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Fanboys Hatred, Hypocrites and True Gamers! 
Posted on June 1, 2010 at 03:54 AM.

As I'm looking, reading and researching all the upcoming Sports titles and some that have already been released. I thought about a lot that has changed over the years, and why some things have gotten better and why others have gotten worse.

SUBJECT 1: Fanboys Hatred

One thing I can't stand more than anything are Fanboys and their hatred for a company. What annoys me the most is that he knows he hates this company, but anytime they try to market and advertise new product. He spends his daily time spamming up forums, reviews and other areas to show his hatred. I mean if you don't like them, then just shut the f..k up and move on. No sense in following everything they do, just so you can vent on how much they are ruining your life.

(WAKE UP)(These companies don't owe you anything, if you don't like their product, then don't buy it. But why spend countless hours and minutes of your day, posting and boasting on how much they suck, they've ruined your life for 4 to 5 years and so on.)

Last I checked, they didn't put a gun to your head and say buy our sh.t or die. You make a conscious decision to buy it, not the other way around.

2nd thing that Fanboys do, is rinse and repeat the same comparisons to games they don't like and make endless Youtube videos and things like that to try to get a point across.

(NOTE)(We get it already, you like the other game so much better, why continue to give your endless videos and words of how much the other titles are so much better. Happy for you, keep those post in the other games threads and stop trying to change the minds of people who don't feel the same way as you do.)

Which brings me to number 3, the Fanboys who want people on their side. They seek out the consumers who are enjoying the game and try to change their minds on their purchases. Fanboys buy games they hate, just so they can nitpick and find every flaw in the game and then post endless threads of all the things they have found wrong with the title.

See there are people like this, that makes other gamers upset, because those minor flaws or glitches are things the daily consumer will never see, unless it continuously thrown and shown down their throats.

And one thing that really amplifies the Fanboys rage and hatred, is when a consumer or multiple consumers, tell them. We aren't having that issue, or I'm not seeing that problem! And even worse, yeah it's minor not really a game killer.

(FANBOY'S RESPONSE) It's happening again, I've had it happen 30 times already. 10 more times on Thursday, 13 times on Saturday. AAAARRRRRGGGGHHH!

Yeah like he sat there with a pen and paper or even one of those clickers and calculated the amount of times it happened. If you hate it so much, why are you continuing to play the game, why not just trade it in. Or better yet, you knew you would hate it before you bought it, why did you get it? And then spend 2 weeks complaining on how you lost $60?

It's just the Fanboys way, you are never satisfied and you want everyone else to be miserable with you.

Fourth thing that Fanboys do that is also really annoying, is when they can't resist a new ad or marketing scheme from that other company, they sit and prey every forum and thread around the globe and post the same messages, on how it's hype, marketing tricks, and things like that.

(NOTE) It's called business, one day when you get a life, you'll understand how it works.

Even I must agree that some companies, drop some mediocre products and sometimes even fall short on small things. Are they game killers? No!

Did I lose $60? No! Did my dog die because this company forget to put a feature in, that the other company has had for years? No! But hey it's the way of the world! Live with it, don't ruin it for others.

(Tips for Fanboys)

1. Stop buying games you don't like

2. Get a girlfriend, put the company you do like t-shirt on her and love her. SMH!!!

3. Avoid all threads and forums of the companies you hate, you serve no purpose and continuously look like an *** and an ignorant child.

4. Stop wasting hours on Youtube videos of comparisons, that only 3% of the population gives a damn about.

5. Next time you want to post negatives about a product, have equal positives. That way all your post won't just seem 1 sided.



Hypocrites on OS and other forums, but since Operation Sports is my 3rd Home, let me talk about the family that is here.

Let's begin with a specific title that is turning heads and amazing the market right now.

BACKBREAKER - A new football, that's using a new physics engine called Euphoria. So far even from the demo the game showed promise and also a lot of short comings. But one key that really stood out, is the amazing customizations. Seems like they took the Forza motorsports editing tools and threw it into a football game.

One thing this game did, is bring all the Hypocrite gamers out of the wood works. I know you want me to explain that, so I will go into great details.

As even I must admit, that BACKBREAKER is a good first attempt at showing football in a new way, but come on. People act like it's the new Holy Grail of football.

These same people rip Madden NFL series apart about missing features, game modes and even other things. But the moment they get a game with Euphoria, then they go crazy.

Which brings me to a new point, that people are animation crazy, obviously not feature crazy because Backbreaker has no real features. Plus it's missing almost everything that makes a football game complete. Yet most of the people here are already giving it a 7 rating, an 8 to 9 rating and some even a 10. Well let's see here.

