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Barbatrucco's Blog
Posted on August 6, 2014 at 01:53 AM.
The real news about NBA2K15 is the court more bigger than past edition so more space to create scheme movements.

Finally. I told for years that players in the NBA 2K were too big and took up too much space on the court. The right proportions of real players / court were those of NBA Live 14. This aspect inevitably fall back on the gameplay and especially on the scheme. There will be more space to make cuts or dribble and escape collisions.

# 1 TerryP @ Aug 6
What's your source for this information?
# 2 Barbatrucco @ Aug 6
My source is deduction.
And i also deduct that now the player / court proportion is exactly the same of Nba 2K14 Euroleague Friedly match between Euro players and Euro court so it's probably that this year you can put Euroleague players in Nba team and viceversa.
# 3 bubbaman11 @ Aug 7
C'mon now, you can't compare it to you and 9 other guys at your local gym/park. Do you know how big someone who's 7' with a nearly 8' wingspan is? Dude can fill the paint by himself. It's 94x50', figure 40x50' in a half court offense. That with 10 freakish athletes that total 65' tall with 70' wingspans? Don't kid yourself, it should be NHL rink is more than 3x the area.
# 4 Swauny Jones @ Aug 7
Dang... I was hoping the HOT NEWS would be new functional servers for this years game...... *sigh* I can only dream of the day 2K actually fixes this issue once and for all.
# 5 Barbatrucco @ Aug 7
It's obvious that the Nba 2K15 court is bigger then past Nba 2K, look at the pic.
# 6 bubbaman11 @ Aug 7
I agree it looks bigger, and I certainly appreciate your wanting more spacing/opportunities for creativity, etc. Let's hope its not unrealistically so...kobe looks like hes playing with some high school kids is all I'm saying...we'll see I guess
# 7 supermanemblem @ Aug 9
I've been saying that player to field proportions have been out of whack in sports games since the last generation, and it has a big impact on the realism in my opinion. Open up the spacing and improve the collision detection and NBA2K could get my money this year.
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