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I'm voting Republican. 
Posted on November 2, 2010 at 10:37 AM.
I'm voting Republican because they took our country from having a surplus to needing a stimulus. I like to call the GOP. The surplus to stimulus party.

They came in with a surplus and left with America needing a stimulus.

I'm voting Republican because they made government smaller by over seeing the largest expansion of Government in our history under Bush. Republicans are for Smaller Government

I'm voting Republican because they spent 13 trillion and we don't have a damn thing to show for it.

That's what I call Fiscal Responsibility.

I'm voting Republican because they did exactly what Bin Laden wanted. Bankrupting our country by getting us stuck in two prolonged wars with no way out.

They are Foreign Policy Experts.

I'm voting Republican because they lost 15 million jobs. They showed Wall Street how capitalism really works. They showed Wall Street they can't gamble with our money by bailing out the banks with our money. They fought against all regulations to make the banks more transparent. If the banks can't cheat and rob the American tax payer what good are they. We need another TARP.

Republicans know how to grow the economy.

I'm voting Republican because BP shouldn't be held responsible for the spill. We the American tax payer should pay BP. We are lucky they are doing any business with us.
Less Regulation

I'm voting Republican because they spent 3 trillion on lies to invade, destroy and rebuild Iraq while our country was going bankrupt. If they spent 3 trillion on America we might have new trains, roads and bridges. That would put Americans to work with jobs that couldn't be outsourced. Americans are lazy. They don't need jobs. They just want a handout.

I'm voting Republican because they were against the stimulus which helped states keep teachers, cops, fireman and our trash being picked up. After the Republicans destroyed our economy most states would not have those basic public services. We don't need any of those things.I'm for Freedom and less government in my life.

I'm voting Republican because they were against the health care bill. Kids with pre-existing conditions shouldn't expect Insurers to cover them. It's not my fault they were born sick. We can't reward every one who's unlucky in this country. I was lucky to inherit millions. Life isn't fair. Suck it up.

I'm for personal responsibility. Those kids and their parents should do the same.

I'm voting Republican because they voted against the fair pay act for women. Women don't deserve to be paid equal pay for the same job as a man. They are lucky they have the right to vote. They should be in the kitchen instead of at my job.

We should all thank the Republican party for what they did to our country and we should put them back in power.

To finish destroying America.
# 16 Galarius @ Nov 3
The Republicans represent the 'fascist' style wing of the new world order...The Democrats represent the socialist/communist wing of the new world order...There are a few honest Repubs and Dems out there, but the majority of them are somehow working for the international bankers whether they realsie it or not...The entire system is co-opted and people fighting over elephants and donkeys is the whole point of the charade.Neither side realises they are essentially voting for corporate and banker expansions that will eventually cripple the middle class and leave a few with A LOT of money, and most with next to NOTHING

I am more conservative than liberal, but I was very sorry to see Russ Feingold lose in Wisconsin.He is one of the few Democrats with integrity IMO...rand paul winning in kentucky is great as he is a Republican that actually walks the walk(like his Father)...The original postings about the Republicans are acuurate in many cases(especially about the size of the Bush budgets), but I will hasten to add that Obama's policies are nothing short of innefectual and in many cases as (or more) destructive than Bush's policies...Talk to small and medium business owners and see who they made more money under(and in turn their employees generally made more money...i haven't had a bonus since Obummer got elected)...The key to restoring prosperity is to lower taxes(not raise them) and restore manufacturing in the U.S.A....Not only are taxes going up, but expenses continue to rise as well, and the second 'quantitative easing' the Federal reserve are about to do is predicted to send inflation throough the roof...

let's see...High unemployment, high taxes, high inflation...Hmm, not a good formula.So I am very sorry but the Demos are not only not helping, they are actually making things worse faster than GWB(the smirking chimp) did.....So while it is certainly fair and needed to critique Bush for many things, he was actually better than this new guy ever will be...

Which is alot like saying it is better to be tortured than killed(groan)...We haven't had a real President since Kennedy, and look what they did to him
# 17 bbmike15 @ Nov 3
this article couldnt be more wrong or propagandist then this WOW
# 18 nolan273 @ Nov 3
And here are a few facts for the OP:

Clinton did not run a surplus, that is a myth. Under Bill Clinton the deficit went up every year from 1994-2001 ($4.6 trillion to 5.8 trillion).

The war in Iraq cost us "only" $709 billion over 8 years, Afghanistan has cost $1.1 trillion (with an Obama appropriation of $60 billion this year), while the stimulus will cost approximately $1 trillion. That's $1.7 trillion for two wars over nearly 10 years, versus $1 trillion for one program in one year!!!!

The GOP did expand government, primarily thru NCLB and the Medicare drug entitlement. The Dems didn't have any problems with that, especially with NCLB since Ted Kennedy wrote it.

As for unemployment, in 2008 under W it maxed out at 7.2%, while in 2010 we have rate of 9.7%.