Things I find very hypocritical in this situation. Beginning with the NFL 2k5 comparison.

Player models are good, but pads looks like armor - winner 2k5

No real stadiums and super polygon crowds and same crowd noise - winner 2k5

No sidelines, referees, coaches, and slim playbooks - winner 2k5

Simple season mode, only limited can't carry over roster names, and nothing more than quick match and custom match - winner 2k5

Camera on field hard to see when passing, but running game is good, always blind side of view (innovative but kind of kills the efforts) - winner 2k5.

Has no commentary, sidelines reports, weekly nightly wrap-ups, or anything presentation wise - winner 2k5

Online roster sharing - winner neither (not featured in either game)

Customizations of teams, stadiums, and players - winner Backbreaker.

(NOTE)(Game does 1 thing better than 2k5, yet it's highly rated)

Same comparison to Madden NFL series - Backbreaker wins customizations only feature.)

But all the hypocrites on OS, that consistently bash Madden NFL series into the ground about missing features, referees, cheerleaders, commentary, or just overall presentation. Yet you praise Backbreaker and it has none of the above.

Not to mention a very poor camera on field to a lot of people if not majority that makes it hard to play.

The fact that you praise this game in such high regards, just shows you just hate Madden because EA / Tiburon makes it. Has nothing to do with the game. Because Madden NFL series has improved the last 2 outings, yet everyone still dogs it and calls it terrible and 2k5 is suppose to be better still, etc.

All you guys are hypocrites, giving Backbreaker the win, just because of animations? Really? Just shows it's not about the game, just as long as it's not made by EA.

You guys ruin games for a lot of people and this type of movement in gaming purchases and support, is why we live in a isolated and exclusive license type dilemma.

Still waiting on those videos, showing why 2k5 is better than BackBreaker, so far not one has been made. Amazing!!!


What OS needs to do is become a group of True Gamers!

What True Gamers do is simple, they evaluate games through an unbiased eye. We don't play with the mind state, that a game is going to suck, before we even remove the plastic.

We can enjoy games, that even with being average or semi-terrible, we can find some good things in them, that keep them playable and in the library. We don't judge based off the publisher or the development team. We do countless research on who makes the game at it's current state, not basing judgment based off passed outings.

We open our minds, respect the differences in directions, art, presentation and features between multiple products and companies.

True Gamers, understand that no game is ever perfect, but each one holds it's own torch into our library's of fire.

We need more true gamers and guys that are unbiased, people who can look outside the box, and stop looking into a closed mind of bitter hatred. We need gamers who are kids inside, but mentally adults, and knows how business works, not just the gaming political side of everything.

Unlike Fanboys and Hypocrites still living in fantasy land and the world of false hopes, that one day a rock will be flipped over and behold the perfect title, really exist. With technology being a computer and software. No combination has ever been perfect. Just ask

Either way, thanks for reading and game on gamers. This is just blog #1 as #2 will be about the basketball comparisons on the same subject.




ALL PRO FOOTBALL 2k8 - 1080p

MADDEN NFL 10 - 1080p

NFL 2k5 / 2k10 PROJECT - 1080p

# 1 davis420 @ Jun 1
Keep telling the truth Shadow!
# 2 Rickster101 @ Jun 1
Well know a mature post that makes sense of the state of affairs to some of us who do get it.

I guess you could say theres some truth to what you've just stated here and one of the reasons among others I don't post much these days.

Seems to be some pretty mean spirited members around here who post some things as you've stated. I've no issue with any of it these days I've been there and have done that and being one of the elder members around I've read some profound postings and check myself as not to reply to some of that stuff.

Yet we all are free to speak and express ourselves within the rules of this site as not to enrage or offend anyone member or not and thats all one can ask for, just be sure as not to be rude in how you express yourselves and keep it in a fair context.

Your blog should wake some members up so they can check themselves and expressing ones opinion isn't a bad thing. I don't want to alarm or cause any bells to go off but like I said I had to back away for awhile life got complicated at times and I found that there were other things more impotant then reading some of this crazy stuff.

