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Women don't deserve fair pay. 
Posted on November 17, 2010 at 04:37 PM.
Once again the Republicans prove why only white male millionaires who sleep with hookers should vote republican.

If your a man that has any type of female in your life you care about wouldn't you want that woman to be paid fairly in the workplace. Sister, Mother, daughter, cousin, aunt or a friend. Wouldn't you.

Senate Republicans Vote Unanimously Against Bill To Help Guarantee Fair Pay For Women

Today, Senate Republicans voted unanimously against legislation to close the pay gap between women and men. The Senate voted 58-41 against allowing debate on the Paycheck Fairness Act, which would help end discriminatory pay practices against women. It had already passed the House.

More than 45 years after passage of the Equal Pay Act, the pay gap shockingly persists with women still earning on average 77 cents to every man’s dollar. According to the National Women’s Law Center, “This persistent pay gap translates to more than $10,000 in lost wages per year for the average female worker.” The gap is even worse for women of color: African-American women earn 61 cents and Latinas earn 52 cents for every dollar a white non-Hispanic man earns.
# 1 stlstudios189 @ Nov 17
I think the stats are a little skewed. Most women have children and take time off for work with maternity leave. They also don't get promoted as much do to the desire to raise their families. Other women that have the drive to build their careers usually make fair pay.
# 2 oneamongthefence @ Nov 17
Maternity leave is payed leave for up to six weeks and even longer on some occassions. However, every job that I'vwe worked at that pays commission women generally have an easier time to make a sale. This is also true for waitresses.
# 3 Consciousness @ Nov 17
They don't. Even with sisters I agree.
# 4 charter04 @ Nov 18
what does this have to do with sports? If you want to talk about this kind of stuff go to another site and do it. This is not the place for this.
# 5 stlstudios189 @ Nov 18
I work w/ 90 % women and man thats a lot o drama
# 6 HiTEqMETHOD @ Nov 18
@ charter04

well this is his blog so I'd imagine if he wanted to post this he has all the right to do so, you don't have to read it. also I've never come across a post by someone on their blog which was condemned because it didn't relate to sports.
# 7 bleedinred @ Nov 18
You do realize that the Senate is controlled by Democrats don't you?
# 8 Demoncrom @ Nov 19
@MaxMan1000 - wow I could not have said it better myself. I've worked my fair share of airheads and it amazes me they even have jobs in some of these industries. But I do believe the numbers are off, in many communities women routinely make more money than their counterparts and are even unfairly given promotions - by men with other agendas even when they know they are not deserving.
# 9 BlackRome @ Nov 19
bleedinred @ Nov 19 (20 Hours Ago)
You do realize that the Senate is controlled by Democrats don't you?

You do realize every republican voted against the bill. Including three women. You do know what a filibuster is. Don't you.

I guess you don't.
# 10 CreatineKasey @ Nov 19
It's not the government's role to dictate what private companies pay people. Social norms should evolve and create the results we want to see.
# 11 Beastly Wayz @ Nov 20
@ AdamBa17 @ Nov 19 (1 Day Ago) that **** messed up, glad i dont live in US

And as a US Citizen, I am glad that you do not either. The fact is this is one man's opinion about a subject. We all have different voices and different views in the matter. That is what makes the U.S. better than most countries, we may voice our opinion, without the negativity and consequences from our Gov't. As far as the Topic, it varies depending on the situation and the type of field that the job requires.
Using a sports analogy on this topic, Let's say a woman gets drafted #1 Overall in the WNBA, should she make the same money as a man would in the NBA even though the NBA pulls in more revenue. No, she shouldn't....
There are a lot of woman out here making a lot more money than some men. But again, if the Privately owned Company wants to pay Person A one thing and Person B another - It's your Company and your Money - Please do what you want with it, and if you feel that its discriminating, then LEAVE.....
# 12 BlackRome @ Nov 20
CreatineKasey: They already do. It's called minimum wage. Just to make sure that private company won't have the people of the United States of America working for slave wages. If they could they would. If they could pay you what they pay a person in a sweat shop they will. Since we have those type of laws on the books these American corporations you worship use countries that don't have the laws we have to take advantage of the people in those countries. It looks like you wish we the people work for anything crumb they give. Despite being completely ignorant of our laws.

Beast0627: That private company uses a lot of public services. To use those services and to sell their products. They have to meet certain standards and adhere to certain practices of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Discrimination is one of them. We the people of the United States can hold a corporation who discriminates liable for their actions.

Your analogy on the WNBA is silly. You answered your own question. The WNBA and NBA are two different leagues with two different revenue streams. You've really clouded the issue. This is about a woman and a man working at the same company and a woman being paid less. Strictly for being a woman.

