized the gravity of what was going on and made the cardinal sin of playing not to lose. It also didn't help that one of the best teams in the world went into the clubhouse and likely worked themselves into a frenzy.
But the US team now knows two things. First, they can hang with the world's elite soccer national soccer teams. It doesn't get much better than Spain and Brazil. Second, they don't ever want to feel like they did at the end of the match on Sunday, knowing they played good enough to win but let it slip through their fingers.
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I would like to comment on your USA vs. Brazil thoughts. I agree completley. It was a tough one to take knowing that they were up 2-0 at the half. I agree that they came out tentative at the start of thr 2nd half and the early goal changed the game. They got their legs a bit after that but you could see the tide changing. I think Bradley should have used his Subs earlier because they seemd to need the fresh legs. All in all though it is a great expeerience that should carry them next year in the World Cup.