Take it easy on some of these guys they're just gamers who are abit over hyped about some things, in time I'm sure they will look back and say wow did I really say that and check themselve as to be true to what they're seeing in the real world that being that these are just games and life is real enough without having to stress over what EA and/or whoever is doing with their product if you really want to help out use constructive critisim instead of hating and bashing they do read these threads and I'm sure their not just taking your money but buisness is just that buisiness so have fun and just calm down you don't have to buy their product but you do have the right to express your opinion which inturn my help them to produce a better product...we are all consumers and we have the right to let them know what we think and feel about an inferior product in order to have them produce better ones...just a few things I wanted to say and I mean no offense to anyone here have a good day and enjoy something real, like life itself its worth living trust me I've been there and have done that.
# 3 Rickster101 @ Jun 1
Oh bye the way excuse some of my grammer and spelling its been awhile since I've actually posted anything as self expressing as I have in this blog I hope it does serves a useful purpose and enlightens all of us.
# 4 Hova57 @ Jun 1
very good blog shadow, True gamers get blitzed alot when they praise an aspect of the game. I consider myself a true gamer. I liked every madden shortcomings or not. I learned to deal with whatever glitches present themselves and look on to have fun with the game. This board can change you from time to time on your opinion , but you have to step back and realize they didn't buy the game for you. I tried to appreciate BB but once i actually researched the game and what the engine does. I realized alot of praise for the game was really on for the unlimited tackles. but what ever if you like more power to you. Thanks shadow for putting this out there.
# 5 malachijohn666 @ Jun 1
Great bolg post Shadow!

I agree with your sentiments.
# 6 charter04 @ Jun 1
Great blog. I have been on OS for about a year and I get so tired of the fanboys also. So many people were calling Backbreaker the best football game ever and giving it a 10 out of 10 after playing the demo a couple of times. I understand that its a new IP, but come on. Be a little more objective. I love sports games. The football games are my favorite. I have been a fan of the Madden and NCAA series because I enjoy them. Not because I worship EA. I have never played a football video game that I did not find flaws in. I go back to John Elway, Tecmo Bowl, Tecmo Super Bowl on NES. Those games were fun but had many Flaws. The first madden game I played seemed great at the time, it had flaws. Joe Montana and even the Holy 2k5 Had flaws. I have 2k5 and when you sim a season on 15 min qts. RBs get like 3000 yrds adn QBs get like 5000! I just am so tired of people who hate EA football games spending so much time picking it a part. Just play the games and have fun. I played the Backbreaker demo and it was fun. There is a lot to like about it, but it has lots of flaws. Just because someone hates EA doesn't mean you have to blindly give 10's to games that are probubly a 7. All Pro 2k8, Backbreaker, and yes even Madden all have brought some really great things to the table. If you love playing football video games then just enjoy them. Save your criticism for the people who make the games. That will make a difference. Fill out surveys or whatever. Football video games are suposed to be fun, not a job to be a game tester.
# 7 charter04 @ Jun 1
I still play madden 10 and NCAA 10 right now. I really like those games and it seems the next versions will be awesome. Didn't what it to sond like I hate the madden or NCAA series.
# 8 bigsmallwood @ Jun 1
Look forward t seeing what you say about Basketball...
# 9 Gosens6 @ Jun 1
I couldn't agree more with EVERYTHING you said, specifically the part about Backbreaker. Way to tell the truth, man!
# 10 TreyIM2 @ Jun 1
Where's my damn hand clap animation....oh, here it is Hope it works.
# 11 TreyIM2 @ Jun 1
It does
# 12 HiTEqMETHOD @ Jun 1
Agree with everything except the use of the "True Gamer" moniker, sounds a little too elitist. It's like when NERDY (not all Halo players...) Halo kids say noob or BK to refer to other players. There are plenty of times where I've seen posters here on OS refer to themselves as "True Gamers" as if it justifies something they said or makes their opinion more important.
# 13 SouthernBrick @ Jun 1
"But all the hypocrites on OS, that consistently bash Madden NFL series into the ground about missing features, referees, cheerleaders, commentary, or just overall presentation. Yet you praise Backbreaker and it has none of the above."

I disagree with that. Everyone knew(if they were following the game) BB wouldn't have commentary because, it was meant to be from the players perspective so how can you expect them to have that? That would defeat the point of "being on the field" and cheerleaders have been one of the last things I've heard/read people wanting/complaining in madden. Madden is a braodcast type football game and commentary(sucked)/presentation got better but, is still lacking A LOT. I'm going to buy both games so I am not on one side or the other although I do want EA to lose their exclusive license(but really, who doesn't?).

I understand what your saying though with people praising BB even when they don't have everything Madden has. It's because, Madden is held at a higher standard than BB plain and simple.
# 14 stlstudios189 @ Jun 1
good post man.
# 15 CreatineKasey @ Jun 1
Good post. I know exactly the type of poster you're talking about. It gets really old reading the same old regurgitated remarks disparaging EA. It just conditions me to avoid that poster's opinion in the future.

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