So if a woman was the first pick in the NBA draft should they pay her less than the guy who was drafted #1 the year previously. That would be the correct analogy.

What makes this country great is that our government is supposed to be the government of the people, by the people, for the people.

Not the people of the United States of America for the corporations to do what ever the hell they want.

Unfortunately we have a political party in this country that has fooled 40 million people into voting against their own best interest in support of corporations over the people. You are part of the people aren't you.

It seems as though those who are against this could use a basic civics lesson or a business 101 class. The ignorance of the role of Government is stunning. You guys are objecting to basic facts and making stuff up like Creatine.

This is the law. Not an opinion.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), which prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin;

Republicans usually argue on opinion yet never have the facts to back them up. You know. Like tax cuts for the rich create jobs.

The facts are in. They don't. Yet they are still lying to the American people. You can't shrink the deficit and give tax cuts to the rich. It's an oxymoron. Once again the GOP proves you can fool the same fools all the time.

I would love for you guys who support this to share that thought with the women of your family at Thanksgiving.

You might want to eat before you let them know though.

Have a great holiday.
# 13 CreatineKasey @ Nov 21
I'd gladly discuss at the holidays. I noticed you wrote that I made something up. I wrote what my opinion was, which is hard to forge. It's okay to disagree on things, BlackRome. I'd rather have laws like you're pushing for be discussed, voted on, and implemented at the state level.

I also think people still do work for slave wages by unreported income. Commission-based jobs still exist. I don't think all hourly labor would be "slave wages" if there wasn't a minimum wage. In a lot of cases, minimum wage just raised the pay of jobs that have 16 year old kids working.

Hourly rates at most factories will sit well above minimum wage, meaning that's pretty irrelevant. Also, for the vast majority hourly jobs men and women get paid the exact same. If you go get hired for houly labor somewhere, they don't scale it for men or women. Salaried employees may have a difference. I get paid the same as my female counterpart, personally. It didn't take legislation for that to happen.

I think these blogs are a reason to show hate for hate people, not the actual argument being pointed out. The issue is almost irrelevant. You hate Republicans and the people who embody them. I get it. It's alright though, we all come from different backgrounds and I can easily understand why you'd feel that.

I would suggest a more respectful tone in your writing if you ever want anyone with a different perspective to genuinely consider yours.

Happy Holidays!
# 14 CreatineKasey @ Nov 21
The government is not our "big brother" who we need to protect us from this cruel society we have. I think it's quite the opposite. The less the government gets their hands in your life, the better the quality of life you have capable. Whether you choose to obtain it is your choice, of course.
# 15 BlackRome @ Nov 22
CreatineKasey: Like I said. What you held was an opinion which is not based on facts.

I see you missed the point. You can call it what you want but the Government is the only thing that protects us from corporations that will sell you spoiled foods, bad drugs and toys to your kids which aren't safe.

When Government gives corporations free range those bad things will be sold to the public.

Remember this.

WASHINGTON — The Bush administration and China have both undermined efforts to tighten rules designed to ensure that lead paint isn't used in toys, bibs, jewelry and other children’s products.

Both have fought efforts to better police imported toys from China.

Now both are under increased scrutiny following last week’s massive toy recall by Mattel Inc., the world’s largest toymaker.

Read more:

That's why I said you need a civics course to learn what the proper role of government is. That's where the GOP rant came from. If you were fooled into thinking corporations should be able to do whatever they like then when your kids get led poisoning just deal with it.

It's not about hate. It's about stupidity.

For you to say a person can find another job if they are discriminated against is stupid. That was your opinion.

Good thing we have laws which allow the PEOPLE of the United States to fight discrimination at the job. A fact.

Paying a woman less than a man simply because they are woman is discrimination. We may come from different back grounds but who in their right mind would argue it's not discrimination.

IF this was not really happening in this country then we would have never needed the law. Facts once again say otherwise.

Women earn 77 cents on the dollar than men for the same job.,00.html

It's a fact. Not an opinion. Once again you give me your opinion without any facts to back it up. I wish the GOP dealt with facts but if they did they wouldn't be Republicans.

I worked at Bristol Myers Squibb and became the manger of the 2nd largest server farm in the world. So yeah. Your not from my world. I ran the whole place with a six figure salary.

Once in Management I was shocked to learn women were offered less than men all the time for the same positions. I have seen it and lived it.

I now run my own company. I pay every one the same for the same job.

So I personally have dealt with this issue. I have also personally dealt with the FDA. All I'm going to tell you is that when a Republican is in the White House I wouldn't take one drug that the FDA approved under their administration.

They do a lot less checking when you put someone in charge of that agency that believes corporations can do no wrong.
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