TARP was a bipartisan boondoggle, which I remember Obama cheerleading, voting for, and praising. The reason it was needed because Fannie and Freddie, protected by Barney Frank (D-MA) and run by Franklin Raines, another prominent Dem mover & shaker loaned billions in bad mortgages to unqualified borrowers.

This is why I vote Republican!!
# 19 poloelite @ Nov 3
Reading all of these comments should shine the light on your brilliant minds that both parties suck and America needs a new way of doing things from the top to the bottom. Both have had numerous chances to run both houses and the presidency over the years and the only thing that happens is the country gets worst. Reagan comes in and urban America gets slaughtered. Bush Sr. comes in and we're in war. Clinton comes in and we spend like crazy and open the flood gates for the housing crisis. Bush Jr. comes in and we're instantly fighting two senseless wars, de-regulating Wall Street (huuuuge mistake), a big Katrina disaster (our reaction time) and the economic meltdown.. Then 50 million people believe Obama and all this change talk and just like clock work, more of the same..

Our model of how our government is structured hasn't worked in over 60 years, yet people rant and rave like a miracle will happen and one party will get it right for all of America.. Give me a break. Like Galarius said, the people controlling the purse strings of this country benefit either way and they will continue to do so as long as we're divided by political party, race, economic class, sex and whatever else. Come together grass roots style for a real change.
# 20 poloelite @ Nov 3
And I don't care what any Democrat or Republican tells me, we will NEVER be out of debt. Not when every dollar that's created is given to us with interest. How do you pay that back?? Answer- You don't..
# 21 NINJAK2 @ Nov 3
Do people really think when the idea of government was formed it was done so to look out for the interests of all it's citizens?? LOL. They only look out for one segment: The wealthy and powerful corporations. Everyone else are the ants...It was put together to make sure the wealthy stay wealthy and that their interests remain priority above all. Demo or Repub...doesn't matter, many of them appear to be members of the COC(Committe Of Cowards). A group of government officials too scared to do the right thing because it may piss off those who donate/contribute thousands or millions to their campaigns. Those organizations who are donating millions would lose alot if some of the changes needed in health care, energy, etc. were to ever improve for the better. I have become disillusioned with it all.

Repubs not voting on a bill put forth by a Demo and vice versa. I truly believe if there were scenarios where a party(D or R) were stuck in a burning building and their was one member of the opposite party that had a plan for a way out and the opposite had no plan at all, they would all disagree with the opposite party and burn up. It's embarrassing...
# 22 jamesalbert @ Nov 4
hhmmm, this is nice blog, nice info, not a Republican or Dem but youthful people sure brainwashed to detestation Republicans gloomy.
# 23 nolan273 @ Nov 4
InSainn, Robin Hood was a criminal. Stealing is a crime no matter how or to whom you distribute the spoils...
# 24 HarveyCamper @ Nov 4
How can someone complain about the expansion of the fed under Bush when Obama has accrued a deficit larger than all the administrations combined in the history of the country.
And that stimulus has worked out really well, especially since the exhalted leader promised that unemployment wouldn't go over 8% if passed but instead now sits at 10%. Unemployment for the majority of Bush's administration sat at around 5% and the economy didn't really suffer until the democrat caused housing bubble burst. And that was thanks to the democrats pushing sub-prime mortgages for people who had no business buying a home. Anyone who was opposed to this was called a racist instead of a realist since the whole thing did blow up as predicted when those people couldn't make their house payments.
The republicans aren't perfect by any stretch, but I'll take my chances with a party that let's me keep my own money and thinks I'm smart enough to make my own decisions regarding who I choose to insure me.
Keep voting for your America-hating, big-government loving, death-tax punishing, gun stealing douche bag party!

Very good points well said!
# 25 ACW1000 @ Nov 4
I hope you vote democrat next time..No not really. Very thoughtful post that is presented as fact but is mostly opinion. You seem angry and bitter good luck with that.
# 26 HarveyCamper @ Nov 4
You seem angry and bitter good luck with that. lol This happens anytime people vote! When it costs a dollar for something and the goverment will sell it to you for fifty people call that stimulus, I call that a ripoff:0
# 27 BlackRome @ Nov 5
mjdel: Obama showed you the true amount of the Bush budgets. Bush used shadow budgets to hide the cost of the wars. They are in Obama's budget.

You have been lied to sir.
# 28 bfindeisen @ Nov 5
Ignorant people shouldn't talk politics.
# 29 Galarius @ Nov 5
BR, they BOTH spend(spent) way too much.....They both are expanding the federal government, which means they are shrinking OUR money and reducing our rights...And next up, Quantitative Easing 2, sure to send inflation through the roof.More money for the banks os they can payback China and Japan for all their bad decisions.I wish I could run a business into the ground and then get trillions in taxpayer dough, AND still keep my job
# 30 10yard-Fight @ Nov 5
I voted and to be perfectly honest, it didn't do anything positive for me personally or anyone that I personally know.

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